Seduction Chamber Part1



They led me blindfolded into the seduction chamber. It was part of the ritual. I was wearing a long, white, sleeveless, flowing gown - like that of a Greek goddess -- and had permanent leather bracelets around my wrists and ankles. They had fasteners so that they could be attached to chains or ropes or to each other. My wrist bracelets were attached to chains that my hooded attendants used to control me. The room was circular with a bed on a rotating stand in the middle. Next to the bed was a table with every kind of sexual aid imaginable - vibrators, salves, whips, gags, collars, foods, drinks, nipple clips, paddles - anything you could possibly want. A glass wall - slightly magnified from the other side -- separated me from the people. The participants were on the lowest level -- the closest to me. The spectators were in rows above them... there were probably hundreds who paid to see me. 

For the next four hours, I would be their entertainment. 

My two attendants stood on either side of me and removed my gown at the shoulder. It fell to the ground around my ankles, revealing my firm breasts and lean toned body. My long auburn hair cascaded down my back - it was perfect hair for holding and pulling and manipulating for control. They removed my blindfold so that I could look into the eyes of my future "owners" - the ones who would use me in whatever manner they desired for their personal satisfaction - the "people of the night," as I preferred to call them. 

My attendants paraded me slowly around the room. I looked into the eyes of those who had given their money to fuck me. Men and women - couples and singles and groups - all were there to have their fantasies fulfilled. I looked deeply into their eyes - licking my lips when they stared back at me. At one point I ran up to the window, startling a young woman looking nervous and apprehensive. I licked the glass in front of her as I would lick her clit - slowly and snake-like. I could see her chest heaving with fear and desire. It made me want her. When I passed a man with a leer on his face, I held my breasts up to him and pressed them against the glass. I clawed at the barrier between us, letting him know that I couldn't wait to get to him. I watched his expression change from a leer to lust. I knew he wanted me badly. 

After I circled the room, assessing the night's guests, my attendants led me to the bed where they removed their chains and attached ten-foot long leather ropes to my bracelets - giving me enough room to complete any task necessary. The ropes were adjustable and were on an electric pulley system where the ropes could be rotated from one side of the bed to the other, so that I could be positioned on my back or on my front. They could be pulled tightly for certain acts, and released for others. All possibilities had been taken into account. I was a human toy to be fondled and probed and penetrated and used in any way the paying customers would like. 

I was chosen for this. Some may say I was kidnapped and forced into this, but in my case that is not entirely true. It is a fact that I was lured into their lair and then held against my will, but when I found out what I would be doing, I was eager to allow it. They told me that if I did as they asked and did it well, I would be treated royally. I would be their prisoner in a gilded cage. I listened to them... fearful yet excited. I needed endless sex... my God, I had prayed for it. No one person had ever been enough to satisfy me. That it should come in this form did not negate the fact that I was getting my wish. 

I stared up at the people as the voice over the speaker instructed me, "Prepare yourself now." The soft, low, pulsing music began. The room dimmed, and a soft spotlight focused on me. The bed began to rotate slowly clockwise. I looked into the eyes of each person as the bed turned. My stare told them they would be satisfied. My fingers moved toward my body in a slow, delicate, almost choreographed dance lightly touching my body. They outlined my face and throat, then slowly crisscrossed down my body touching it only with my nails, the leather ropes giving me the feeling of more than my own hands stroking me. When they brushed over my nipples, I sucked in air hard and moaned - a bit more loudly than expected. They could hear my every sound, and I wanted them all to know that I was hot and eager for them. My moan reverberated in the chamber and I saw movement from my people of the night. They were restless for more. 

My nipples became erect and hard. My fingers continued to trace down my body. I bent my knees and spread my legs for everyone to see. I knew that the lighting in the room would focus on the part between my legs and it would let them know that I was wet and hungry for sex. Those who were waiting for the bed to turn toward them strained to see. My fingernails moved down my thighs to my knees, then up the insides of my legs. They circled my inner thighs and I writhed slowly. I teased myself for a while, scraping the juices with my fingernail and sucking the taste from it with my full lips. 

