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Now A Monthly Publication


Jewish Extremists Continue Their Reign of Terror

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Man Made Law Fails the Muslims Again

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The Grand Imaam Abu Hanifa (RH)

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An Answer to Those In Doubt

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Tourism Coming to the Peninsula

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Black Market on the Rise in Iraq

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Threats Against Usaamah answered

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-Ibn Rajab alHanbali (RH)

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Hizbullah Intent on Warfare

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In This Issue:
I s s u e N o. 9?

Issue of the Time

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Al-Jihaad Issue 0000

Final Note:
What do we want?



Bismillahir Rahmaanir Rahim

Dear Muslims:

Time is so crucial that we have to put all that we have into the preservation of it, so
that it might be used wisely in the cause of Allah. We should try to make every act
that we do have substance and meaning. Our deeds and intentions should not be
for any purpose but to please Allah.

It should be our way and objective to speak the truth, whether people like it or
they detest it. It should not be the case that we speak the truth merely just because
people in some places like it. We should also be willing to speak the truth even if it
means losing friends and associates, for they can not help us in any way of the Day
of Judgement.

Brothers and sisters all across the globe are being killed and stacked in bunches
like cordwood. And in many cases, there are kuffar more angry about the Palestine
tragedy than Muslims. We should let the other Muslims know about this and atleast
speak the truth in the face of the forces of darkness. For how could we say that we
love Allah unless we are willing to challenge those who mock or make light of his

Jazakallahu Khairan.

Ibn Umar


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Jewish Extremists Continue Their Reign of Terror

They kill these boys whose lives are
considered cheap, while US and British
taxpayers finance their terrorism.

After over 50 years of terror and evil, it is quite easy to become numb to the
problem that exists in front of us. But the present state and condition that things are
in, even the kuffar are no longer able to ignore what is happening in the Holy Land.
This is a land that has hosted the likes of Dawud, Sulaimaan, Muhammad, `Isa,
Musa, Harun, Dhul Kifl (ASM) and many others besides them.

But the world forgot about that when they stormed into Jerusalem and made the
Dome of the Rock into a church and made the alAqsaa Masjid and the surrounding
compound into a stable for the horses of the Christian Crusaders. For years, the
adhaan was silenced in Jerusalem and Muslims lived under the heels of an evil
aggressor. But it was not just the Muslims, but even the Christians that lived in the
area as well.

They too were made to suffer the wrath of their Christian brothers from the West.
It would not be until the time of Salaah ud-Din alAyyubi (RH) that things would
change for the better. Jerusalem was conquered and freed from the filth of the
interlopers that had imposed their will on the people of Allah. The adhaan was
made again, along with the Dome of the Rock and the alAqsa Masjid being
restored to their former pristine states.

But yet again, the Ummah became unmindful of current circumstances. Thus, during
the times of the `Uthmaaniyyah Khilaafa, the same evil forces that had killed the
prophets and plotted to kill the prophets `Isa, Harun, Muhammad (ASM) and
many others came right back. The same horror came back to the Muslims. Others,
who had no claim on the land, claimed that it was directly consecrated and directly
given to them by Allah Himself.

Yet, when they came, they did not come as godly people. They came as atheists
and twisters of their religion. They came drinking, smoking, fornicating, devouring
usury and many other shameful acts that should not be mentioned in front of the
pious believers. History was ignored, defaced, demolished and revised. Halab,
where the great `aalim Badr ud-Din al`Aini alHanafi emerged from, became

The Shari`a courts of Jaffa disappeared and in came Tel Aviv and other
settlements. The Makurabah, the area of Jerusalem that was bequethed by Salaah
ud-Din to the fighters and scholars from Morocco was demolished and ceased to
exist. The great `ulama were silenced.

Gaza, one of the areas where Imaam ash-Shaafi`ii (RH) grew up, ceased upkeep
on its' existing Shari`a courts, and after further invasion, these courts ceased to
exist. `Asqalaan, home to the maternal side of Ibn Hajar al`Asqalaani's family
(RH), ceased to exist and became part of a larger Jewish settlement up north as
history became Judaised and lost all reality. The lie of Jewish history in the Holy
Land was forced at gun point.

The graves of the Sahaaba, Shaddaad ibn Aws and many others (RAA) were
ransacked, overturned and were eventually converted into a park outside of
Jerusalem. It became the case for many communities that did not fit the Jewish
understanding of history. The `ulama, like alHajj al`Allamah Ahmad alHussaini,
were fought and murder was a common occurrence against them.

The plan was to elimate any source or origin of Islam from the land. It had to
appear as if the Jews had always been there. Half of the objective was realised by
destroying the Shari`a courts and disturbing and disrupting the graves of the `ulama
and Sahaaba (RAA). But only one problem remained, that being that someone was
there when the Jews came back to their 'promised land'.

Therefore, they too had to be erased from history. This is the laundering of history
that we are seeing. All of Islam, including its' people, is being sandblasted, raped,
shot, stabbed, incarcerated, beaten to death and generally tortured out of the
books of history.

This is the condition of things today. The time is to awake and race for action in
whatever way that you can. Whether it be through armed warfare or even if it can
just be to distribute the truth about this ongoing massacre, you must say something.
Or will we wait until the Israeli flies over the Dome of the Rock as it did in 1967?




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Man Made Law Fails the Muslims Again

If you do not believe us then just take a look at these pictures. Go to the UN
website or visit CASI's website. If you think we are just a bunch of Muslim
fanatics, then go to the internet and visit these websites:

Visit the following url's:

Here is what some non-Muslims had to say:

"if the substantial reduction in child mortality throughout Iraq during the 1980s had
continued through the 1990s, there would have been half a million fewer deaths of
children under-five in the country as a whole during the eight year period 1991 to
1998" Unicef, 12 August 1999.

"We are in the process of destroying an entire society. It is as simple and terrifying
as that. It is illegal and immoral." Denis Halliday, after resigning as first UN
Assistant Secretary General and Humanitarian Coordinator in Iraq, The
Independent, 15 October 1998

"How long the civilian population, which is totally innocent on all this, should be
exposed to such punishment for something that they have never done?" Hans von
Sponeck, before resigning as second UN Assistant Secretary General and
Humanitarian Coordinator in Iraq, BBC Online, 8 February 2000.

So if you are a taxpayer in the United States, Great Britain or living in any of the
other allied nations that bombed and terrorised these Muslim children, know that
you helped finance your governments genocide campaign. It is this reason that
Muslims know they either must fight to establish shariah law or die all together.
Oppression and tyranny is not for any human, Muslim or non-Muslim.

