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Muhurtha--The Importance of Timing

"To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven." This quotation from Ecclesiastes, in the old testament, made so famous in the song by Peter, Paul & Mary, is referring to the natural cycles of life determined by time. Time is the essence of all things--all things are born, rise and fall, and terminate in their own time. The analysis of time and its cycles is the basis of astrology. The Sun, Moon, and planets are the architects of time. All the forces or energies have their source of origin in the Sun. The motions of the planets give us a clue as to when various kinds of creative and destructive forces are present. Having our actions be in harmony with these forces greatly improves our successes in life.

One of the most important uses of astrology is what is called "Muhurtha", the picking of auspicious times for important events such as travel, marriage, surgery, signing of contracts, purchasing of cars, etc..... Doing things when the natural forces of nature support them helps to greatly alleviate challenges and make things go much more smoothly. The planetary aspects at the time that you begin something set the tone for the whole experience. Carl Jung aptly put it when he said, "Whatever is born or done this moment of time has the qualities of this moment in time". So, you can predict what a couple's marriage will be like by looking at the time of their wedding, how a meeting will go by the influences at its start, if a vacation will be enjoyable by looking at the time of the plane flight, etc......

I cannot stress enough the importance of getting married at a fortuitous time. If the Moon is strong this helps the marriage to be emotionally fulfilling. If Venus, the planet of love and sex, is well situated, romance can thrive. If Jupiter is fortified, spirituality and prosperity can abound. If not, these areas of the couple's life will be tried.

The aspects at the time of a marriage not only affect the entire relationship, they influence how the wedding will go as well. I recently had some friends get married. I begged them to let me pick the date. They picked it on their own, but, because they have a great relationship, it was their karma to pick a wonderful time. I did the chart before the wedding and saw that the only challenge in the chart was in the area of servants or people supporting the wedding. So---it turned out that one week before the big day the D.J. cancelled on them. The day of the wedding the photographer was very sick and the flowers were two hours late. It was a wonderful wedding but the "servants" were definitely a problem.

Last year I went on a road trip to New Mexico. I picked the time to leave and it was a wonderful chart showing that the trip would be fulfilling in all ways. There were three malefic planets (Rahu, Mars, and the Sun) in the house that rules vehicles. The chart was so wonderful I erroneously thought that, even though we were driving all the way there and back, it would be okay. I figured if we had car problems they would adversely affect the trip and the chart clearly showed the vacation would be fabulous.

Well, the trip exceeded my expectations in many ways and just as we pulled into L.A. we blew a gasket that cost $1500 to repair. But, I was right in that the car problems didn't affect the trip at all because they didn't occur until we were back!! However, the chart clearly warned there would be car problems and taught me a very valuable lesson!

I had a client who recently called to find out if a business trip she was going on would be successful. She had to interview someone for a book she is writing. It turned out her interview was scheduled on a day when the planet of writing and communication, Mercury, was powerless and in the same sign as Saturn (the planet of delays and obstacles) and Ketu (the planet of loss and instability). I thought, because of this, that the interview would not occur. And sure enough, she called me the next week to let me know that a series of mishaps prevented it. I would have encouraged her to do so which could have assured a successful outcome. For this reason, Muhurtha is an incredibly valuable tool of astrology.

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