I pinched my nipples, pulling them between my fingers, rubbing them with my palms. I arched my body as if I was begging myself for satisfaction. My hands again moved down my body to the center of my sexual heat. I pulled my vaginal lips apart and teased my clit. My juices glistened under the spotlight. I focused on a man who had leaned forward in his seat, watching me breathlessly. My tongue circled my thick lips; I saw his breath steaming the glass. 

I allowed two of my fingers to sink into me, coating them with my sweet wetness. I brought them to my mouth and sucked hungrily on them. I loved my own taste and smell. Then I began in earnest... stroking my clit with increasing pressure. I moaned and writhed on the bed, pushing my body up for more. 

Most of the people of the night were leaning forward now. I stared into their eyes with lust. My fingers moved faster against my clit. The leather ropes that held me prisoner slithered back and forth across the bed as I strained for an orgasm. I filled the room with my groaning as I reached for my peak. A glistening sheen of moisture covered my body and I closed my eyes and allowed the orgasm to course through my body. It ripped through me, shaking my body uncontrollably. 

As soon as the last throes of my orgasm diminished, my eyes snapped open. I wanted more and I wanted it immediately. I stood up on the bed and pulled against the restraints like a caged animal. I was ready for them. As the bed turned, I stood there until it came full circle, then I pointed at the man next to the door entering the chamber. He and the woman next to him stood up, opened the door, and entered. The rest of the people on the bottom row moved down two chairs. 

It was going to be a good night. 

Seduction Chamber Part 2

He was a large, burly man. He had his hand clamped firmly on the arm of the petite woman with him, almost dragging her into the chamber. I stood on the rotating bed and watched them approach. I was not to speak unless instructed, so all I could do was watch and wait. I was hot and turned on from stroking myself in front of the hundreds of onlookers, and could barely keep from beckoning them to hurry over to me. They had paid for their time with me - I wanted them to get the most out of it. 

He pulled on the reluctant woman's arm until they were on the platform with me. I moved as far toward them as possible, falling to my hands and knees on the bed before them. The man moved forward and grabbed my long hair with his free hand, pulling it back roughly and kissing me hard. My tongue darted out to taste him. I probed his mouth hungrily until he yanked my hair back and pulled me away. He said, "You'll use that tongue on my wife." I saw her shrink back from me, but he held her so tightly there was no escape. He said to her, "This was your idea, Carla. You told me that a woman could turn on another woman better than a man. Now you're going to find out." 

"Jerry, please! Don't make me do this!" I watched the play unfold before me. He grabbed a gag from the table of sexual aids and stopped her pleas. He attached bracelets to her wrists so that she could be more restrained than I was. Then he told her to undress. Carla hung her head, avoiding the stares of the onlookers and unbuttoned her blouse. Her chest heaved in fear, and I noticed tears falling on the floor in front of her. She slowly removed her blouse... very slowly. Her breasts were fairly small, encased in a tiny black bra with a front clasp. Her hands trembled as she unclasped the bra and let it fall to the floor. She didn't need to wear a bra at all, as her breasts stood out without a hint of sagging. I gazed at her body, wishing she would hurry. 

Jerry shook her to get her to move faster, and she reached down to unzip her pants. I watched them slide down her legs to the floor. She reached her trembling hands into her black panties and slid them down also. She stood naked in front of me. I could see a glistening of wetness on her blonde pubic hair, and knew that her reluctance must also be mixed with some anticipation for what I could do to and for her. She raised her head and looked into my eyes. I licked my lips and leaned toward her; she leaned back and gasped through her gag. I couldn't mask my hunger for her. 

I looked up and watched the people staring at the tableau. Slowly the platform turned so that all could see Carla's nakedness. She tried to shrink from view, but Jerry grabbed her arms and pushed her over to the bed. He brought her hands behind her back and locked the bracelets to each other. He commanded that she get on the bed in front of me, and grabbed a rope from the table to tie her bracelets to the bed rail. She struggled in fear, but had no choice but to be trapped on her knees in front of me. 