These are the faces of those who were terrorised by the US, UN and UK

Try to imagine a poison that is tasteless, odourless and colourless that is
administered to millions of people by the government of the country. Many people
become poisoned due to it and some have begun to die. As the death toll mounts,
you even find that an entire generation has this deadly poison rushing through their

The shock and horror of imagining this tragedy occuring is normal. But the real
shock is that it is a reality, a reality which exists in Bangladesh. Again, thanks to
democratic government and the bungling of a woman as a ruler, one entire
generation in Bangladesh is on the verge of annihilation before it has even reached
30 years of age. This destruction comes due to the sinking of millions of wells in
Bangladesh and the failure to check the grounds for arsenic poisoning.

After its' birth 30 years ago, following a disastrous war with Pakistan, Bangladesh
was starved for drinkable water as a natural resource. This left the country
desolate, with many people dying malnutritioned and without vitamins every year.
The future looked very bleak, and in addition to the government tampering with the
Shari`a that they promised to implement, they then decided to tamper with the
drinking supply as well. In the course of trying to find a 'quick fix' solution to the
problem of potable drinking water for the people of Bangladesh, the government
sunk an enormous amount of wells in search of drinking water. When water was
found, it was merely claimed, attached to a well, and then it was piped up through
the ground and given to the people as a source of bathing, drinking and washing

There was one thing that the government did forget to do. What they forgot was to
check the water thoroughly before declaring it safe and giving it to the people. Had
they been thorough, they would have found that the water is naturally contaminated
with arsenic. Had they explored this and looked into it, they might have had
reservations before they poisoned 85 million out of the 125 million inhabitants of
the country. But they acted before they knew all the implications, therefore now the
people, not the government, has to face the consequences.

Those high ranking officials all have their own water, which they drink from private
facilities. No one has to check their water for arsenic poisoning. This type of idiotic
government is typical of the government in Bangladesh, which is why they have not
utilised their rain water, which is abundant, for use in reservoirs for the people to
drink from in their time of need. They also have not provided one single filter on the
taps, which could be done very easily, to ensure that when the water is drawn from
the water tables below, that it is potable to the drinkers.

All of this was ignored. But it wont make a difference to the government, for soon
they will be rid of a whole generation of people who could have been the
generation to overthrow female president Khaalida and her gangsters posing as
police. The effects of arsenic poisoning are skin cancer after about 20 years of
exposure. There is also the high probability that most will contract cancer of one
bodily organ, the bladder or the lungs, which proves fatal in most cases. People are
striken with the full effects in their most productive years, those being 20-30s. This
makes sense, so that way the tide of 'Islamic fundamentalism' might be slowed and
subside from the world.

Those who have to be thanked for this disaster besides the government are
UNICEF (the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund), who
coerced and led the way for the Bengladeshi government to sink the contaminated
wells in the first place. It might sound cruel to say that they knew what they were
doing all along, but indeed they did.

We shall quote one of their stooges for the benefit of evidence, "By sinking tube
wells to enable people to drink ground water we were merely doing what
everybody else was doing, but we were better at it," mouthed Colin Davis, the
UNICEF chief in Bangladesh, who interestingly enough was born in Birmingham in
Britain. So now we know who we have to thank for a poisoning that will kill one in
ten people of lung, kidney and bladder cancer for this generation.

The only areas that have remained free of the helping hand of UNICEF and the
Bengladeshi government have been the areas of the North-west, the South East
and Dhaka. But do not be suprised if you see the blue UN helmets racing there to
'help' the Bengali people in their time of need with free wells, sunk for them
courtesy of the government. What ease and nobility the UN must feel for itself
when it has given a hand in a tragedy that has surpassed Chernobyl, Ukraine and
Bhopal, India as well as Hanford, United States. Of all the reasons that the
Muslims should feel suspicious of the kuffar, it is this one. We are being
exterminated by a tasteless, odourless, colourless poison that could have been
stopped in its' early stages, only those 'friends'(UN and Bengladesh government)
who could have stopped it were too busy smiling and laughing with us. And in fact,
they weren't laughing with us, but they were laughing at us.

















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The Grand Imaam Abu Hanifa (RH)

Few people have enjoyed the popularity that this man has enjoyed when we talk
about scholars. Respected and followed in his ruling by the majority of the Ummah
today, Abu Hanifa has captured the hearts of the great majority of the Muslim
Ummah. Originally from non-Muslim heritage, Abu Hanifa would grow to become
one of the great torch bearers for the religion of Islam and a codifier for the truth,
and a model for enjoining the right and forbidding the wrong.

Born under the name Nu`maan ibn Thaabit in the year 80 AH (701 AD), this great
man was born of Persian extraction. This did not stop his quest for learning early in
life, and being born in Iraq in that time period made it possible for him to become
the student that would later become the great scholar. Known to his
contemporaries as a tabi`ii (one who is a student of a sahaabi), Nu`maan was
educated and came to know of the noble Sahaabi, Anas ibn Maalik. He was also
to learn much of the religion from the students of `Abdullah ibn Mas`ud.

With all the scholars of ahaadith around and the atmosphere of knowledge being
present, all was not well in Iraq, for during the childhood of Abu Hanifa, Hajjaaj
ibn Yusuf ath-Thaqafi was the governor of Kufa and a reign of terror was poured
out over the area. There were many times when the Sahaaba were being sought by
the regime so that Hajjaaj or other tyrants might silence them for resisting the
government. This is the environment that the great imaam was born into. In his
youth, he would take an interest in the science of Kalaam, which is the science of
debate and analogy used by so many other imaams in that time.

One of the imaams of kalaam, Imaam Sha`bi would teach Abu Hanifa some of his
first principles in this science. This man met as many as 500 Sahaaba, even
culminating in his learning under the feet of `Abdullah ibn `Umar. He would soon
find that knowledge of kalaam was not sufficient however, so he decided to join
Imaam Hammaad's study circles. It was while studying with Imaam Hammaad that
the continued interest in knowledge would strike the youthful Nu`maan. While
Nu`maan ibn Thaabit was just beginning his career in the science of fiqh, Hammaad
was long known and respected by the people of Iraq.

Hammaad was a student of `Abdullah ibn Mas`ud, and was well known for his
piety and strength in ahaadith. He was also to have the pleasure to sit in the
presence of the great scholar Qataada, who had a completely photographic
memory and a penchant for memorising the day and time of every single one of his
lessons. In his manhood, Abu Hanifa continued on in his travels, going to such
locations as Makkah and Madinah to learn, where he would meet the famous
Imaam of Syria, alAwzaa`i (RH), and another Imaam, Maalik ibn Anas, while in
Madinah. He would benefit greatly from their tutoring and would form a close
relationship with them.

