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Now A Monthly Publication


U.S. & BRITAIN; Supports Zionist-Isreali Terrorism


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A Long History of Murder and Terrorism

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Surat-ul-Baqarah 166 & 167

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A Serious Danger

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Bomb Scare In The U.S.

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Begging The People of Kufr

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Submission After Ignorance

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The Reawakening of Christian Intolerance

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THE QUR'AN VERIFIED; The Peninsula Unsanctified
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In This Issue:
I s s u e N o. 8a?

Issue of the Time

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Al-Jihaad Issue 0000

Final Note:
What do we want?



Bismillahir Rahmaanir Rahim

Dear Muslims:

We are witnessing our enemies gathering together to partake in their meal. The
main course features Muslims cooked in a various assortment of ways. Isreal has
been forced to show her true colors. The real world terrorists are behaving just as
they have always behaved, killing women and children with no regard to life. Allah
has revealed to us the true nature of our enemies, who claim to be peace-makers
bombing Afghanistan and Sudan in a vicious display of open terrorism concealed
by the false claim of protecting human life.

As a young boy growing up in an age and an era of racial harsh racial
discrimination, I have witnessed this scene played out many times before. A group
of people who will slaughter innocent civilians, women and children, and later
calling their murderous campaign an act of desperation. These cold-blooded killers
are the very same individuals claiming self- righteousness when hit with their own

The Muslims are needed to act upon the verses of Allah and fight back to first
defend themselves without apology. And second, fight to establish peace through
Allah's rule on earth. This is the only solution for peace and the only treaty that
should be signed with the enemies of Allah and the Muslims, is one that allows for
the judgement of Allah, and He Ta'ala alone.

As the "Arabs" gather together to discuss the problem, the Muslims will suffer as
the African-Americans suffered when Martin Luther King and others went into
talks of peace. The Arabs are no better than the Zionists ruling Isreal. This is not an
Arab problem, but an Islamic problem that seeks, and the so-called leaders are as
racist and evil as their cousins next door. Muslims should not be fooled by believing
that somehow the Husni Mubarak's and Yasir Arrafat's will somehow deal a heavy
blow to their enemies. They are the enemies and they come to Muslims as only
well-wishers. For them, Allah has dedicated an entire chapter to identify and
describe them; surah is Surat ulAnfal (chapter 8).

We are all going to die and that is definate. Wouldn't be better to die standing on
your feet, than to live on your knees. FIGHT BACK! O' MUSLIMS FIGHT
BACK! Demonstrate, talk about the virtues of jihad, incite your brothers to defend
stand out for Allah, make du'a constantly that Allah destroy these enemies, and
migrate with your property and wealth. Do not be used any more by these kuffar.
Don't give them your talents, your taxes, your hard-earned money, your favors.

Allah helps those who help themselves.

Jazakallah Khaire.

Abu Sumaya
Publishing Manager & Web Developer


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U.S. & BRITAIN; Supports Zionist-Isreali Terrorism

Who built Isreal?

One of the seldom asked questions to the malady that exists with the Jewish people
in the Middle East is exactly who put them there in the first place.

Everyone is familiar with their deluded aspirations and their longing to take back the
land that Allah had expelled them from and cursed them to walk the Earth more
than 2,000 years ago in the year 70 AD.

But few understand how the people whom Allah called the worst of creation came
back and resettled a land that Allah caused to vomit them out from.

The story of their support comes from the United States, who is their biggest
financer. When the countries of the world came together on this issue, they decided
to come to a vote on whether or not Israel would become a state in the area that
was already being referred to as Palestine.

It is rather curious to note that this same organisation did not put to a vote whether
or not the people living in Palestine had a right to a vote or decision regarding the
land that they were living on.

The military strongman ruling the Soviet Union, Joseph Stalin, who knew well how
deceitful the Jews were, in a surprise moment of candor, voted 'yes' for the state of
Israel to exist when the UN put it to a vote.

This came due to the fact that he was hoping that the Jews would then pack up and
leave the Soviet Union and stop infiltrating the government posts.

The rights of the people already living there were ignored by the Soviet Union, the
United Kingdom and most of the other international gangsters who call themselves
'countries'. When the votes came, it was found that there was a tie on whether or
not Israel should become a nation and have Palestine as their treasure.

The one who broke the tie was the United States, who voted 'yes' to the 50 year
problem that is now in front of us. When this happened, not long after, on May 17,
1948, in front of a television audience, David Ben-Gurion, Israel's first head of
state, would announce the 'independance' of the state of Israel.

What took place over the next several decades could not have been imagined. In
the same decade as its' birth, the fledgling Arab states in the region attempted to
drive Israel into the sea. However, their striving for nationalism was not accepted
by Allah, so with the military help of the United States, Israel emerged unscathed.

The same thing would take place in 1956, when a newly independant Egypt, under
the wing of the tyrant Gamal 'Abdun-Naasir, would combine with Syria, Lebanon
and other Islamic countries to try to put a stop to Israel's land grabbing policy.

But the bickering amongst them would make the military divisions weak and the
Israelis, with US weapons given to them, again emerged victorious. After 1956, the
United Arab Coalition fell apart, each blaming one another for the set back.

In the same year of 1956, the Suez Canal was declared independant, when Naasir
of Egypt nationalised it. In his usual grand style, he appeared on television
announcing that the Egyptians would have their own canal and that it was theirs for
the taking.

The United States, France and Britain, who benefit in a tremendous way from the
traffic that comes through the canal, responded by attacking the country of Egypt
with vicious carpet bombimg campaigns.

But right alongside of them was their loyal companion, Israel, providing relief pilots
for the bombing runs and doing selective bombings of Bedouin settlements as well
as the Islamic madrasahs. It was Israel who hastened to the UN to put an embargo
against Egypt for having the audacity to demand that it should have dominion over
its' own land.

Over the next several years, the United States would continue to shower its' love
on the fledgling nation of Israel, with the amount of affection swelling to the amount
of 2 billion US dollars a year (1 billion pounds) [the amount has since become
more than 6 billion (4.5 billion pounds)].

This would help the country to fortify its' military, as with each passing year, it
interfered in world affairs. When the 1967 war came, triggered by Israeli attacks
on areas in Syria, the Arabs decided that things had gone to far.

They again attempted to put together a coalition, with the intent of ending the
existence of Israel. This intention was shortlived, with Israel receiving financial and
military aid from the United States.

The war ended in 6 days, with Israel actually siezing the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt
and declaring it part of her territory. It also stole the Gaza Strip (the birthplace of
Imaam Shaafi'ii's mother) and the Golan Heights of Syria.

Egypt and the rest of the Muslim world lived in a stupified shame until the year
1973, when Israel yet again attacked the soldiers who were standing guard to
prevent Israeli penetration into mainland Egypt.

During this war, it seemed that the Muslims, particularly the Arabs, finally had the
war right. The Bar Lev Line dividing the Sinai Peninsula from the rest of Egypt
which the Russians declared invincible, was brought down in heaps of sand by
Egyptian soldiers with fire houses squirting water.

From there, half of the Arab world poured out its' wrath on the arrogant nation of
Israel. Tanks thundered throughout Tel Aviv, Jews tore their clothes and pulled
their hair in mourning, planes soared over the once invincible Israeli skyline, shaking
the windows of the homes and their inhabitants.

