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Intermediate Hunting Skills

Once you have gotten fairly good at catching insects, it is time for you to start hunting real prey. In this section we are going to talk about the easier types of prey.

Hamster There may be one of these animals in your territory. It usually lives in a glass cage and spends its nights running around in a wire wheel. The hardest part of catching this animal is getting it out of its cage. For some reason, the humans will not cooperate with your attempts.
If you can liberate the beast, it will be fairly easy to catch. Be careful to grab it by the neck as they do bite.
Mouse This creature, a "mouse" makes great eating if you can catch it. Actually, the trick to catching mice is to find them, then to lie very still until the mouse gets close enough to grab with a pounce. Mice don't fight back, but they can scurry along very fast.

Cat and mouse Mice have a habit of playing dead when you catch them. They will lie very still until your back is turned, then run away ! Never trust a mouse to be completely dead until it is eaten !

Mole Other small, tasty and easy prey include moles ( if you catch one above ground ) and baby rats.

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Sunday, 30-Dec-01 15:13:36 EST