It was from these well springs of knowledge that the grand Imaam, Abu Hanifa,
would be born into the world of the Islamic sciences. He would return to Iraq and
open his own school, where such pupils as `Abdullah ibn Mubaarak, Abu Yusuf
and Muhammad ibn alHasan ash-Shaibaani would be produced, eager to teach the
world about the knowledge that Abu Hanifa imparted upon them. Praised and
loved by the Ummah, it might surprise some people to know that there exists no
completely authentic work of his own writing extent today. But the students of Abu
Hanifa preserved the rulings and pronouncements of their teacher with great zeal.

Thus the corpus of their writings contain dozens of quotations from the man hailed
by many scholars of the Ummah as the father of Ahl us-Sunna walJama`ah. With all
of the imaam's teaching came popularity, and with popularity came danger. During
the rule of Mansur, Abu Hanifa was under constant watch. Mansur had harboured
suspicions before that Abu Hanifa did not approve of his regime, and in fact he did
not. His quest for justice led the imaam to support an-Nafs uz-Zakiyyah's
insurgency against the then khalifa, Mansur.

Around this time, so many people were trying to dethrone Mansur and take the
government, that the khalifa would do sweeping arrests, just to show his authority.
Those caught in the middle would quickly find that they were in serious trouble.
Many Sahaaba found themselves in dire straits and the scholars as well could feel
the pressure and the tension that was like electricity all around the domain of the
khalifa. Abu Hanifa would come to find himself in deep trouble when, upon being
asked he passed a fatwa against the regime.

When this was found out, Abu Hanifa was barred from passing anymore fataawa.
To keep the public order, Abu Hanifa complied. But it would not be long before
the imaam would find himself again in contradiction to Mansur, and this would lead
him to prison. It was here that, instead of his fame and prestige ending, it increased
beyond the scope of what the Khalifa could have imagined. Thousands came from
miles around to offer their support and to check on the health of the imaam. What
came next is what is in debate by some historians and scholars alike. The death of
the imaam is stated to have been the administering of poison into his food by
Mansur, but some have denied this narrative.

Whatever the case is, it is understood and agreed upon by most historians that the
imaam did indeed die under suspicious circumstances. Upon his death, many of the
`Ulama of the time mourned the end of an era, a loss of knowledge that could not
be regained even with the combination of several scholars there in Iraq and the rest
of the Muslim world. So although Abu Hanifa might have had some equal, few
people would be able to come up with a superior for him. In modern times, we find
that most of the Ummah that follows a madhhab is indeed Hanafi in fiqh. And due
to recent attacks on the Hanafi madhhab, there has been a resurgence in the fiqh of
Nu`maan ibn Thaabit.

Some have called the imaam an adherent of the Murji'a sect, others have stated
that his beliefs about the characteristics of imaan makes him a deviant, all the way
up to that Hanafis are not from Ahl us-Sunna walJama`ah and Abu Hanifa was
illiterate in ahaadith. All of these slanderous statements have caused no end to
enmity among Muslims, some of whom see the Hanafi people as somehow, less
Islamic. But to give advice before such a hasty conclusion, we leave the words of
Imaam Shaafi`ii (RH) regarding Abu Hanifa, 'The Fuqaha' have a debt that is owed
to Abu Hanifa. Thus we should not be hasty in cursing one of the early pioneers in
the sciences of Usul ulFiqh and Fiqh codification.

But what Abu Hanifa should be remembered for besides his vast knowledge is his
sincerity. A man once came and mentioned to Abu Hanifa that he differed with the
imaam on some points that he was mistaken on. One of the imaam's became angry,
'You son of a donkey! How dare you say that Abu Hanifa was wrong!' But Abu
Hanifa told him to lower his voice and to let the man speak, for he was there to
give advice as well as to take it. From just this small statement, we can see why he
is called the father of Ahl us-Sunna walJama`ah.
















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An Answer to Those In Doubt

In the first three centuries of Islam, every thing that could be covered in regards to
belief and the pillars of belief was explained. Any question related to the core of
belief was handled and dispensed with in a timely manner. Things that were of a
cursory nature were not stressed with great earnestness, for most people were safe
and sound in their beliefs and had not yet begun to fall prey to the whisperings of
the Shaitan.

But over time, with the advent of Greek philosophy and sophistry into the Ummah
in the last half of the third century of Islam, ideas and concepts that were either
foreign or were at odds with Islam began to gain prevalence.

Questions began to arise that had no real substance (i.e., How many angels can
balance on the end of a needle? Could Allah create a rock that He could not lift?
How tall is the average angel?), along with irrational and untenable doctrines that
began to hold sway over some of the more 'intellectual' (in common terms,
argumentative and debate minded) people.

Queries that the Sahaaba (RAA) had never ventured into somehow came up. The
Sahaaba (RAA) had never touched upon these matters, for people of knowledge,
when they have the proper understanding, they don't need to ask many questions.

What would occur in subsequent years is that the people who had this inclination
would start to take ayaat from the Qur'an and look into them to analyse them and
to subject them to their thinking.

That which agreed with their intellect and ideas was kept and praised, but that
which collided with their understanding and their precepts, they shouted down and
would find ways to explain it away.

This especially was the case with ayaat from the Qur'an that were allegorical, or
principles and examples given in it that were of such a nature.

It is well to heed the words of Shaikh Ayyub (RH), the great Shaafi'ii scholar, when
he said,

'You will not meet one of the people of bid`a (innovation), except that he will
debate with you using allegorical ayaat from the Qur'an,' Kitaab alFaqih
wallMutafaqqih, Baab Usul ulFiqh.

This note should cause us to take great care and avoid reading our own ideas into
the Qur'an when we read it or the Sunna for that matter. We should also be willing
and ready to go to the Qur'an and the Sunna, ready to learn, not to criticise and
critique, nor to bend it to our way of thinking. If there is an ayah or hadith that we
do not understand, or that which we are seeking further elaboration on, we should
refer to the books of the righteous and trustworthy scholars of past generations.

But nevertheless, in spite of the completeness of the Qur'an, and all the tools being
in front of us to put it into practice and understand, there is still today this nagging
philosophy of super-rationalism. This super-rationalism has caused people to
question the inherent infallibility of the Qur'an, re-interpret the ayaat without the
understanding of the Sahaaba (RAA), as well as to conspire and rumble against the
authentic ahaadith.

The most recent of these philosophical residues taken from the Greeks is the denial
of the punishment of the grave. There have been many instances where the answers
to this issue have come, and still there are people debating about it. Over 1400
years ago, all the answers to questions such as these were answered and done
away with rapidly.

Yet today, 1400 years later, people still stubbornly cling and inquire about
questions and suppositions that were put to rest long ago. It is as if they never saw
the verse,

'This Day I have perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you
and chose for you Islam as your religion,' Surat ulMa'ida, ayah 5.