Moshe Dayan appeared on television weeping, announcing that the Arabs had
finally come to deliver the second holocaust prophesied in their corrupted book.
Then from the distance it could be seen. Faster than a speeding locamotive and
more corrupt than the New York Police Department, the United States military

Egypt was bombed mercilessly and Syria was actually deprived its' own water in
the Golan Heights. The Jews threatened, behind the United States of course, to
bomb the Aswaan High Dam in southern Egypt and release a wall of water that
would flood the Nile Valley and kill more than 100,000 Egyptians.

The UN, who had been silent through every other war, decided at this point to
break that silence. Egypt and the other Muslims countries were censured for their
'crass and baseless' behaviour and told to incline towards peace.

This was never said to Israel, who illegally expropriated lands in Uganda, with only
Idi Amin, gangster and tyrant extraordinaire, to oppose the decision.

All was roses when the Israelis were stripping the country of Angola of its' natural
resources and only Fidel Castro opposed their savagery and sent in troops to assist
the Angolans.

There was no talk of barbarity when the Jews began to devalue the currency in
South Africa and buy the radio stations with dirty money. This was not the time for
tough talk. But when a nation like Egypt or some other Muslim land defends itself,
then the UN has to act.

The UN also remained silent in the face of Israeli war planes bombing nuclear
reactors in Iraq, a sovereign country who at the time was on the good side of the
United States (this was before Saddam was pronounced the new brown skinned
Hitler by the West).

The United Nations also looked on with stunned silence when Israeli secret service
men invaded a foreign country, Argentina, kidnapped an Argentinian citizen,
Adolph Eichmann (former Nazi war general), took him back to Israel, tried him for
war crimes and killed him.

The world just looked on in indifference. We can narrate more horror stories, of
the secret service men of Israel invading Sweden, murdering a man who they
thought was an Arab militant, who turned out to be a Swedish man who had never
left the shores of his country.

When questioned about this, the Israeli government said that they had 'made a
mistake.' What is supposed to be said to the family of the man. There was no
recompense made, not even an apology for this global terrorism.

The United States, in the face of all of this carnage, just kept in line with the
subsidising of global terrorism. They even went so far as to allow Jewish
congressmen and delegates in the United States to receive money from the
government of Israel (also known as bribery), something forbidden to anyone else
in the United States.

For any other group, this would be called a federal offense, which carries a long
stay in the penetentiary for supporting world terrorism or hostile powers who
oppose world order.

Famous Jewish contributors also contribute to the Friends of Israel Fund and other
Jewish charities, and not a single person stops them. Here are some examples,

Ted Turner (owner of Turner Broadcasting and TBN), Mike Wallace (interviewer
and famous broadcaster), Dr. Laura Schlessinger (famous psychiatrist and die-hard
Israel supporter), Dr. Ruth Westheimer (psychiatrist),

Whoopi Goldberg, Barbara Walters, Madeleine Albright, Alicia Silverstone, Dustin
Hoffman, Cindy Crawford, Gene Hackman and Drew Barrymore.

These are just a few examples. The US has even allowed Jewish gangsters to
flourish, and in their hey day, the biggest gangsters and criminals in America who
were running money to Jewish groups were Jews. We will narrate a few more

The famous 'Lucky' Luciano, Alphonso 'Scarface' Capone, Sammy 'The Bull'
Gravano, Benjamin 'Bugsy' Seigal, Dutch Scholtz not to mention the famous
Morello crime syndicate based in Louisiana.

All of these forces, known to have given their green light to Jewish charities to help
the Jews realise Israel as a state, or those who gave their money after, helped to
keep the Jewish syndicate running.

The mere building of Las Vegas and Atlantic City New Jersey were both Jewish
ideas. Those who rise to oppose the Jewish regime are slandered by the
newspapers, also, curiously enough, owned by the Jews.

Examples of this are the New York Times, Seattle Times, LA Times and Seattle PI
have joint ownership or are completely owned by Hearst Publications, which is one
of the oldest, and yes Jewish, families in the United States. It just so happens they
own the advertising and newspapers that are under their tutelage.

Those who would hope to find some solace in the 6:00 PM news quickly find
CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC, KTZZ 22 and many other stations waiting for them,
telling them that the Jews are entitled to an eternity of war crimes for the sufferings
that they have undergone in Germany from the years 1934-1945.

What should be realised from all of this is that the world that we live in is under
attack. We are being intellectually colonised. Israel becoming a state was only the
start of these things.

Unfortunately, rather than become alert to the US presence behind Israel and the
moves that Israel has made to eradicate Islam from the Middle East, Muslims have
actually began to sing the slogan of, 'Give peace a chance.'

Rather than pay attention to the newspaper article reported by Time Magazine in
1996 that the Jews were injecting Palestinian children with the AIDS virus, Muslims
in some cases have called the Palestinian reaction an overreaction, and that they
need to give the Jews a chance.

After all, the voices of peace reason, they have been there since 1948, it's not
possible to change things now. The Muslims thought that of the Jews of Madinah in
the time of the Prophet (SAW) when they (the Jews) were ordered to leave, but as
we know from history, they indeed did leave.

Some of us have also even felt it necessary to 'give a helping hand' to Israel, so we
have 'spoken a good word' for peace with Israel.

With such ease is it that we forget the verse where Allah he tells us,

'O You who believe, do not take those outside of your religion as advisors,
consultants and protectors and for they will do their best to damage you.

'They would love to hurt you severely. Hatred has always issued forth from their
mouths, and what their hearts conceal is much worse and greater. Already the signs
have been made clear to you if you would only think and use your intellect.

'Here you are, you love them and they don't love you, and you believe in all of the
Book.' Surah Aali 'Imraan, ayaat 118-119

How quickly these ayaat can slip our minds when we lose sight of our objective. It
is hard to believe that someone would allow their house to be invaded and
occupied, to be relegated to the lowest areas of the house, perhaps the cellar, and
then mouth in the same instant that we have to 'give peace a chance.'

But for the last 50 years, this is exactly what has taken place. Any atrocity that can
be attributed to Israel is somewhere in their newspapers, chronicled for the world
to see. But we keep sitting down, rather than standing up, and not taking notice.

Read the ayah above very carefully, and then think of the statement of Allah,

'And We have made the Qur'an easy to remember, so who will remember it?'
Surat ulQamar, ayah 40.

Should we not remember our duty and not lose sight of the objective? Let us now
focus our efforts and work on the future, a liberated and free Islamic state in




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A Long History of Murder and Terrorism


The problem that is in front of us is not an old one. Rather, the issue of Palestine is
more than a century old. It first appeared in the late 1880s during the time of
Theodore Herzl, the first Jew to propose the idea of a state of Israel.

Since their exile from Palestine by the Romans in 70 AD, the Jews had been
walking the Earth in shame, with their heads down and humiliated. Their dreams
during the era of Theodore Herzl were to realise their objective in Israel.

Israel was born on May 17, 1948, curiously enough, exactly one year after the
birth of the state of Pakistan. Both states, originally founded by people who could
not speak the national language of that land, since then have grown into modern

In their growth into modern nations, both display tyranny and wickedness to the
general populous around them. Thus the only true difference is the colour of the
military uniforms for each country's regiment.

In its' first stages, Israel was weak and dying, full of problems. The ills of World
War II had left many of the Jews that migrated there from Europe malnutritioned.