He put his hands in between her legs and forced them apart. She nearly fell over trying to hold her knees together, but the rope around her bracelets held her up. He looked at me and commanded, "Eat her now." 

I felt like a panther moving in for the kill of my trapped victim. Slowly, on my hands and knees, I crawled towards Carla. I watched her shake before me, and it only made me want her more. I heard her whimper as I reached her legs. My tongue reached out and licked her thigh once. I moved up further and breathed hot air on her pubic hair. Her scent was strong and sweet. I wanted to plunge my tongue into her then, but held back, deciding instead to sample the delicious-looking breasts she was forced to present to me. 

My hands moved up the sides of her body. Tears streamed down her face as she stared at me, shaking uncontrollably. I licked slowly up her belly, probing her navel, sliding up between her breasts to her neck. I could hear her heart pounding in her chest. I pretended I was going to bite her neck, then stopped short and sucked instead. I let the shock set in a moment, then I licked beneath her chin to the other side of her neck, and faked another bite. Her body was rigid. My body pressed against hers, rubbing and pushing her backward, until she grabbed for the bed rail to hold herself up. She was still trembling, but I felt a warmth sweep through her body. 

I was conscious of the silence in the chamber, broken only by our heavy breathing. I glanced beyond Carla to Jerry. He had taken off his clothes, and was rubbing his hard cock slowly. I stared at him, closing my eyes then opening them - the way a cat does to indicate acknowledgement - then concentrated again on Carla. I licked my way down her neck to her breasts. I opened my mouth wide, and engulfed her right breast. My tongue circled her nipple, as I sucked and pulled back slightly. I felt her nipple harden. My teeth closed in on it and held it in a firm grip as my tongue flicked quickly over it. I felt her shudder, and I knew it was no longer from fear. 

My wet lips moved to her other breast where I chose to suck only on the nipple until it was erect and hard. The groan that I heard through Carla's gag was one of pleading. I looked up into her eyes and saw the begging. I took her breast into my mouth and looked at her again. Her eyes were closed. I concentrated on her nipples until the platform we were on had made a complete revolution in the chamber. All eyes could see the transition Carla had made. I looked over at Jerry. He seemed both angry and excited. His hand squeezed his cock and rubbed faster. He reached over to the table and grabbed a condom. It was one of the rules of the chamber that he had to wear one. 

I knew that she now wanted me. She wanted to feel my tongue slide between her vaginal lips and taste her sweet juices. It turned me on to know that. She groaned through her gag and spread her legs further for me. She watched the top of my head move down. My hands grabbed her hips and held them firmly, pulling her down further so that I could have better access. I licked her wet, curly hair, savoring the taste of her juices. Each time I licked, I probed a little deeper, a little harder. My tongue slid between her lips, lapping at her, but avoiding her clit. She pushed herself at me, trying to get me to lick her there. Her body had turned hard and her muscles were taut. 

I felt Jerry get on the bed behind me. I was still on my knees -- my body beckoning penetration from behind. He rubbed his cock between my legs, coating it with my come before forcing it inside me. "I'll get mine, too," he promised under his breath. He pushed himself deeply into me, and at that moment, I reached my tongue out to Carla's clit. She groaned loudly through her gag. I went with the rhythm of Jerry's thrusts. Each time he pushed his cock into me, I flicked my tongue against her clit. 

It wasn't long before she could no longer hold back. She came in a strong orgasm, bucking against me. Jerry was still pounding into me, so I continued to lash at her clit with each thrust. After her spasms subsided, Carla cried and tried to pull away, but was trapped and had no choice. I lapped at her, feeling my own orgasm rise inside me with the friction of Jerry's cock. He held onto my hips and pushed himself as far and as hard into me as he could. His panting told me he was close. I flicked my tongue faster on Carla, my fingers digging into her hips. Her body froze in a second orgasm as Jerry groaned with his own. We stayed in that position, the waves of ecstasy rushing over them, until they both fell back in exhaustion. 