This issue therefore should not merit argument, but yet it is still argued amongst the
people, with some institutions, like a few circles in al Azhar University, preaching
that there is NO punishment in the grave. Therefore, when questions like these
continue to be brought by the people and doubt begins to abound, it is necessary
that there should be an answer provided to try to assist in some sort of culpable


Allah (SWT) informed us of our impending visit to the graves in Surat
ut-Takaathur, ayaat 1-3,

'The competition to pile up things (worldly possessions) diverts you, until you come
to the graves. And you will come to know. Again, you will come to know!'

Thus every single one of us, whether young, old, rich poor, short, tall and any race
or political affiliation, will visit the grave that is awaiting him. It is that which has
been made compulsory for us. What is in question here is exactly what happens
once the person dies. After the person dies, is buried in the grave and layed to rest
by judgement for Allah, what will become of him? What will be his state?

The Prophet (SAW) said, 'When a funeral is ready and the men carry the deceased
on their necks and shoulders, if it was pious, then it will say, "Hurry and bring me

'And if it was not pious then it will say, "O Woe be to it (the soul)! Where are you
going with it (the soul)?" And its' voice is heard by everything except mankind and
if he heard it he would fall unconscious,' Narrated by Bukhaari, Kitaab ulJanaa'iz.

Thus we know that the deceased does indeed know that he is dead and that he is
being carried to his grave for some purpose. He is completely aware and cognizant
that something does await him, but what? What awaits him is the questioning from
the angels, who are sent by Allah to ask him of his condition. The two angels are
known as Munkir and Nakir, and ask the following questions, 'Who is your Lord?
Who is your Prophet? What is your religion?'

Since time immemorial these questions have been asked. Those who followed the
Prophet Ibrahim (AS) will proclaim him as their prophet, Allah as Lord and Islam
as their religion. If `Isa (Jesus) was their prophet, then they will answer with his
name, and so on. This is the truth of Islam. Thus those in the grave will bear some
sort of account. There will be no escape from it.

Likewise, it is mentioned by the Prophet (SAW) that, 'When a faithful believer is
meant to sit in his grave, the angels come to him and he says that none has the right
to be worshipped but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.

'And this is what was said in regards to, "Allah will establish firmly those who
believe with the statement that shall stand firmly established (the testimony of La
ilaha illallah), Surah Ibrahim, ayah 27 (hadith collected by Bukhaari, classified

The Prophet (SAW) said,

'Whenever anyone of you dies, he is shown his place both in the morning and the
evening. If he is one of the people of the Paradise, he is shown his place in it, and if
he is from the people of the Fire, he is shown his place therein. Then it is said to
him, "This is your place until Allah resurrects you on the Day of Resurrection,'"
Narrated by Bukhaari, classified as sahih.

Thus here we have the Prophet (SAW) making the direct link between the Qur'an
speaking of the grave and that the believer will give an accounting in the grave. But
some of the people who deny the punishment of the grave may say, 'But brother,
we are not denying the grave or the entry into it, we are merely denying the
punishment therein.'

This will then bring us to our next point.


The actual punishment of the grave has been mentioned in many places in the
authentic ahaadith, so it has not been neglected. There is absolutely no doubt that it
is a reality. The Prophet (SAW) was very clear to warn people about the
impending dangers that they faced in this life and the Hereafter, so much so, many
times people lost sleep or stayed on edge for long periods of time after being
informed of the fate that was in store for them.

An example of this is an incident related by Asmaa' bint Abi Bakr (RAA), the older
sister of A'isha (RAA). We will let her narrate it, for she can explain best the
horrors that she heard with her own ears,

'The Messenger of Allah (SAW) once stood up delivering a khutba and mentioned
the afflictions in the grave, which people will face in their graves. Then when he
mentioned that, the Muslims began to shout and wail loudly,' narrated by Bukhaari,
classified as sahih.

Thus from this we know with all truth and without any doubt that indeed the
punishment of the grave is something serious, something that the Prophet (SAW)
mentioned, and something that we should seek refuge from in our salaah and at
other times. It was also mentioned in another statement from Anas ibn Maalik
(RAA) that the Prophet (SAW) said,

'When the slave of Allah is put into his grave and his companions return, he even
hears their footsteps. Two angels come to him and make him sit up and they ask,
"What did you used to say about this man Muhammad (SAW)?" The faithful
believer will say, "I testify that he is the slave of Allah and His messenger." Then
they will say to him, "Look at your place in the Fire. Allah has changed for you a
place in Paradise instead of it.'"

'Whereas, a munaafiq (hypocrite) or a kaafir would be asked, "What did you used
to say about this man." He will reply, "I do not know, but I used to say what the
people used to say." Then they (the angels) will say, "Neither did you know, nor
did you take the way of truth." Then he will be hit with hammers made from iron
once, and he will release such as cry so as everything near to him will hear except
jinn and human beings,' Narrated by Bukhaari and classified as sahih. It must also
be mentioned that a statement was narrated from A'isha (RAA) where the Prophet
(SAW) said,

'They now realise that what I used to tell them was the truth. And Allah said,
"Truly, you cannot make the dead to hear, nor can you make the deaf to hear the
call,"' Surat un-Naml, ayah 80.

In this statement, we have the Prophet (SAW) stating that while the kuffar were
like the dead or the deaf, now they are coming to find the truth of what he was
saying. But where are they coming to find this truth? IN THE GRAVE. How?


But then there are still some skeptics who might say two statements, the first of
them being, 'Yes brother, we understand what you are saying. However, the
ahaadith that you have given us may very well be authentic, but they are ahaad in
khabar (narrated by one person in a report, or narrated by a group of people who
are small in number).'

'Therefore we do not accept these narrations. We must have in our belief ahaadith
that are mutawaatir (widespread, with many chains of narrators and large numbers
of relation in one hadith) in form before we can accept them.'

*NOTE* The above opinion about the ahaad hadith is an incorrect belief and not
from Ahl us-Sunna.

Ahl us-Sunna walJama`ah (the Muslims from the same sect that are following the
way of the Messenger) have made consensus that the most authentic book after the
Qur'an is the Jaami` us-Sahih of Imaam Bukhaari and Jaami` us-Sahih of Imaam
Muslim next.

In regards to the above stated objection to our quotations of the authentic ahaadith
in Bukhaari, this is a typical answer from some of the people of debate and
disputation that subscribe to this dangerous belief. So they demand that the answer
should be from mutawaatir (widespread from so many sources that the chain is
unbreakable) chains of narrations.

The second statement from the deniers of the punishment of the grave is an
extremely deceitful one, in which they retort, 'You see brother, we don't deny the
punishment of the grave per se. We have yaqin (certainty) of it. But what we deny
is the haqqun (reality)!'