Due to this, scurvy and other airborn diseases ran rampant. This helped to wipe out
some of the Bedouin population in the upper areas in Tel Aviv (formerly Jaffa), for
these people had not known some of the diseases that the Jews were bringing
(does this remind anyone at all of the conquest of what is today the United States).

The native Jews, known as the Sephardim, also suffered greatly under Israeli
occupation. Darker skinned (like Arabs) and the majority of world Jewry in and
outside of today's Israel, these people were made to feel like second class citizens
in a country that they had lived in paying jizya years before the Westernised
European Jews (if you could even apply that to them, as most were socialist and
atheist) arrived.

The Sephardim were subjected to the same rape and terrorism that the Arabs fell
pray to for no other reason than that they were unwanted by the new settlers to the

The new settlers came, not speaking a word of Hebrew, many of them socialist,
some lesbian and homosexual, with their strange European ideas about Judaism
and they expected the Sephardim to welcome them.

What happened was the exact opposite. In the year 1956 and onwards, the
invading Jews of European extraction would find that they not only had to contend
with the Muslims who did not want them in their country, but also other Jews, who
felt that the new interlopers were not only colonists, but not even Jews!

The practice of wearing the black striemel (a large fur hat worn by the Russian
Jews) was not known among the Sephardim, and many of them used to mock the
Jews of Europe.

In the beginning days of the state of Israel, some of the Sephardim had signs
reading vicious epithets in Hebrew stating that Hitler should have finished them in

Many other things, even the Askenazim (European Jewry) way of understanding
the Jewish texts, was seen as heretical by some of the Rabbis of the original Jewish
community in Jerusalem and other outlying areas of Palestine.

The Sephardim also spoke Arabic, in addition to Biblical Hebrew, not Polish,
Yiddish, German or Russian, drank coffee, not tea or wine, wore clothes akin to be
Islamic/Turkish, not like Polish noblemen, the women wore veils, not bonnets like
those of Europe and many other things that just seperated these sects far and wide
from each other.

To add to this, the Sephardim are also known to have very big families. Something
must be said of this before we move on.

The Jews of Europe, before modern times, were seen as a great pariah by the
Christian Europeans and oppressed brutally at every turn of the way.

They were not allowed, for hundreds of years, to melt their way into European
society as they have today. Intermarriage was seen as apostasy by the church, and
many Christians indulging in the act were murdered and killed as heretics.

Non-Jewish women who married Jewish men were seen as impure. Many died as
spinsters, since no respectful Christian would marry a woman who had cohabited
with a Jew, and some chose suicide as the way out of their calamity.

Cultural warfare like this at one point culminated in the Jews being sealed behind a
wall in most parts of Europe until the time of Napolean. Before the former French
Emperor freed them by accident, the Jews were separated from every single
society in Europe, particularly the Western half of the continent of Europe.

Why are we narrating all of this? It is because it leads us to the next crime that the
European Jews did to their own co-religionists, so outrageous was it that the
Sephardim still bear hatred towards them for it.

Due to their social exile, the Jews had to marry among one another, which resulted
in what is known as 'in breeding.' Without the ability to marry out and pump the
Jewish blood supply with new DNA, the blood ran thin.

This brought great consequences, everything from birth defects, isolated cases of
retardation and dementia, all the way to the most long standing problem, Tay Sachs

This horribly malady, TDD, kills the children of Jewish couples by crowds every
year. Due to all of the intermingling, the Jewish people of European extraction have
brought upon themselves another wrath from Allah, only this time, it does not come
from the hand of a prophet, but right inside their very own bodies.

The disease works with much the same pattern as SIDS (Sudden Infant Death
Syndrome), the only difference being that SIDS is so much more merciful, I think
most of these mothers would cry in request to have their babies taken with SIDS
rather than TDD.

SIDS causes sudden death of a child in the crib, so sudden that doctors today have
still not been able to conclude whether there are any conclusive signs before the
actual death, such as pain, lightheadedness, night sweats and so on.

With Tay Sachs, however, a slow and lingering death comes on, with day by day
the condition getting worse, to the point where some parents have either taken the
lives of the own children, or had someone else do so to stop the pain and agony
that the infant was undergoing.

Tay Sachs works day and night on the child, and with the Jews (as it is a disease
specific to just them) it kills every child that comes from the womb of the mother,
or in some cases, leaves a severely retarded child.

Most biology books will tell you that it is not still completely known exactly how it
works or how it is transmitted to every generation.

But what those books, and famous Rabbis (like Rabbi Bachmaeier, Rabbi
Cornfeld, Rabbi Shas) will tell you, is that European Jewish people are advised by
their doctors and religious leaders to marry outside of their racial background, for
fear of spreading what some, like Hitler, have called the 'Jewish Cancer.'

Now let us return to the basis of the article. When the Jews came to Palestine, Tay
Sachs was a major concern. The women from European Jewry knew that their
wombs were rotten, and that sudden death was a surety upon delivering a child
from the same lineage.

The next decision was one of the most barbaric things that a human being could do
to another. The government of Israel, upon its' military takeover of the nation,
kidnapped thousands of Sephardim women's children to be brought up in the
families of European Jews, who had wives with cursed wombs.

The children were never told why they were darker than their parents, nor were
they told why their blood types were different.

This type of 'childnapping' actually became a business and from the 1960s-1970s,
Sephardim childnapping brought a reward and started a form of underground
slavery throughout the country.

Thus it is no wonder that the famous Sephardi Rabbi, Ovadia Yusuf, a Shaikh
ulIslam like figure to the Jews, stated recently that the European Jews who perished
in Auschwitz were sinful and were punished by God. This was his only way to vent
his anger against the abusers that came into his homeland and stole his people.

He, being a Yemeni Jew, was well aware of the midnight lightning raids on
Sephardi villages, with the stealing of hundreds of babies who would be told that
they were either the natural children of European Jewish parentage, or adopted
children and their parents had died in one of the many wars with the Arabs.

The war between the two Jewish sects continues, as the Sephardim, who control
the religous sector of Israel, battle with the secularised Ashkenazim, who control
only the government and civil areas of Israel.

The country, with only 42% of the entire population nominally Jewish is on the
brink of civil war, with the religious spearheads of Judaism set to take on the other
more secular parts of the country.

The damage done to the Muslim sector could be spoken of for the next 100 years
on top of the damage already done. Let us first focus on the Islamic artifacts that
were lost.

In the takeover of Israel, the Shari'a courts were dismantled, so let us narrate to
you some of the atrocities of the end of the Palestinian Islamic state.

First, the Shari'a courts in Jaffa (now Tel Aviv), Ramallah, Gaza (where Imaam
Shaafi'ii's mother's family hails from), 'Asqalaan (where Imaam Ibn Hajar's mother's
side of the family comes from), Deir Yassin and many other places in Palestine
were dismantled and the Ulama killed in cold blood.

The trees of Islam in Palestine were savagely pulled out by the roots and the
Muslims payed the ultimate price. Where are the Shari'a courts of Jericho today?
Who is the Mufti of Palestine?

Where are the Shari'a courts of Jaffa? All of these places now occupy an area in
history known as oblivion and only the historians, old people who look back with
nostalgia and the Ulama remember the time when Shari'a courts passed fataawa in

One of the most memorable Fataawa was the one that they passed regarding the
kufr of leaving the land of Palestine to any of the Jews, or to just abandon it in any
way, shape or form.

