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Advanced Hunting Skills

A word of advice, kitties. Don't be too quick to try your paw at the more advanced hunting skills. These animals are much harder to catch than the animals we have discussed thus far.

Birds Birds fly. The trick to catching a bird is to get it while it is on the ground. Please, please do not try to climb a tree to catch a bird ! The bird will fly off laughing, leaving you stuck out on a limb !
Birds have excellent vision, but they aren't very bright. If you hold very still, the bird probably won't see you. Just stay still close to a place birds like to go, like a garden, and when one is close enough, pounce ! You will still usually end up with just a mouth full of feathers, but sometimes you will get lucky.

Rabbit Rabbits are plentiful in the Spring and Summer, and very tasty. They are also very fast and very big. I have eaten a lot of rabbits in my time, but I always catch the baby ones. The baby rabbits are easy to catch, and there are plenty more where they came from. You are not going to make rabbits an endangered species if you eat a few of their babies.
Hunt around carefully in the bush and tall grass. You might get lucky and find a rabbit's nest.

Humans expect us to kill rats. Personally, I find rats big, nasty and hard to kill. Most prey will either freeze or try to get away: rats will fight back. Never go after a rat unless you are ready with the killing bite.

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Sunday, 30-Dec-01 15:13:34 EST