Some of the readers by this time might have become incredulous and flustered by
the foolish behaviour and word play of these people, but you should stay patient,
so that you might collect and present to them the fruits of your research with regard
to the topic. With regard to the first statement, we shall give some ahaadith that are
mutawaatir, for although Bukhaari is mostly ahaad in khabar, it has some that are
considered khabar mutawaatir by some scholars. We will narrate just a few for the
benefit of those who would raise the first objection.

Abu Ayyub, 'Once the Prophet went out after sunset and heard a dreadful voice
and said, "The Jews are being punished in their graves."'

This hadith in Bukhaari is mutawaatir in form. Thus those who want mutawaatir
evidence indeed now do have it for themselves so that they may file it away.

Another hadith for the researcher would be on the authority of A'isha (RAA),

'A Jewish woman came to me and mentioned the punishment in the grave, and said,
"May Allah protect you from the punishment of the grave." Aisha then asked the
Messenger of Allah about the punishment of the grave. He said, "Yes, there is
punishment in the grave." After that I never saw the Messenger of Allah but seeking
refuge from the punishment of the grave in every prayer he prayed.'

This hadith is also narrated in Bukhaari and is of course sahih. The chain of it is
indeed mutawaatir.

All the statements that we made reference to in the Jaami` us-Sahih from Imaam
Bukhaari can be found in Kitaab alJanaa'iz .Further information for our research
can be found in the Jaami` us-Sahih of Imaam Muslim, in which the Prophet
(SAW) is quoted to have said,

'Oh, Allah! Truly I seek refuge in you from the punishment of the grave.'

Of course, we should all know that the ahaadith of Imaam Muslim are all sahih. But
our brothers and sisters who are seeking a mutawaatir chain would tell us, 'Dear
brother, again, we agree that the hadith is authentic, but we do not take ahaad
ahaadith into our belief. They must be mutawaatir.' The brothers and sisters that
state this have nothing to fear, for ALL the ahaadith in Jaami` us-Sahih of Imaam
Muslim are mutawaatir. Listen to what Shaikh ulIslam an-Nawawi, the great
Shaafi`ii scholar, has to say when giving commentary on the collection of ahaadith
that Imaam Muslim put together,

"The sahih of Muslim (RH) in the end and to the utmost degree of popularity is
mutawaatir from EVERY place. So the knowledge is qat`ii (decisive), bearing the
classification of that," Sharh Sahih Muslim, V. 1, alMuqaddimah with commentary
from Imaam an-Nawawi.

Thus whoever is looking for decisive and mutawaatir evidence has no further to
look than to the collection of Imaam Muslim ibn alHajjaaj (RH). We ask that our
Greek philosophy or any other inclined brothers and sisters to look over these
ahaadith and re-examine their stance with regard to the subject and their
understanding of ahaadith.

Coming to the second point, with the objection being raised that they are not
denying the yaqin (certainty) of the punishment of the grave, but the haqqun
(reality), we would advise those who hold this opinion to examine the following
hadith and their present position,

`A'isha (RAA) narrated that the Prophet (SAW) said,

'The punishment of the grave is haqqun (reality).'

This hadith is collected by Khatib alBaghdaadi, Imaam as-Suyuti in his Sahih
ulJaami` and Imaam Ahmad ibn Hanbal in his Musnad, and yes, brothers and
sisters, it is mutawaatir in form. The last form of mutawaatir evidence, but certainly
not the least is that of the Qur'an.For according to the ijmaa` of the Sahaaba and
the Ummah, it is all mutawaatir in form. We present the following evidences for
review among the brothers and sisters that are confused,

Allah (SWT) has told us without any doubt,

'If you could only see when the oppressors are in the pangs of death while the
angels are stretching their hands out, saying, "Deliver your souls, this day you shall
be rewarded the torment of degradation,"' Surat ulAn`aam, ayah 93

This ayah has been included by Imaam Bukhaari in his hadith collection under the
chapter that he gave the heading of the punishment of the grave. As we know,
Imaam Bukhaari (RH) was a student of Imaam Ahmad (RH). But in the tafsir of
Imaam Ibn Kathir (RH) (Shaafi`ii), Imaam ash-Shanqiti (RH) (Maaliki) and all the
other trustworthy books of fiqh, this ayah is explained as being an evidence for the
punishment of the grave.

It is known from all the schools of thought that the punishment of the grave is a
reality, not just a certainty without any ramifications. Let us again turn to the most
mutawaatir source, the word of Allah (SWT), where He says,

'We shall punish them twice, and thereafter, they will be brought back to a horrible
punishment,' Surat ut-Tawba, ayah 101

This ayah, as is mentioned in the ayah before, is talking about the punishment of the
hypocrites. It is mentioned plainly in the ayah that the hypocrites will be punished
twice, then they will be accountable on the Day of Judgement.

So what are the other two times. The first is of course in this world, and then
where? The GRAVE or course. This is understood due to the fact that it says after
that, they will be brought back. Brought back from where? The dead, from the
GRAVE. This can also be established by referring to any of the trustworthy books
of tafsir. It is even of benefit to learn a lesson from what Allah said of the people of
the Pharoah and their fate,

'While a severe punishment surrounded Pharoah's people, the fire. They are
exposed to it morning and afternoon, and on the Day when the Hour will be
established, It will be said to the angels, "Cause Pharoah's people to enter into the
most severe punishment,"' Surah Ghaafir, ayah 46.

Again two punishments are mentioned. Allah has mentioned that they will be
punished in the morning and the evening, and then they will be brought to the Day
of Judgement. Where do human beings await the Day of Judgement? In the grave!
And in what state are they in? They are DEAD, in their GRAVES! Again, any
trustworthy book of tafsir will render the same results and conclusion.

In closing, it would be of benefit to say that we should always return to the Book
and the Sunna to derive our life and our precepts, never outside forces. If we
should return to some foreign source instead of Islam, then our belief comes into
question. It should come as no surprise that the same people who deny the
punishment of the grave do not deny the rewards in the grave for the believers.

Whatever benefits the personal conduct of an individual will be supported, but
things that are frightening or that incur Divine Wrath or punishment of course will be
explained away. It is a human impulse to explain away and denounce things that are
not wanted from the human impulse. But the point is, in the end, the truth reigns
supreme, we will all be subject before Allah, and no Greek philosophy can prevent

Where are Plato, Aristotle and Socrates? DEAD! Where? In their GRAVES! So
you see, we will all go to the graves. Salvation does not come in philosophy, but in
coming to Allah. And may Allah keep us safe from the punishment of the grave.


















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Tourism Coming to the Peninsula

It is shocking today the amount of excesses that some Muslims are able to digest.
Some Muslims easily digested and forgot about the government scholars that went
ahead and tampered with the Shari`a to please their rulers.