Their words stare at us from the paper and our eyes burn, as they well up with
tears, the tears dropping and smudging the ink that they wrote on the paper,
effectively signing their own death certificates in front of the Israeli government on
issuing such statements.

Today we look at the land, and we see that we are very easily able to forget that
this entire area used to be part of an Islamic state, it had courts of Shari'a, muftis,
scholars of tafsir, fiqh and colleges for learning the sciences of Islam.

It is so easy for us to forget that this was the land where so many prophets have
walked. The land that the prophet 'Isa (Jesus) (AS) set foot upon and preached on.
Many prophets of old gave their great proclamations and spoke.

Oh how we marvel now at the transvestites and transsexuals who walk these same
areas now. The amazing and incredulous boldness of the homosexual and lesbian
prostitutes who go about their way in the lands of the prophets dumbfounds the
Muslims immediately..

The beaches, where the prophets used to contemplate at before warning immoral
people of the impending punishment of Allah have now become a rest stop for
fornication and all the evil portents that accompany it. This new phenomenon is
more popularly known as the nude beach.

The adhaan that used to ring out over every city centre in town now has an almost
hollow sound, as it rings out in only a few places, and as the people, who are living
in a state of Daar alKufr listen, it has an almost surreal effect.

Years before, the place was known for its' Islam, now a land where the prophets
are buried is termed Daar alKufr. The shame is so much that it is at once

The most recent attacks only serve to explain and reinforce this drama. The Jews,
an aggressor, smaller in number, but armed by bigger bullies, brutally pounding the
larger, but poorly equipped Muslims.

There is not much that we can say that they have not done in that land to the
Muslims. If you say that they haven't raped women, we can bring families who have
suffered first hand.

If you say that they have not slandered the Qur'an, we can bring you the occasions
when they have, on occasion declaring that Muhammad (SAW) was a bastard

If the objection was raised that they have not violated the Islamic holy sites, this can
be dashed to the ground, simply by observing a 1967 picture of Jerusalem, where
the Jews stormed the Masjid of Al Aqsa and the Dome of the Rock, complete with
the flags of Israel later being hoisted above the Dome and al Aqsa.

Let us not forget the rampage of Baruch Goldstein in 1982, when he opened fire
inside of a masjid full of Muslims, which left some dead and many wounded.

Let us not forget the attempted bombing of Al Aqsa and the Dome of the Rock in
1988, an attempt by an ultra-extremist Jewish group to demolish the site so that
they might build their third temple.

The path forward has never been to sit down at the table with these people, for if
they would not and could not be seated with the Prophet (SAW) in a suitable
manner, what makes us think that we could make such a difference as to change
the heart of a people who demanded that they should see Allah face to face before

We should not turn a blind eye to the words of Allah, when He said to us in the last
revelation given to mankind,

'Fight those who do not believe in Allah and the Last Day, nor do they make
haraam (forbidden) what Allah and His Messenger has made haraam, nor do they
judge to the true religion from those who were given the Book,

until they give you the jizya (a tax taken from Jews and Christians by the Muslims)
and they are humiliated, disgraced and low,' Surat ut-Tawba, ayah 29.

Perhaps we should take this verse, photocopy it, put it on the wall of our home, so
that it is the first thing that we see when we enter our homes, so that perhaps we
might examine and reflect on the pressing need that is in front of us.

And until that need is met, that verse is not fully implemented and its' reality has not
been met. And may Allah give us all the strength to carry out His benevolent, just
and honourable way.









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Surat-ul-Baqarah 166 & 167

Baqarah 166/167 are for warning and not for making judgement, because Allah
has already made the judgement. In these ayats, Allah provides us with the news of
what will happen on judgement day. When you refer to the previous 165, you will
see the ayat speaks about those who take as rivals unto Allah, loving them more or
equal to Allah. Then Baqarah 166/167 will be their punishment.

Not one single scholar, known of Ahul-Sunnah have used these three ayats to
make specific takfir for an individual or group from among the ummah. When Imam
Qurtabi and others mentioned this ayat is general and said it could be used for
anyone, it is meant as a warning, because Allah has used them as a warning to tell
us the fate of these type of people. By no means can this ayat be used against
specific person or group to call them a kafir. General to warn, not general to takfir.
The words scholar, students and sheikh have never been used in context with this










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A Serious Danger


"For every news there is a reality and you will come to know". Surah Al-An`am(6)
verse 67 So let us not forget that for everything there is an appointed time, and for
every deed there is a recompense!

"And our lord is the only knower of the giuded or misguided ones as He Himself
testified to saying; Verily your Lord! It is He who knows best who strays from his
way,and he knows best the rightly guided ones!" Surah Al-An`am(6) verse 117

"Let us take the advice of our merciful Lord: "O you who believe! Follow not the
footsteps of Shaitan. And whosoever follows the footsteps of Shaitan then verily he
commands Al- Fahsha [i.e. to commit indecency (illegal sexual intercourse)],and
Al-Munker [disbelief and polytheism (i.e. to do evil and wicked deeds; and to
speak or to do what is forbidden in Islam)]. And had it not been for the Grace of
Allah and His Mercy on you, not one of you would ever have been pure from sins.
But Allah purifies (guides to Islam) whom He wills, and Allah is All-Hearer,
All-Knower." Surah An-Noor(24)Verse 21.

InshAllah this short message will serve as a reminder to the believers, "And remind
(by preaching the Qur`an, "O Muhammad(saw), for verily, the reminding profits the
believers". Surah Adh-Dhariyat(51) Verse55.

And to make us of those who keep to speech which is based on clear evidence,
"And those who stand firm in their testimonies". SurahAl-M`arij(70) Verse 33.

A reminder to stay away from slander and false accusations. Because slander and
making false accusations is a major sin as mentioned in a hadith from Imam Bukhari
(RH). Allah (SWT) has promised the slanderer of Believers a painful torment.
"Those who defame such of the believers who give charity (in Allah's cause) except
what is available to them, so they (munafiqeen) mock at them (believers); Allah will
throw back their mockery on them, and they shall have a painful torment." Surah
At-Tawba(9) Verse 79.

So the slandrers have been promised a painful torment and Allah has in the verses
leading to this verse made it very clear to us that slandering the believers is a trait of
the hypocrites may Allah (SWT) protect us from this, Ameen. But only Allah
(SWT) knows the true state of a persons heart.

To slander a male muslim is more sinful than marring ones own mother! The
Prophet (SAW) said "usary has 73 catogarys, the least one in sin is that of a man
who marries his mother, and the very essence of usary is the violation of the honour
of a male muslim", Al-Hakam Sahih. So if this is the level of sin involved in
slandering a muslim man before Allah (SWT) then what of accusing believing

"And those who accuse chaste women and produce not four witnesses, flog them
with eighty lashes, and reject their testimony forever". Surah An-Noor(24) verse 4.
This flogging also applies to the liar and the rejection of testimony will be for those
who insist on their accusation, so much so that Allah (SWT) promised them more
punishment in the hearafter.

"Verily, those who accuse chaste woman who never even think of anything
touching their chastity and are good believers-are cursed in this life and in the
hearafter, and for them will be a great torment" Surah An-Noor(24)Verse23.