I hadn't come. There hadn't been enough time. I needed it so badly, but I wasn't allowed to do anything about it after the initial preparation. I lay back on the bed panting, waiting for Carla to be released from her bondage and led away. The rope holding her to the bed was untied, and her bracelets were removed. She couldn't take her eyes off of me. As Jerry led her away, she kept looking back at me. She would never be the same. 

My hooded attendants came out and wiped the sweat from my body with cool cloths. Even their touches sent rushes through me. I needed release soon. They put all of the items on the table back in place - ready for the next customer. I gazed around the room and decided by the returned stares that I had satisfied. Then I looked to the next customers, wondering if they would be able to satisfy me. I couldn't tell. I'd just have to wait, I guess. 

The chamber door opened, and my next customers approached the platform. 

Seduction Chamber Part 3

How did I get to this place? How was it possible that my life had turned into a circus called The Seduction Chamber, where I was the featured act? 

It was a couple of months ago. I had been through the usual with my current boyfriend. He came home from work that night, and I was waiting for him with drinks in my hands and no clothes on my body. I could tell that John had had a hard day at work, but he still smiled when he saw me and took the drink I offered. I took the briefcase from him and set it on the floor. "Darling, you know what I want." 

John sipped his drink slowly and looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "Is it going to be like last night, Shelly?" 

"I'll try not to ask for more, John. I just need you now. Please make love to me." 

He took our drinks and set them on the coffee table. I tried to rush into his arms, but he held me back. "Not like that. My pace." 

I hated not getting it the way I wanted, but I hated even worse not getting it at all, so I acquiesced. I stood in front of him, watching him slowly remove his clothes. He seemed to enjoy making me wait. At one point he stopped, leaned into me and kissed me lightly on the mouth. When I tried to put my hand on his neck to prolong the kiss, he pulled back again and resumed his slow undressing. 

I felt like a child being punished for not picking up her toys, but I waited. When he was finally naked, he reached for my hand and led me to the bedroom. When he pushed me back on the bed, he said, "Don't ask me for anything. If you do, you won't get it." 

John crawled on top of me and kissed me. I wasn't sure what I could and couldn't do. I wanted to wrap my body around his and feel his cock rubbing against my belly. I wanted to coat his neck with my kisses. But mostly I wanted his sex... right then, right away. He knew that. That's the way I always want it - hard and fast and often. 

He probed with his tongue. I kissed him in return, trying not to be overly zealous. I felt his cock brush over my groin, and I fought the urge to raise up to meet it. I felt like a caged animal waiting for the zookeeper to turn his back. John's kisses moved down my body. He lingered on my breasts, sucking them slowly and gently. I allowed my hands to move up and down his arms in a soft caress. He didn't protest. My foot slid up his leg and back down. John was enjoying the moment. I could hear his breathing quicken. 

His cock grew hard and pressed into me. I moaned, wanting to feel it inside me. I knew he wouldn't want me to just lie there like a rock, so I reacted to him. I fell into his rhythm and let him take the lead. I molded my body to his and whispered, "Yes, baby. It feels so good. I love the way you love me." 

He spread my legs and settled in between them. He coated his cock in my juices, sliding it over my clit again and again. I was so wet that it slid smoothly and effortlessly... the constant rubbing against my clit driving me wild. I gripped his arms in ecstasy, writhing against him... pleading with my movement for more. 

In one motion, he plunged his cock deeply into me and held there a moment. My vaginal muscles contracted around it and squeezed. The feeling was glorious. John rose up on his knees and began to pump into me. I reached down to continue rubbing my clit - it made me squeeze his cock even harder and he responded with a moan of pleasure. I let my fingers play over myself faster, as John pumped harder. I whispered roughly, "Make me come, John. Fuck me harder." 

I watched the sweat form on his face as he forced himself into me again and again. I felt my reward pushing itself to the surface - my fingers dancing over my clit... just a little more... almost there. I listened to him moan and felt his cock grow towards his own orgasm. With a low scream I came hard. I grabbed him and held him tightly until he, too, came. We both held onto each other while the feelings subsided, then John rolled off to the side and looked at me. 