Some became accustomed to the presence of the American troops in the Peninsula
during and after the Gulf War fiasco. Others became just as indifferent in 1979
when the French troops, with the blessing of the Saudi government and the major
scholars, invaded Masjid ulHaraam in Makkah to prevent an Islamic uprising.
From all of this indifference from some of the Ummah, now very well might not be
much different, but for those concerned with the affairs of the Ummah, it will be

The latest announcement made by the Saudi government will be that effectively
beginning next year, the Arabian Peninsula will be open for non-Muslim (yes,
kuffar) tourists. They will be able to go throughout the peninsula with the exception
that they will not be able to go to Makkah and Madinah (as if they are not there).

As before, the skeptics might say, 'Brother, how did you come to get this
information? If it is from the newspaper, you know you can't trust these kuffar.'

But the problem is that it did not come from the newspaper, but from the Saudi
government. It was also announced in Britain three days ago by one of the ministers
in the Saudi government, along with support from the Sudanese government in the
form of a minister.

Mr. Hamid `Abdullah Mira, Managing Director of the UMRA and Research
Visiting Branch of the Saudi government, had the following to say,

'The Saudi government has not announced it yet, but starting next year, the
Peninsula will be open for what are called 'normal tourists,' which basically means
the people are non-Muslims.

'They will be allowed to come and tour the various resorts throughout the kingdom,
but they will be refused access to the cities of Makkah and Madinah. So the
government has organised this under the hajj and umra package, so that the tourists
might be watched after and seen to in an orderly manner.'

The horror of this is unspeakable. This was not just some dirty rumour being
circulated by some Western newspaper. NO! This came directly from the Saudi
government. In addition to this, the Sudanese government also sent a minister to
give support to such a 'bold and pragmatic' move.

What is sad is the reaction that was given by some Muslims in attendance of this
meeting. What is the big deal, they reason. If they are not coming into Makkah or
Madinah, what does it matter? It really does matter, for the Prophet (SAW) was
speaking in clear general terms when he said,

'No two religions should be found in the Arabian Peninsula,'

'Expel the Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula until there is no one that
calls to anything except Islam,' Sahih ulJaami`a, Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi and Muslim,
classified sahih.

Thus the whole principle is that they do not belong in the Peninsula whatsoever.
They are to be nowhere near it in any manner. What more horror do we have to
witness before we stand up and say enough is enough? The French came to the
Peninsula in 1979. In 1990, the United States military came into the Peninsula. In
the years 1992-1994, McDonalds, Safeway, Burger King and many other
institutions made their mark in the Peninsula.

The Jews have also been attempting to take the Saudi government to court. This is
much the same thing that they did to Germany and Switzerland recently, when these
two countries', whose present governments did not exist at the time, were made to
pay restitution for the Jews who were killed in Hitler's thunderous ramapage across
old Europe.

Unfortunately, they have come to the Peninsula. They want to have Khaibar back
in their possession and they are demanding restitution for the families of those who
Muhammad (SAW) fought and killed in jihaad over 1300 years ago. Add to this
the fact that for the first time in 1400 years, the Jews entered into the Peninsula
blowing the shofar (ram's horn used for solemn Jewish ceremonies) and dancing.
Who has bore witness to the evil of these transgressors? Other kuffar can't even be
fully sure what the Jews will do under the guise of that monstrosity that they call

In the year 2000, a British consulate was opened in Makkah. In the same year, it
has been declared that the land in the Peninsula will be eligible for purchase by
kuffar. Yet it is off limits to the Muslims.

This is insane. We must do something. We must stand up. This evil simply must be
prevented and must not be tolerated any longer. We must stand up before the
punishment of Allah strikes us all without exception due to our bungling and refusal
to stand firm.





















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Black Market on the Rise in Iraq

It was believed by many that the gangster, Saddam Hussain at-Takriti, could not go
any lower than to use his people as a shield in his war against the United States.

But to the unfortunate surprise of many, the Iraqi man hailed by some as the brown
skinned Hitler, has done his enemies one better again. This time, it is with the very
precepts agreed to in the arms agreement that he signed. Originally, by downsizing
his weapons and giving oil for food and medical supplies, the Iraqi people had
some chance at being able to function with some of the necessities of life.

But Saddam knows best, which is why he has been been importing illegal whisky
and scotch to the number of 10,000 bottles, along with 50 million cigarettes each
week into the country for his personal use and those in his inner circle. This comes
as a slap in the face to the UK and the US, who believed that the sanctions on Iraq
would somehow starve Mr. at-Takriti into giving up his claim on the presidency.

Far from it. Saddam has again outsmarted his former employers. What he is doing
now shows his diabolical character. He is receiving the aid provided by the UN
and then selling it abroad in order to pocket the money himself, all the while buying
illegally imported whisky and cigarettes. How many Kuwaiti ships have intercepted
Iraqi ships filled to absolute capacity with food leaving the country of Iraq and
headed to some other location.

And how many Lebanese pharmacists have found in their supply medication meant
for the Iraqi people. All of this is just part of Saddam's illicit black market scheme,
designed to keep him over the Iraqi people as their overlord. Most of the cigarettes
imported by Saddam are smuggled from the US while the whisky is taken from
Scotland. How strange it is that the same countries who supposedly want Saddam
out of power are also so tightly linked with his illegal activities.

As the Iraqi children continue to die and to be stacked in grave yards like
firewood, the world wonders what the Iraqi PEOPLE, not the tyrant ruling them, is
doing with the much donated UN supplies that are being so generously provided.

As the old chant goes on that the Iraqi people are 'being punished for the policy of
Saddam,' the Iraqi people, thanks to the UN, are not being fed. Rather, Saddam is
floating the economy and himself in a lake of black market tactics and get rich
quick schemes that promise to leave the country a whithered husk if continued at
their present rate. But all of this is part of the UN master plan to 'starve Saddam
out.' Our problem is that we can't see anyone starving but the Iraqi people.


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Threats Against Usaamah answered

Due to the highjackings and all of the setbacks that the West has suffered,
Usaamah ibn Laadin stands as the convenient scapegoat yet again. Whenever there
is any rustle in the bushes, Usaamah ibn Laadin. Whenever the night wind blows
against the windows of the people in the West, Usaamah ibn Laadin.

It is becoming such a serious issue, that I believe soon there will be an insurance
clause, 'The Usaamah clause,' where drivers, so distraught by being involved in a
car accident shout, 'Why Usaamah, Why?!'

All of these things equal what Usaamah has become in the news, a pariah, a sort of
demonised occult figure. But this has not been the sum total of what has taken
place. There has also been the death threats and offers of seven or eight digit
number rewards for his capture. Thus here we have a foreign country, the United
States, calling for the murder or capture of a foreign national in another country.