Have those who comit this crime not considered the humiliation their own bodies
will cause them? "On the Day when their tongues, their hands, and their legs (or
feet) will bear witness against them as to what they used to do". Surah
An-Noor(24) verse 24

Allah (SWT) will not let a single statement of theirs go without its true judgement,
"On that Day Allah will pay them the recompense of their deeds in full, and they will
know that Allah, He is the Manifest Truth. Surah An-Noor(24) Verse 25. And
what does the curse of Allah mean except entering the Fire?!

Which of "...the best of stories..." Surah Yusuf(12) verse 3, do we refer to in order
to learn the manners of dealing with accusations, rejection of accusations, slander
and the rejection of slander? We must refer to no other example of this except that
of Aishah(ra) beloved wife of our beloved prophet Muhammad (SAW), the
beloved slave and messenger of Allah (SWT). Aishah (RA) was the daughter of
our most truthful, Abu Baker As-Sadeeq. Here we find the mother of the believers
having accusations made against her started by the Hypocrites of Madina.

Let us read the story of Aishah(ra) adapted from the pages of Bukhari. This
incident was so serious that Allah (SWT) revealed Ayahs 11-12 of Surah
An-Noor(24). To clear Aishah(ra) of these evil and criminal accusations, to be
recited the world over until the Day of Judgement!

Where did this evil slander begin?

It was because the Prophet (SAW) was on a Ghazwa and so chose (through lots)
Aishah (RA) to go with him. The Prophet (SAW) ordered the Army to start
traveling back to Medina at night. Aishah (RA) needed to go to the hamam, so she
(RA) went without informing anybody where she was going. When she had finished
using the toilet, she went back to her howdah (small box on camels back), but as
she returned she noticed her necklace was broken and so she was left behind
looking for it. The group who used to carry her howdah didn`t notice she wasn`t in
it because she was young and light in body weight. When she found the necklace,
she waited so that the camp may come back to find her. While she was waiting she
fell asleep.

Now in the time of the Prophet (SAW) following behind every army was usually a
young man to pick up any items that may have been dropped or left behind. On this
ghazwa that job was given to Safwan bin Al-Mu`attil As-Sulami Aththakwari( RA).
He had started following in the last part of the night. So that by the time he had
arrived at Aishah (RA) sleeping place it was morning. He recognised Aishah(ra)
(not because of no hijab i.e. face uncovered), because he had known her before
the revelation of Hijab. Aishah (RA) woke up only because she heard Safwan
(RA) saying "Truly to Allah we belong and truly to him shall we return" Surah
Baqarah(2) verse156, these words were the only words spoken between the two.

Safwan (RA) made his camel kneel, Aishah (RA) climbed on and they both went
towards Medina, he (RA) walking, she (RA)on the camel back riding. They both
caught up with the army whilst it was resting during the hot midday. Then the
Hypocrites -- leaders Abdullah bin Ubai bin Salul was the leader of the Ifk (the
forged statement). For one month whilst these lies were being spread Aishah (RA)
was ill so she wasn't mixing much with people and didn`t know of the rumours.
When Aisha (RA) first heard of the rumour she (RA) fainted. The rumour being
that she had committed Zina with Safwan (RA) who was to later die as shaheed.
This same young man (ra) on being informed of this rumour declared that he was a

Even an ordinary woman (RA) of the Ansar went into the apartment of Aishah(RA)
sat next to her and they both cried, pained by the false accusation. It was whilst in
this state that the Prophet (SAW) who was also affected by these rumours, to the
extent he (SAW) didn`t sit in the company of Aisha(ra) for the duration of the
forged statement except to remind Aishah (RA) to be aware that if you are
innocent Allah (SWT) will prove it if guilty seek forgiveness, to which even
Aishah`s (RA) parents Abu Baker As-sadeeq and Um Ruman(RA) couldn`t repay.

Before the Prophet(SAW) went to Aishah (RA) with these inquires, the Prophet
(SAW) asked many close and trustworthy companions their opinion on the whole
matter. Wanting their opinion as to the idea of divorce! These companions being
Ali ibn Abi Talib and Usama bin Zaid [(both promised Jannah by (Saw)]. Usama
bin Zaid was of the opinoin that nothing bad was known of her (RA). Ali ibn Abi
Talib was of the opinion, that there were plenty of women other then her (RA), and
instructed the Prophet(SAW) to ask Aishah`s (RA) maid servant for a character
reference. When the Prophet(SAW) asked the maidservant Barira, who only
spoke good of Aishah (RA). The same good character reference was given by
Zainab bint Jahsh one of the Prophet`s (SAW) wives.

The Prophet (SAW) then having had his inclinations towards the good of Aishah
(RA) confirmed. Then ascended the pulpit and asked from amongst the muslims
who would help him in punishing Abdullah bin Ubai bin Salul [(the most famous
hypocrite of Islamic history, this mans orignal problem with the Prophet(SAW) was
that he would have been the leader of Al-Madina had the Prophet(SAW) not
arrived)] a man who had hurt him by slandering his (SAW) family. S`aid bin
Mu`adh (Al-Aus) got up and said `O Allah`s Apostle! By Allah, I will relieve you
from him. If that man is from the tribe of Al-Aus or from our brothers Al-khazraj (a
rival tribe in Al-Madina) then order us we will obey`.

Then Sa`d bin `Ubada the chief of the Al-Khazraj who before this was known as
being pious got up motivated by triblism, `By Allah, you have told a lie, you cannot
and will not be able to kill him! Then Usaid bin Al-Hadir got up and said to (Sa`d
bin U`bada) By Allah! You are a liar. By Allah, we will kill him; and you are a
hypocrite, defending the hypocrites`. This almost caused a war between the two

The prophet(saw) got down from the pulpit and quieted them untill they became
silent and he(saw) kept silent. So we see here that a civil war between the Sahaaba
was narrowly avoided. After a total of one month the verse came:

"Verily those who brought forth the slander [(Ifk, forged statement), (against
Aisha(RA)], the wife of the Prophet(SAW) are a group among you. Consider it not
a bad thing for you. Nay, it is good for you. Unto every man among them will be
paid that which he had earned of the sin, and as for him among them who had the
greater share therein, his will be a great torment". Surah An-Noor(24)verse 11.
This verse declared Aisha to be innocent of their (hypocrites) evil claim.

One woman accused of adultary without witnesses and the believers were told that
there belief would be in question if they should do it again, against a mother of the

"Allah forbids you from it and warns you not to repeat the like of it forever, if you
are believers". Surah An-Noor(24)Verse17

The propagation of an accusation even without knowledge of its origin is great thing
in the sight of Allah (SWT):

"When you were propagating it with your tongues, and uttering with your mouths
that whereof you had no knowlegde, you counted it a little thing, while with Allah it
was very great". An-Noor(24) 15.

So then what of somebody who who slanders a whole community of believing
women! "On that Day when their tongues, their hands, and their legs (or feet) will
bear witness against them as to what they used to do." Surah An-Noor(24)verse24

"On that day Allah will pay them the recompense of their deeds in full, and they will
know that Allah, he is the manifest Truth." Surah An-Noor(24)verse 25 So those
who slander should fear the words of the prophet(saw) to be placed in the fire untill
they prove their innocence, and their is no proving and disproving of anything after
the Day of Accounting.