He pulled my face to his and kissed me. "Nice way to end the work day, Love. Interested in getting some supper?" 

I smiled, "I know something I could eat." I started to kiss his chest, then move down his body. The way his body stiffened, though, told me that I had crossed the line. 

John pulled at my arms and brought me back up to face him. "Goddammit, Shelly!" 

I could almost predict what he was going to say. It had happened to me so many times. At first they all tried to accommodate me, but eventually I wanted too much. Both men and women tried to live up to my needs, but none of them could. I listened to John go on and on about my never being satisfied. I listened to myself make the same feeble protests I always made when it came to this. I recognized the signs of the end of another relationship. I got dressed and walked out the door. 

I walked down the street to a local bar. I was angry but still incredibly hot - half of me wanted to seduce the first person who looked my way, but the other half knew that whomever I chose would be a disappointment to me. I put my money on the counter, and the bartender brought me my usual drink. I sat on the stool with my elbows on the counter surveying the clientele. Former lovers turned their heads when they saw the look in my eye. Strangers stared with interest, but I doubted if any of them could give me what I needed. 

I finished my first drink, and started on a second, when I felt a presence next to me. I turned to look into the face of a well-dressed businessman - a stranger to me, but somehow familiar. He was nothing special looks-wise, but there something about him that held my interest. He tipped his drink to me, then said, "Are you Shelly?" 

I wasn't surprised. My reputation in this place was well known. I shrugged, and gave the man a "What's it to you?" look. 

"A man named Dwayne mentioned you to me. Do you remember him?" 

I remembered Dwayne as one who started out eagerly, then gave up like the rest of them. "One of many," I said to the stranger. 

He smiled. "Dwayne said you were candid. I was talking to him about a need that I have, and he thought you might be able to fulfill it. May I buy you a drink?" 

I rolled my eyes, but took the drink. He didn't look dangerous - maybe I'd get a good fuck out of it. 

"Since you were candid with me, I will be with you, too. Dwayne said that you had a problem with satisfaction. He told me that no one person could ever be enough for you. He also told me that you were an incredible lover. Is that true?" 

"Regarding the satisfaction part, it certainly looks that way. Regarding the lover part, yes, I am." I wasn't sure how to take this guy, and I was getting irritated. "Look, I don't know what you're trying to get at, but if you want to fuck me, just say so." 

He looked deeply into my eyes. "With me, you can be satisfied." 

I almost spit out my drink. This guy was too funny. "No offense, whatever-your-name-is, but I can't tell you the number of times I've heard that. But if you want to try, I'm horny as hell and you'll do for now." 

He didn't change expressions, but took the drink out of my hand and set it on the counter. He took my arm and led me toward the door, saying, "You can call me Benton." 

I wasn't ready for the limousine. I also wasn't ready for him to hold me back when we got inside. I figured that he was a rich man who wanted a night of sex, but he was sending me mixed signals. He poured me some champagne and talked about mundane things. The limousine driver carried us across town to an area with which I was unfamiliar. I started to become uneasy, but Benton kept pouring the champagne and filling the time with chit-chat. By the time we arrived at our destination, I was feeling the alcohol and maybe something else, and it was enough to be led around easily. 

"One thing, Shelly. I guard my privacy. You'll have to wear a blindfold." 

It was too bizarre, but by this time I didn't care. I allowed Benton to cover my eyes and lead me into the building. The mysteriousness added a sexual tension to the situation. I asked him, "When can you give me what I need?" 

He didn't say anything. He walked me up some stairs and into a quiet room. He removed my clothes. I moaned when his hands brushed over my nipples, and tried to lean in to kiss him. He pushed me back, and began to caress my body. I felt his hands tracing the contours, squeezing my breasts, sliding down my legs and up the inside. When he reached between my legs, he pressed his finger inside me and drew it out slowly. I heard him suck on his finger. He walked me over to a chair and made me sit on it. The chair felt like a recliner, but it was different. 