This is something that is outrageous even according to their own laws. But a
defense is standing for brother Usaamah. Within the last three weeks, some `Ulama
in Pakistan have stated that this slander and threat against Usaamah will no longer
be tolerated. The scholars stated that the death threats and the rewarding offering
for the head of Usaamah is unacceptable. In addition to this, the `Ulama warned
that if anything were to happen to Shaikh Usaamah, there would be an unrelenting
compaign of terror in the United States and wherever their citizens are visiting.

Thus now the playing field has been made level. The Muslims have stood to defend
one of their own. Allah (SWT) want us to be one and to stand for eachother. The
threats and stalking against Usaamah must stop, and if anything should happen to
the Shaikh, there should be terror against those who are responsible. These are the
words of the scholars.

It gives us hope to see that not every scholar is afraid to speak the truth or to stand
for the rights and priveleges of another Muslim. We hope that the brothers in
Pakistan who issued this declaration stay firm in their resolve and may Allah reward
them for their steadfast behaviour.

And may Allah make all of us to stand and defend the truth and the people who
support it.


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Ibn Rajab alHanbali (RH)

Known as one of the leaders of piety in his age, the honourable personage of Ibn
Rajab alHanbali is celebrated among all of the great scholars. His full name is Zain
ud-Din `Abdur-Rahmaan ibn Ahmad ibn `Abdur-Rahmaan alBaghdaadi
ad-Dimashqi as-Salaami alHanbali, known most pupularly as Ibn Rajab.

The great figure Ibn Rajab was born in Baghdad in the year 736 AH (1336 AD) to
a great family. In his travels, he had come to know the great `aalim Ibn Qayyim
alJawziyyah (RH). He was to be blessed in his later years by coming into contact
with the great scholar Shaikh ulIslam Ibn Taymiyyah (RH), who would tutor him in
many subjects. One of those subjects was fiqh, in particular, the Hanbali school of
thought, which Ibn Rajab adhered to with rigidity.

He was also one of those scholars who lived to see the ill fated times of the Tatars,
who invaded the Muslim world, tampered with the Shari'a and carried out a
campaign of terror that had not been seen by the Ummah before.

It was a time that the Ummah required protection and the preservation of the
religion was top priority. This is precisely why that the time of the Tatars was the
era that other great scholars, such as Ibn Hajar al`Asqalaali, Ibn Daqiq al`Eid,
Muhyi ud-Din an-Nawawi, Ibn Kathir, Ibn ulQayyim (RHM) and many others.

Working for the same purpose and striving to preserve the Shari`a was the basis of
Ibn Rajab's life. He was a very astute pupil, and nothing but good is related about
him. His shaikhs in his preliminary years were al`Allamah Muhammad ibn
alKhabbaaz, Shaikh Ibrahim ibn Dawud al`Attaar, Shaikh Muhammad ibn
alQalaansi and many others.

His knowledge was wide and known and respected by everyone that he met.
There weren't many scholars of Ahl us-Sunna that held ill feeling against Ibn Rajab.
The young man was mainly known for his shyness and his piety, and his quest to
revive the religion is known of far and wide.

The great imaam, Ibn Fahd (RH), had this to say of the scholar Ibn Rajab,

"The imaam, the memoriser, the clear proof and the faqih of the pillars of the
religion. One of the `Ulama of piety and worshipful imaams, a benefit to the
scholars of ahaadith and a treasure to the Muslims."

The great 'aalim, Imaam as-Suyuti (RH), had this to say of the great personality of
Ibn Rajab,

"The imaam, the memoriser, the scholar of hadith filled with wealth is Zain ud-Din

His most famous works include Sharh Maa Dhaa'iban Jaa'ian, alQawaa'id
ulFiqhiyyah, Dhail Tabaqaat alHanaabilah and Sharh Jaami'a Tirmidhi.

He was to breathe his last and die in the year 795 AH (1396 AD), may Allah have
mercy on him and all the scholars who support the religion of Islam.




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Hizbullah Intent on Warfare

As if the Israeli people didn't have enough problems with trying to exterminate all of
the people in Palestine so they can safely settle the land, now they have to deal with
yet another outburst.

The Hizbullah, the Twelver Shi`a group of world wide fame for launching
Ketsyusha rockets against Israeli outposts in southern Lebanon and northern Israel,
has now struck again. This time, they have taken the war yet again to the Jews in
their own land of Israel.

The Hizbullah are no strangers to Israel, nor are they unknown to those who keep
abreast of world events. It was this group that handed the once believed 'invincible'
state of Israel its' Vietnam, which left the nation scarred for life.

The Hizbullah were known for their martyrdom operations and their refusal to
surrender under any circumstances. Some history should be given to help us better
understand why the Israelis are so horrified of this deviant group and not the people
in Palestine who are representing the way of Ahl us-Sunna walJama`ah.

The Hizbullah was the brain child of a man by the name of Ayatullah Muhammad
as-Sadr, a famous Twelver Shi`a cleric, and a panel of several other scholars from
Iran. It was put together near the same time as the Revolutionary Guard, which was
the making of Ayatullah Ruhullah Khumaini, whose name has been eulogised
among the Shi`a.

The Revolutionary Guard had the job in the early and late 1970's of protecting the
Shi`a people inside of Iran, but Hizbullah was formed to export the revolution to
other countries where there are dormant Shi`a populations, such as Bahrain, Qatar,
Syria and most recently Lebanon.

The spirit of the revolution in Iran was to be carried with them like a banner, and
their willingness to die for the honour of `Ali and the Imaam had to be manifest.
Thus in the mid-1970s they were transfered to Lebanon, in the south, where their
other comrades were complaining of the encroachment of the Christians, Jews and
more recently, the PLO, with its' military dictator, Yaasir `Arafaat.

It was from here that the Shi`a in Lebanon came alive. The Shi`a came as a result
of the cry that was shouted from their brothers in belief. When they came, the Shi`a
of Lebanon came alive for the first time in 300 years. In Lebanon, the Shi`a had not
had much of a problem with the Sunni majority there, due to being outnumbered.
They were also mostly isolated due to being shut off from much of the Shi`a world
and being secluded.

Thus, although they said they were Shi`a, many of them prayed like Ahl us-Sunna,
so they weren't as apt to curse the Sahaaba (RAA). Most of the people of the
Shi`a were Arabs, so this is also different. The Arab Shi`a are comfortable in their
beliefs and do not feel threatened or intimidated into not being Muslim enough by
other Arabs.

Since the people in southern Lebanon are Arabs, they do not have such
shortcomings. But those who are among the non-Arab Shi`a are much more
heated, vigorous and eager in the practice of Shi`ism. This is due to the fact that
these nations, some of whom were and have been discriminated against by Muslims
who are Arabs, somehow feel the need to 'prove' their Islam.