So we say to the believers to fear Allah (SWT) and keep their duty to him.
Whosoever obeys Allah and His messenger(SAW), fears Allah, and keeps his duty
(to him), such are the succesful. Surah An-Noor(24)verse 52

And our women should learn this Surah and take a lesson from this event involving
our beloved mother Aisha(ra), that believing women should be warey of doing
actions that will attract slander and false accusations. Such as going to places
without Mahram. Believing women should not underestimate their value in the
muslim community, or indeed to their families.

But most of all anyone who accuses one Muslim woman, or even more so to
accuse an entire masjid and community of women of zinner should fear Allah and
the punishment based on such a heavy crime in Islam. And those who agree with
this person should take warning, repent, then run away or attack such a person until
the statement is either withdrawn or the punishment has been completed.

As for the women who were slandered on a tape entitled, "Devil's Deception of the
Murji", we see you as only pious women and we assure you that Allah is
All-Knowing, All-Seeing, and the Best of Judges. And we will not rest until those
tapes have been destroyed and the statements made against you have been
corrected. May Allah forgive those who have heard these slanders and did nothing
out of ignorance. Ameen.













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Bomb Scare In The U.S.

General Pervez Musharraf, the head of Pakistan through a bloodless coup, was
aboard a plane that was forced down due to a bomb threat.

The plane, originally bound for Karachi via Manchester, was carrying a total of 121
passengers and left from New York's John F. Kennedy airport.

Every since the Egypt Air disaster, every tyrannical ruler has had one hand on his
bottle of brandy and the other one clutching the Qur'an.

The brandy, for if the flight lands, and the Qur'an for death bed repentace if
complications should result. But the evil apostate rulers over our Muslim countries
will not escape.

No matter how sly they are, how keen they think they may be, there will be no
running from an accounting to Allah. The grounding of the plane must have brought
back memories for Mr. Musharraf, who was nearly killed by Nawaz Sharif when
the plane that he was a passenger on was restricted from landing at the airstrip in

After the communication tower disobeyed orders and allowed the plane to land,
Musharraf scraped the government and the country became a classic timocracy,
which some political scientists have hailed as 'The New Syria in Asia.' And with his
strong arm tactics and his hatred for the Mujaahidin, Musharraf will fit quite nicely
in our tyrant series next to this other brothers in oppression.











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Begging The People of Kufr

Legislation in the land of Britain requiring Muslims and other religions who marry
according to their traditons has come under fire due to the accusation that this law
is in violation of the Human Rights Act.

The new proposal came from lawyers who were recently challenging the
requirements that Hindus and Muslims who marry in a temple or a masjid have to
have the marriage solemnised in a civil ceremony in order to have the marriage
recognised by law (that law being the one of the Taghut).

The lawyers were targeting the Human Rights bill in an attempt to pressure
lawmakers to make concessions to pagans and Muslims. The concessions that they
are asking for also include challenging the local and public schools, who refuse to
allow Muslim women and girls to wear the Islamic hijaab to school.

In looking at this whole sordid affair, only Muslims and Hindus are the ones who
have to challenge this legislation. Jews and Sikhs have been protected from this
type of bigotry since the 1975 Race Relations Act.

Under this act, Sikhs are allowed to legally walk the streets of Britain with sheathed
(or unsheathed) swords with turbans. They are also allowed to be in workplace
with their turbans and their sacred daggers.

Jews as well are enjoying the fruit of bowing to the laws of Britain, being perfectly
content in wearing their black clothes and brandishing their beards in the

The Muslims, however, who also have distinctive dress and whose men wear
beards, are not accepted under this law, due to the fact that it is not a 'national

Muslims are not allowed to fulfill a part of our religion, which is also to carry a staff
or sword, but instead this is seen as terrorism. Women who are Muslim are also
generally not allowed to have their hijaab in the workplace.

So what is it that Muslims do when this discrimination comes? They ask Britain to
accept them. The Muslims, along with the pagan and unholy Hindus, have been
lumped in the same category and have to ask the world harlot for acceptance and
whether or not Islam meets the British guidelines for legal marriage.

This same behaviour was not carried out with the Church of England, Quakers,
Jews, Roman Catholics or Methodists when examining to see whether their
marriage ceremonies fit the requirements of British law.

To add further insult to injury, one of the aformentioned can also act as a registrar
when conducting marriages, thus the marriage becomes accepted on paper!

With the Muslims this is not the case. Instead, your marriage is not legally
recognised by the torchbearers of kufr, therefore in certain cases, you are not
entitled to tax breaks and the like.

But the answer is not to bow down and ask the kuffar to accept you or lobby to
become another brick in the structure of kufr. The only two options are staring us in
the face. And these are the only options when a people are living among people
who hate them.

Those who are hated either take over or they leave, and with Islam, this is the only
way to preserve ourselves, our family and most importantly, our religion.

And may Allah save us all from apologising for or asking the evil ones to accept our
Islam when Allah has made it the truth over all.


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Submission After Ignorance

Months ago, one of the most dangerous and infamous leaders and priests of the
Hindu Brahmin priesthood extremist movement became a Muslim. The shock and
the horror of this to the Hindus was unprecedented, and the joy that it brought to
the believers was tremendous.

The ultra-nationalist Hindu movement of Brahmin priests had long been renowned
for its' terrorist activities. It had taken part in the assassination of Mahatma Ghandi,
Indira Ghandhi and has long been connected with other Hindu terrorist campaigns.

The most memorable of all the evil that this movement brought, after its' association
of partners with Allah, was the destruction of the Babari Masjid.

The site where the masjid stood had long been a source of contention between
Muslims, who use the masjid to worship in, and the Hindus, who maintain that it is
the birthplace of one of their false gods, known as Rama.

The Hindus, with the support of this terrorist group, demanded the suddenly sacred
sight back and that the Muslims vacate the area or suffer the consequences. When
the Muslims refused, the area was stormed and destroyed anyway.

This action brought waves of rioting and people died on both sides. But this is not
where the story ends. It continues on. The leader of the mission to destroy the
masjid was none other than the man who recently converted to Islam, now known
as 'Abdullah alHindi.

After seeing the light, the former high ranking Brahmin priest decided that Islam
was the truth. After being one of the biggest enemies of Islam and Muslims, this
man decided to submit himself to the Creator without any hesitation.

After his acceptance of Islam, the man has been nothing but a good will token for
Muslims. He has tried to redress the grievances that still surround the Babari
tragedy and has brought the thousands of members who were his supporters into
Islam with him.

These stories should give us great joy, but they should also remind us of the Islamic
history that we have forgotten. How many people were the most staunch enemies
of Islam, and then would later become the torch bearers for the truth.

Wasn't it 'Umar ibn alKhattaab (RAA) who was seeking to kill Muhammad
(SAW) with his own sword before he became a Muslim?

Wasn't 'Ikrimah (RAA) the same one who ran away from the Prophet (SAW) after
the conquest of Makkah, only to return and become a Muslim, and one of the
famous people of tafsir and jihaad?

Was it not Abu Sufyaan (RAA) who became one of the few Muslims who didn't
turn his back in the first two rounds of the battle of Hunain when before he wanted
nothing to do with Islam in any way, shape or form?

Wasn't Zainab the Jewess, the same one who attempted to poison and kill the
Prophet (SAW), who moments later became a Muslim, submitting herself to Islam?