He reached for my arm, and in a low, firm voice said, "Shelly, I'm going to restrain you. It would be wise if you didn't protest. You and I both have needs. I can fulfill yours and you can fulfill mine. Cooperate with me and we will both be satisfied." 

I guess there comes a point, where out of a lifetime frustration and desire, one just gives in. This was that time for me. I had had nothing but failed relationships, unsatisfying sex, and unrealized goals all of my life. I was tired of all of it. 

I said nothing as I felt something clamp my wrists to the arms of the chair. I only groaned softly when my legs were spread apart and secured up and out from the chair. My body was exposed and I couldn't see. I just waited. 

I heard Benton leave the room, then return a few minutes later. There were others with him. They gathered around me, making comments. "She's beautiful." "Do you think she can do it?" "The long hair is good." "Her lips are full." 

I felt hands on me... so many hands. I writhed beneath their touch. The chair was adjusted so that my head leaned back. I pulled against the restraints. 

I felt two sets of lips on my breasts. I think one was a man and one was a woman. They pulled and sucked and licked on my nipples. 

I heard Benton's voice. "Shelly, the people here all work for me. We have a chamber of sex and passion. People pay money to watch and participate in their sexual fantasies." 

I felt someone crawl between my legs. A tongue began lapping at my juices. Hands continued to slide over my body. My nipples were hard and stimulated from the mouths that sucked on them. 

"We look for people like you - people who can't get enough - people who are never satisfied. We can give you what you need while you give us what the audience is craving." 

The tongue lapping between my legs started moving in. It flickered over my clit, sending shocks through my body. 

"We are very careful about whom we choose to please our customers. I've been watching you for several months now. I wouldn't have approached you if I didn't think you would fit in." 

I felt something on my face. A hard cock rubbed over my lips. I opened my mouth to take it in. 

"We can give you all of the sex that you want. I know that you can please our customers." 

More mouths descended on my body. I was writhing in the sensations. I sucked on the man's cock, urging it deeper into my throat. I heard him say, "She's good, Benton." 

"The thing is, Shelly, because our organization is private, we must maintain a strict secrecy. You will live with us from now on. You won't be allowed outside of the organization." 

The tongues licked and sucked on me. I felt a vibrator inserted into my vagina and a finger into my anus. Fingers ran over the parts of my body that weren't covered by someone's mouth. The cock in my mouth pulsed as I opened my throat to swallow. 

"We hope you'll see it our way, and become a part of us. If you cooperate, we'll treat you like a queen." 

The tongue between my legs flicked mercilessly against my clit. The countless mouths on the rest of my body lapped and sucked furiously at me. I arched my back to beg for release. I felt every nerve in my being heightened to the point of no return. They seemed to sense that I was on the edge and increased their pace. I couldn't hold back, and came in an explosion I have never felt before... one that reached my core and seemed to continue for minutes. I remember swallowing the come that shot down my throat, then collapsing back on the chair. 

Now, soft, gentle strokes of the tongues of my many lovers covered my naked body. They licked at me like the gentle waves on the shore of a lake. It was incredible. 

"You are ours now, Shelly. You belong to us. Welcome to the Seduction Chamber. Tell me, how do you feel?" 

With the blindfold still on, I couldn't see the people who were waiting for me to speak. I could only hear the sounds of their sucking and licking and breathing. I slowly turned my head towards Benton's voice, and whispered, "When do I get more?" 

I watched the next customers enter the Chamber. There were three of them... college age I would say. I smiled to myself and thought, "This won't take long." 

Seduction Chamber - Part Four

The three college boys marched into the chamber and headed for me. They seemed nervous, but covered it with a false bravado. I had a difficult time acting seriously, but the customers paid to see it all regardless of the clientele, and it was my job to keep the customers satisfied. I held my arms out to the boys and beckoned for them. 

I recognized one of them. He'd come to the chamber before and ridden me from behind. I liked that. These were rich boys who got their thrills in the chamber. I winked at him in recognition, and he punched his buddies in the arms. I heard him say, "See, I told you she'd remember me. I'm too good to forget. Hey, Shelly, I brought a couple of my friends. They wanna see how hot you are. I told 'em you'd make 'em come. Tell 'em." 