And during the time of the growth of Shi`ism 400 years ago, many non-Arabs, who
saw some of the Muslim Arabs acting with cruelty towards them, embraced
Shi`ism because it was different from what the Arabs were doing. The Twelver
creed also stresses the pain of discrimination, struggle, cruelty, loss of honour and a
want for revenge, all things that some of these groups feel due to the discrimination
that they felt from the Arabs.

Thus when the Shi`a of Iran came, it was as if Lebanon had never been Shi`a
before. The Shi`a of Iran came, parading down the street, their chests and backs
gleaming white with red crimson blood streaming down their backs from the sword
being racked across it.

Some of them had bleeding foreheads from self-inflicted wounds, and still others
beat their backs with ball and chains to the beat of a drum, calling for the death of
the Sunni majority. For their zeal, the Arabs showed great admiration to them and
were more than proud to accept their help.

The Shi`a reciprocated by bringing in some of their top `Ulama, grand Ayatullahs
and soldiers to assist in what they would call 'a war against the world.' Things were
building to an incredible fiasco, with the Sunni people in fear and the Israelis poised
for invasion due to the newly arrived Palestinians using the area as a base to do
operations against the Jews in Palestine.

The year was 1981, and the world was on the brink of witnessing horror. When
1982 came, the Israelis had had enough of the resistence and armed warfare of the
Palestinians. This is when they decided to invade to stop the violence. This move
was one of the most disastrous that Israel could have ever decided to make.

The invasion of southern Lebanon resulted in another problem. The Jews, who had
previously been trickling in, illegal mind you, now were accompanied by armed
military men. This set off a full scale war. There was already a civil war going on in
southern Lebanon between the Maronite Christians and the Muslims, the Muslims
and the Shi`a factions, the Muslims, Christians and the Druze factions and finally
everyone against everyone else.

This did nothing but add to the difficulties. The Lebanese identified the Israelis as
the next enemy to leap into the fray with them. They then decided to fight with them
as well. The war that was brought to drive out the PLO was welcomed by the
Shi`a, who clapped, shouted and presented the Israeli soldiers with food upon their
entry into Lebanon.

After much time and effort spent, the PLO did finally leave, humiliated, routed,
resources spent, with no bright future in sight. The Lebanese, particularly the Shi`a,
were elated. The happiness was soon to become rage when they found that the
Israelis were actually going to expand and occupy southern Lebanon. Next came
the Israeli convenience stores, complete with alcohol and cigarettes. Then came the
settlers and the prostitution, the full time soldiers always on duty and finally the
violence of the occupation.

Whole villages were shelled to the ground, with the result that snipers began
targeting women who were gardening outside of their homes.

Beirut, once the Paris of the Middle East, and the place of choice for people from
Britain and the US to go and fornicate and engage in the illicit night life, was
reduced to rubble from the years 1982-1988. But the Hizbullah were ready for the
struggle and to defend the interests of Shi`ism and Iran in the area. This became
their reason to fight and strive. Martyrdom operations became common place and
the Israelis became locked into a war that they could not win or leave with dignity.

The United States, the main contributor and financer for Israel's pathetic
misfortune, attempted to intervene to show the Israelis that they were exaggerating
when they said that the war was not going to be won.

However, upon the arrival of the US soldiers, they found that they were being sent
home in bags, martyrdom operations were occuring several times a week, and in
addition to that, the Lebanese people in that area could not be trusted, due to the
fact that they themselves were Shi`a.

All of these things caused a speedy US withdrawal, with the Israelis being left to be
pounded into dust by a less equipped but more vibrant and dedicated adversary.
The soldiers of Israel came home, humiliated, without honour and in the grips of
depression. All of these things made the people in the land of Israel hang their
heads in shame for the first time in the fifty years of their occupation.

With the United States safely out of the picture and safe from world humiliation the
like of which they suffered in Vietnam, they were free to criticise the foreign policy
of Israel and their lack of 'prudence.'

When Israel did leave, the Hizbullah took the entire south of Lebanon to ransom.
What their complete plans are for it remain to be seen, but whatever their mission,
it is sinister. From the years 1986-1988, members of the Hizbullah slowly trickled
into Israel, to take the war to their enemies in their own territory. The first of these
started with the martyrdom operation of the Hizbullah against an entire school bus
filled with children.

After the report, the Israelis were hysterical with fright. The enemy had come to
encroach upon the land of Zion!!!! Oh the pain! The day the bombing happened,
the Hamas group sent a press release stating that they were not involved with the
school bus bombing, nor did they condone it. It was understood that another force
was at work here.

When Hizbullah came forward and confirmed that it indeed was operating in the
West Bank and Gaza, a shiver of fear went down the spines of the Israeli people.
The fear was of being completely surrounded by the Hizbullah and the same
occurences that shook them in Lebanon to happen in their own homeland.

So now we enter into the present situation. That a fourth soldier has been taken
hostage and the Hizbullah are excited and ready to inflict more defeats and
casualites on the Israeli people. What is not known is where these eager Shi`a
could strike next. It could be Tel Aviv and it could be Jerusalem. No one is sure
what they are capable of now that they are actually on Israeli soil.

In the end, there is no one to mourn for Israel in this drama. The Hizbullah are just
one more punishment sent by Allah on a people who took their land with hands
dripping with blood. The occupation of Israel by violent forces is a side effect for
their occupation of the land. They should be proud that they are receiving the fruit
that their hands have done.

We merely have to wait and observe the Israelis live out what they are so deserving
of for all their years of invasions, forced rapes, occupations, hate crimes, illegal
incroachments and all other insidious things that they have wrought on the people of

The Jews should be pleased, for the seeds of hate that they have planted 50 years
ago have finally come to germination, only to choke and mutilate the gardner in all
of his arrogance.



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What Do We Want?

This publication is not aimed at separating or causing too much debate among sincere Muslims. Without news from truthful sources, the only alternative is to take from our enemies; those who enjoin falsehood and forbid truth. Insha'llah, our aim is to provide Islamic education, news and discussion to incite the believers into action. We are working toward the sincere education of Muslims, while continuing to learn and champion the way of the Prophet (SAW) and those Rightly Guided (RAA).

How can you help?

By telling others about this website and helping to distribute this information. Encourage Muslims to ask questions and participate on our discussion board. In addition, be patient with us when we are revising and preparing new content. Get the word out in your community that we are not funded by anyone other than Allah -- alhamdulillah. Thus, our opinions come from our understanding of the opinions of the Siddiqun, not from government scholars, evil rulers, and kuffar.

Finally, make continious du`aa for the Mujaahidin and the Ummah that Allah grant all of us victory and reward.


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