All of these people in their beginning showed such great enmity towards Islam, then
something happened in their heart that changed them and caused them to come to
the truth.

The same can be said for this man. He was one of the staunchest opponents of
Islam, yet something inside of him made him break down and cry like a baby and
submit to his Lord.

This man belonged to the ultra-sacred and secret Brahmin priesthood of the
Hindus, the highest caste in that religion and the most dignified of roles to be
positioned in.

He was known for his dedication, and now he can actually use that dedication for a
cause, and that cause is the truth.

The question in the minds of the Hindu extremists now is what is going to come of
the Hindu extremist movements now that one of its' most vocal proponents has
gone over to the enemy camp?

Those in the Brahmin priesthood hierarchy of Hinduism do not know who they can
really trust anymore. It comes as a major blow that one of their top soldiers for kufr
should turn on his heels, leave off child sacrifice and cow worship and come to the
purity of worshipping the One who will call him to account on the Day of

But Allah has a way of exposing the enmity that the people of falsehood have
towards the truth,

'You will find the people most in enmity towards those who believe to be the Jews
and those who are pagans,' Surat ulMa'ida , ayah 82

And may Allah bring all their plans to nothing and guide the nation of child sacrifice
and monkey worship to the pure and unadulterated worship of their Lord and our
Lord. Amin.


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The Reawakening of Christian Intolerance

For those from among the Ummah who were exempted from the carnage of
Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosova, rampaging Buddhists in Burma, bloodthirsty Hindus
in India and the battle in Chechnya, we have news for you.

No longer can you feel safe, having been spared the warfare that is occuring
between the Copts and the Muslims in Egypt, the Maronite Christians and the
Muslims in Lebanon, the Marcianite Christians and the Muslims in Lebanon, the
Muslims and the Greek Orthodox in Greece, the Muslims and the Russian
Orthodox in Russia and the republics as well as Muslims against the Spanish
Catholics in Argentina.

You can no longer bury your head in the sand. Now the war has been brought to
you directly as well as globally. And you have the Christian clergy to thank for such
a bold and decisive move.

On Jamada alAkhira 16, 1421 (September 15, 2000), Cardinal Giacomo Biffi
remarked that 'Christian Europe' was in danger of an an impending 'Muslims
invasion' if they did not act promptly and with decisiveness.

The remarks of the Cardinal come due to the increase in the number of Muslims as
well as masaajid in Italy. The rise of Islam in Italy especially comes as an alarming
thing after the construction of one of the largest Masjids in Europe in the city of
Rome, the heart and soul of world Christendom.

It was no more than 60 years ago, that during the reign of Adolph Hitler, that the
then pope, Pius VI declared National Socialism 'biblically sound and infallible' and
ordered the Muslims who were residing in Italy driven from the location.

From there, they were funneled into Europe and other places, where some 12
million Muslims would be counted among the 55 million dead at the end of WWII.

But now the Muslims are back in Europe, and Italy in particular, which is what
angers Christian clergy, such as Biffi, the most. This is why the cleric thought it
prudent to act fast. He has made it very clear that he does not want Islam in Italy,
nor anywhere else in Europe.

This was understood without any ambiguity when he urged the Italian goverment to
allow only Roman Catholic immigrants into the country and that 'there should be no
more entry visas for the Muslims.'

Cardinal Biffi, also the Archbishop of Bologna, felt it imperatvie to warn the
ministers in the Italian government that, 'If you want to do the best thing for Italy
and save it a lot of suffering, you must stop letting all these immigrants in. You must
favour Catholic immigrants.'

This type of rhetoric is known to the Muslims of course. But the type of people to
actually strive to implement it is rare. And unfortunately for the Muslims in Italy, the
72 year old bigoted Archbishop is one of those rare cases.

A very devout man, and one who is content with a spartan existence, Biffi belongs
to the very conservative right in the Roman Catholic political establishment, and
would like a return to the days of old, when Europe was 'pure' from the 'Muslim

His hearkening back to the days of a Muslim-free Italy was heard when he
remarked in his same speech, 'Muslims do not integrate into Italian society.' Such
familiar speech.

Was this not the same words of the Patriarch of Spain, Tomas de Torquemada, the
confessor of Lady Isabella, the Queen of Spain, when he proclaimed, 'Muslims do
not integrate into Spanish society.'

For those that have forgotten, we would like to remind you that Senor Torquemada
is the mastermind behind the Spanish Inquisition, a tribunal that began as a
witchhunt for Muslims in Spain, and then later ballooned to become a global battle
against 'heretics'.

Children, women, Muslims in general and other sects were all made to feel 'the
power of the Lord' under Mr. Torquemada. And from all of this, the Inquisition
lasted a total of 400 years, the last case being on July 27, 1826, when a Muslim
schoolteacher was kidnapped from her class of students and murdered as a heretic.

And all of this horror started from just that statement of the world's most infamous
priest (who also had a Jewish grandmother, which explains his hatred for Islam).
Now we have another seeker for the 'glory of Christ,' just as pious as his diabolical

Long concerned with issues at home and abroad, Biffi concerns himself with the
soul of the Christians and has been outspoken about the role of the church in the
life of everyday Christians.

He is particularly alarmed about the number of Christians that have left off their
services and are no longer as pious as they once were. This deterioration in
Christian society, along with the demotion of religion in personal life, has moved
Mr. Biffi to action.

The Archbishop considers himself at war with Islam and in a recorded interview
stated that there was a struggle for the soul of Europe, and that the landmass would
either rediscover its' Christian heritage, or convert to Islam.

Conversion to Islam would be seen as a disaster by the priest, who is working day
and night to try to halt the growth of Islam. Archbishop Biffi, along with many
others in the Catholic heirarchy, has been dissatified with the way that the society of
the Christian world has been heading and are hungry for change.

This change, they are not afraid to admit, could result in warfare. They are also
unrepentant and even willing to collide with their more liberal rivals in the Catholic

One of their arch-rivals, Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, 72 and the Archbishop of
Milan did not approve of the recent statements that were made by Biffi. This is
especially telling, due to the fact that both Biffi and Martini are the next contenders
set for the papacy.

Another one of the liberal establishment, Archbishop Francesco Gioia, secretary of
the Pontifical Council for Migrants and Itinerants, tried to downplay Biffi as
'provocative' and just blowing off steam.

Battles between the two church influences have left world Christendom exhausted
and without direction. The most damaging areas of the war have been the recent
acceptance of women into the priesthood, the acceptance of Darwinism as a viable
belief, abortion as acceptable, homosexuals as the brothers of the church,
same-sex marriages and most recently, the failure of Jesus to appear at exactly
11:59:59 on December 31, 1999, which thwarted thousands of supposed biblical
prophesies and relegated the book to nothing but a prop to hold up an uneven and
deteriorating structure.

These are the most damaging things that have hit Christianity. The liberal papal
leadership has also been blasted by Biffi as being ineffective and out of touch on
important issues. The failure of the papacy to hasten on the conversion of Muslim
immigrants who turn to Christian charities for help disgusts and disgruntles Biffi,
who remarked, 'Christ called us to preach the faith to everybody.'

His contempt for the new innovations in Church tradition was evident when asked
about women priests, he replied,

'It is like having pizza and Coke at the Eucharist instead of bread and wine.'

