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Varshphal or Yearly Chart

Varshphal or Yearly Chart

There are three branches to predictive astrology:

1. Natal Horoscopy

This is concerned with calculating and interpreting horoscopes of individuals on the basis of the time, place, day and year of their birth. All aspects of a person's life can be addressed from the natal chart which shows the positions of the planets at the moment of birth and the planetary periods which reveal how the person's life will unfold over time. The Lunar chart, which is the same as the natal chart but looks at everything in relation to the Moon, and the Navamsa or "marriage" chart--a spearate chart based on the position of the Moon at birth which reveals a person's partnering or marriage karma, as well as subtle points in their whole life. I look to all three when I do a "life reading" for someone--a one and a half to two hour session which covers who they are, why they are here, where they've been and where they are headed. This session focuses specifically on the coming year.

2. Mundane Astrology

This is the astrology of places--countries or cities. A horoscope is cast for the "birth time" of the place--the time, day, year and location of the signing of the charter, treaty or in our case, Declaration of Independence. You can tell all about a place--whether its inhabitants will prosper or struggle, when there will be peace or war, when they are likely to have natural disasters, the political climate, etc.

3. Prasna or Horary Astrology

This deals with answering specific questions. A chart is made for the place, day and time of the question. When an individual poses a question to the astrologer, they are "giving birth" to the question. Looking at the chart as well as the querant's natal chart reveals the answer. I recommend that everyone who has a natal reading come back at least once a year for what is called their Solar Return or Varshphal reading. This is a branch of predictive astrology which looks very specifically at a one year period in a person's life starting on or around their birthday to the following birthday.

The Sun completes one transit on 360 degrees of the zodiac in one year. A chart is drawn for the time when the Sun in transit reaches exactly the same sign, degree, minute and the second as it was at the person's birth. All the positions of the other planets at that moment are calculated as well. So, if we want to know the events for someone's 30th year, we cast a horoscope for the time when the Sun reaches exactly the above longitude at the end of the 29th year or beginning of the 30th.

This chart, when looked to in conjunction with the natal chart and its planetary periods and transits for the same year, is incredibly predictive and accurate. I can tell quite specifically what that person can expect in the next year.

It is possible to do a monthly chart or Lunar Return as well. This chart is drawn for the moment the Moon is in the same sign, degree, minute and second as it is in the individual's natal chart. You can tell quite specifically what a person will experience that month.

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