"Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation. ."--2 Pet. 3:3-4

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Period 2:  Of the Wandering

Period 3: Of the Judges
Period 4:  Of the Kings
Period 5: Of the Times of the Gentiles
Period 6: Of the Latter Days

Shishak (historically Sheshonk I) is said to have invaded Israel in the fourth year of Rehoboam, which according to our Chronology would be the year 974 BC. Shishak, however, is not said by modern Chronologists to have reigned till 950 - 929 BC, which would be 24 to 44 years later. How was this possible? 

The Pharaoh in 974 BC (the date of our Chronology for Shishak's invasion) is thought by modern historians and Egyptologists to have been Orsocon I. Orsocon I was Pharaoh from 979 - 973 BC. He was of Libyan descent, and marked the first of the Libyans to continue their Libyan names and culture, while at the same time affirming to be Egyptians and carrying on true Egyptian traditions. Orsocon I's immediate successor is not known with any accuracy. Many differing views exists, some suggesting Orsocon I, Psusennes II, and even Shishak himself reigned in this unclear period. The existing Egyptian record suggests that Orsokon I was followed by Psusennes II, another Libyan/Egyptian and the man who the Egyptian record shows bestowed the title of King upon Shishak. It was Shishak, king of the Egyptians, (not Pharaoh) who came against Rehoboam.
1 Kings 14:25-26 "And it came to pass in the fifth year of king Rehoboam, that Shishak king of Egypt came up against Jerusalem: And he took away the treasures of the house of the LORD, and the treasures of the king's house; he even took away all: and he took away all the shields of gold which Solomon had made."

Psusennes II is not known to be Pharaoh till 964 BC. Both Orsocon I and Psusennes II were Libyans, though claiming to be Egyptians, and they laid the foundation for Shishak, a Libyan loyalist to come in and permanently set the Libyan culture and political system as the rule for Egypt. Shishak is credited with being the founder of the 22nd Dynasty, sometimes referred to historically as the Libyan rule. Shishak named his first son and heir Orsocon (historically Orsocon II). Shishak is known to have been a general under Psusennes II, and probably occupied the same rank under Orsocon I. His invasion of Jerusalem, then, in BC 974 would not be while he was Pharaoh, but at an earlier time when he commanded Egypt's armies for one of his predecessors who he loyally served.

Chronologists tend to put the reign of Rehoboam considerably later than 970 BC, usually placing it in the 920s BC. in an attempt to blend the rule of Pharaoh Sheshonk with the rule of Rehoboam. This is due to at least three errors. First, their failure to understand that Shishak was crowned King of Egypt before he was Pharaoh. Second, their confusion in trying to harmonize the kings of Israel with the Kings of Judah which cannot be done in any chronological sense. And third, from the traditional dating of the Assyrian Kings as explained elsewhere in this Chronology.

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