Thus, his dedication to Christianity has been proven beyond doubt. Roman
Catholics make up the bulk of Christianity, and for those who have lived with
Latino people or been to a Latin American country, it is still strong among the
people in South, Central and certain parts of North America.

Their attempts to silence Islam have been infamous, everything from fanning
rumours that Muhammad was a renegade Arian priest from the Nestorian church,
all the way to mistranslating the entire Qur'an and proclaiming that Muhammad
(SAW) called people to worship him.

The Pope in recent years has tried to make overtures towards the Muslim world,
with his trip in 1995 to Morocco and his much televised trip to Egypt recently (the
Coptic Christians still don't fully recognise the Roman Church, and the head of the
Copts, Pope Shanouda, still maintains that he himself is God alone).

The Roman Catholics, the bulk of Christendom, are the same people who attacked
Muslims in masse in the year 1095, when Pope Urban II called for a war of the
cross to rid the holy land of the 'Muslim menace.'

The Roman Catholics, the bulk of Christendom, are the same people who began
and funded the Spanish Inquisition, which lasted until 1826, in Virginia where it
finally ended.

The Roman Catholics, the bulk of Christendom, are the same people who funded
Hitler and Mussolini, proclaimed both National Socialism and Fascism 'biblically
infallible ' and supervised the destruction of a large number of Muslims.

The Roman Catholics, the bulk of Christendom, are the same people who began
the Crusades in 1095 and ended them 250 years later, only to begin them again

None of this should surpise us, as Allah has warned us that these evil people will
stop at nothing to denounce Allah and the people of Allah. Aren't these people the
same ones, who Allah said of,

'Already they have become kuffar, those who say, "Allah is the third of three in a
trinity,'" Surat ulMa'ida, ayah 73.

as well as where Allah said,

'Already, they have become kuffar, those who say, "Allah, He is the Messiah, son
of Maryam (Jesus),'" Surat ulMa'ida, ayaat 17 and 72.

We are dealing with a people who will stop at nothing to realise their objective.
They have done everything from killing prophets, all the way to tampering with their
scriptures, as Allah has said,

'Woe be to those who write the book with their own hands, then they say, This is
from Allah, for they earn from it a miserable price.

'Woe be to them from what they wrote with their hands and woe be to them from
what they earned,' Surat ulBaqara, ayah 79,

These type of people have to be watched, and the Muslims should be alert. Now
you can no longer try to feign ignorance of world events. The largest and most
lethal sect in Christendom is again bearing its' teeth, with its' eyes set on the jugular
vein of Islam.

This should be kept in mind, especially with the last statement of Archbishop Biffi,
when asked if he was conducting a new Crusade, he replied with the most smiling
face, "I have never had anything against the word 'Crusade' personally."


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The Peninsula Unsanctified

The times that we are living in are indeed exciting ones. We have seen so many
prophecies of the Qur'an and the Sunna revealed, in addition to the accounts in the
Qur'an and the Sunna being verified by some areas in science.

In addition to all of this, we have also seen time after time signs of the hour that
have been prophesied by the Qur'an and the Sunna pass before our eyes with
blinding speed, everything from the discovery of smaller components besides atoms
all the way to the discovery that iron is an extra terrestrial mineral bestowed on us
from above this Earth by the Benificent Lord of all creation, Allah.

Now come what could very well be a two fold combination of prophecy as well as
confirmation. We need to state from the outset that the Qur'an needs no
confirmation from human sources, as Allah (SWT) says,

'In honourable, exalted pages, purified from all error, by the hands of pious
scribes,' Surah 'Abasa, ayaat 13-16.

And Allah says further of His revelation,

'HaMim. Revelation sent down from the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate.
A book, explained in detail by its' signs and ayaat, an Arabic Qur'an for a people
who know,' Surah HaMim as-Sajdah, ayaat 1-3.

But there are times when Allah will show us signs confirming the truth of His
revelation. And these signs are sometimes brought forth in the most bold and
amazing way, sometimes from the most far off locations, and sometimes in our very
own selves, as He (SWT) has rightly told us,

'We will show them our signs on the horizons and in themselves until it is made
clear to them that it is the truth. Is it not sufficient that your Lord is a witness over
evey thing?' Surat ush-Shura, ayah 54.

Thus Allah is the witness over all things and He knows all things. It also brings us to
the exciting thing that Allah has given us to consider. Recently, in northern Yemen,
a 3,000 year old temple was unearthed, which is located in the ancient city of

Being hailed by some archaeologists as the 'eighth wonder of the world,' the
discovery is seen by some historians to perhaps solve one of the most debated
issues that they have ever discussed regarding this area of the world. And that issue
is the mystery of the whereabouts of the Kingdom of the Queen Bilqis of Saba.

The Mahram Bilqis temple, at first believed to have been built in the year 400 BC,
500 years after the reign of the Queen, is now being reconsidered due to new

After observing the most recent evidence, it has been proven that the temple, the
oldest pagan sanctuary in Arabia, was in existence as early as 1500 BC, and was
in use up until the 500's BC. This dating would also put forward that it was an early
site of pilgrimage during Queen Bilqis's reign.

Another issue that archaeologists were particularly pleased about was that the
findings finally put to rest the debate about whether the Queen was based in
Ethiopia (as the Bible and the Biblical scholars point to) or Yemen (as the Islamic
scholars of history and tafsir testify, due to the fact that it is referred to as Saba in
the Qur'an).

Again, we can say, the Bible has been defrocked by Allah and by history as a hoax
and historically without basis. One archaeologist, Bill Glanzman, the professor of
Archaeology at Calgary University beamed proudly,

'If we believe the historical associations, then almost certainly she would have been
inside of this sanctuary.'

Thus Allah is giving us another sign of the truth of His book, in particular the story
of Bilqis mentioned in Surat un-Naml, ayaat 22-44 and Surah Saba', ayaat 15-21
of the Qur'an.

Time after time these amazing discoveries come upon us. Before this one, it was the
discovery that the city of Iraam, cited in the Qur'an in Surat ulFajr, ayah 7 (please
see the National Geographic Year 1979 issues for more details) actually existed
and was a trade city supplied by the metropolis of Ebla.

However, in light of all of this great news regarding new insight into the Qur'an,
there is also the terrible news that due to these findings, there will now be more
kuffar than ever rummaging around the Peninsula and trying to salvage artifacts.

This area is seen by the Yemeni government to be another great site for tourism just
as Giza is for the land of Egypt.

Now on the holy lands, where Ibrahim, Muhammad, Isma'il, Hajar and all the other
great souls that walked that landmass where based, the kuffar and those of evil
have staked a claim, and they are using Yemen as a back door to pitch their tents
in preparation for further colonisation.

We should learn our lesson from history and also heed the words of the Prophet
(SAW) when he said,

'No two religions should be found in the Arabian Peninsula,'

'Throw out the Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula,' see Sahih
ulJaami'a, classified as sahih.

The only way to fix the damage that we have done is to repent sincerely to Allah
(SWT) and to push the invaders from our lands. Only then will they be purified and
will they be safe from the filthy and blood soaked hands of the descendants of the
Prophet-killers and the corrupters of the scriptures of Allah.

And may Allah give us the will to carry out our responsibilities and to purify the
lands of Islam from filth. And may He use the good in the finding of this
confirmation of the news of the Qur'an to help us to act on its' orders. And may
Allah give all of us success. Amin.


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