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Romantic Compatibility

Romantic Compatibility---It's written in the Stars!!

Many people say to me, "I'm a Taurus, who should I go out with?" or "I'm a Pisces, what's the best sign for me?"

While it is important that two people's sun signs be compatible, it is one of the many considerations when looking at the connection and harmony (or lack thereof) between two people. Just having compatible Sun signs tells very little. Since the Sun rules career, behavior, status and health, having compatible sun signs means the couple will look good together, behave similarly, and have compatible careers. People will look at them and say, "Okay. They make sense together." or "They look good together." But this does not mean that they necessarily will get along or be emotionally in sync.

As in an individual's horoscope, the Moon signs are the most important factors to evaluate. Compatible Moon signs between two people contribute to similar values, attitudes, and emotional needs.

But there is so much more to be considered. I look at a ten step system comparing two people's emotional natures, sexual natures, communication styles, individual partnering capacities, and the timing between them. Timing is extremely important. If one person is in a great time to be in a relationship but the other is not--this will make it difficult for them to fully partner even if all else is good between them. This is especially true if both people are in a difficult time to be in a relationship. Hence the saying, "Right guy, wrong time".

Compatibility is complicated, as we all know all too well. We can love someone very deeply yet not be able--as hard as we try--to make a relationship work with them. Or we can have a great relationship with someone we are not in love with. Astrology very clearly explains these dynamics. One of my favorite things about astrology is the tremendous peace of mind it can bring us. For example, I have a client who was not able to fully emotionally let go of an old relationship. Years had passed, yet she still wistfully wished it could have been different with this man and doubted her decision to end the relationship. In doing her compatibility with this ex-love, I was able to very clearly see that, although they were deeply connected emotionally and physically, they had enormous obstacles to overcome. They had planetary connections that cause tremendous instability and upheaval between them. She found this reading so validating and comforting that she was able to finally forgive herself and see that they were not right for each other.

I, myself, have received tremendous peace of mind looking at compatibility issues in my own life. When a significant relationship ended a few years ago, I looked at our charts and saw that he would hook up with "Ms Right" right away, but that I would be single for two years. Well....this came to pass exactly. My ex had a new girlfriend within weeks to whom he is now betrothed, but try as I might to go against the planets, I just couldn't sustain anything significant with anyone for two years. And right before I met my current sweetheart, I knew someone important was coming. It was all in my chart!

I recommend to people to have compatibility looked at as soon as possible when they meet someone they like. It can save a lot of time and heartache. If the charts support having a relationship, a reading can help you to know how to most successfully pursue the person.

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