Permission to speak had been granted. "I'll make all of you come -- you just tell me how you like it... one underneath, one in my ass, and one in my mouth? Or do you want to watch while I do you one at a time?" 

The ringleader came closer. I was on my knees in front of him on the bed -- I reached out and grabbed his hand and put it between my legs. "See how hot I am for you, Baby?" I rubbed his hand over my mound and pushed his fingers between my lips. I held a tit up to him. He opened his mouth and sucked eagerly, fucking me with his fingers. I was so hot from pleasing the previous couple that I held onto him tightly, determined to come before the frustration became too intense. 

The other two stood back with their mouths open. They watched me grind against their friend's hand - he seemed so surprised by my forcefulness that he didn't have time to protest. I came too quickly for him to react, and fell back on the bed, pulling him on top of me. I brought his hand to my mouth and licked my juices off. He was still in his clothes, but I felt his hard cock straining against the fabric of his jeans. Breathlessly I whispered to him, "So who's first?" 

The bed rotated, and the audience watched three young men strip faster than I thought possible. Three hard cocks sprung from their underwear. Three condom packages ripped open. "Let me suck one of you... please." My restraints were still loose from the previous encounter, so I had plenty of room to maneuver. 

The boy I'd had before directed the circus. "Paul, you get underneath. Make her ride you. John, you put it in her ass. Her mouth is mine." 

Paul leaped on the bed like an over-zealous puppy and pulled me on top of him, so that I was facing the side of the bed. His cock stood straight up for me, waiting for me to sink down on it. I leaned over him, my breasts hanging down over his chest. I reached down and grabbed his cock, squeezing it and rubbing it up and down between my lips... spreading my wetness from my clit to my anus, just in case John forgot to use a lubricant. Paul started pumping before I even had him inside me. 

John crawled behind me and pushed his cock at my anus. It was a tight fit, and he wasn't making much progress. Meanwhile, Paul was going at me like a freight train. John gasped, "I can't get it in, Rick. What do I do?" 

"Get some jelly from the table, you idiot." 

I heard John scrambling to the table and back, and I felt Rick's hands grab my hair and pull my head up to face his cock. He stood in front of me, the tip of his cock rubbing against my mouth. I pursed my lips to try to tease him. He pulled harder on my hair and forced my mouth open. 

I felt a handful of lubricant slathered quickly in and around my anus, and another attempt by John to force his cock in. This time he succeeded, burying himself deeply inside my ass. 

It took a little time for the boys to get their rhythm straight. Well, actually, they never did really get it right, but they didn't seem to mind, and I didn't mind. I had all my openings filled. They were each getting what they wanted. Paul grabbed my breasts and pulled on them as he pushed up at me. John held my hips and plunged his cock into my ass again and again. Rick pulled my head back further for a deeper penetration in my throat. The bed turned, and the audience watched. 

Paul came first. I listened to his groans and knew he wouldn't last long. When he fell out of me, John pulled up on my hips and fucked me harder. I felt his cock explode inside my ass. He stayed inside me - the sweat from his exertion falling in little drops on my back. 

Rick was close, too. He placed both hands on my head and held it in the position that served his straining cock the best. Then he, too, came. 

The whole session may have lasted ten minutes. They came. They "came." They left... patting each other on the backs in the glory of the moment. It was difficult to keep from laughing. "You're the greatest, Shelly." "You're so hot." "Didja get enough?" "We probably spoiled you for the rest of the customers." 

I watched them as they walked out and called out, "You're the best, boys." 

The attendants came in to prepare me for the next participant. I looked at the person sitting next to the chamber door. He was large and dark looking. He wore black. I guessed he was alone, because the person next to him didn't seem to be there with him. There was something frightening about him, but I shook off the feeling. He was going to give me sex. That was all that was important. The three boys were an amusement, but now I needed something more substantial. This guy looked like he could give it to me. 

To be continued... 


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