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Family from Forfar - Chapter 4.4
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The fourth generation - Illinois

James Sterling Scott grew up helping in the family carriage factory in Boston, amid the smoke of the blacksmith's forge. He decided to seek cleaner air and headed to Illinois at the age of 24 in 1858. His first job was with cattle dealer, Isaac Funk, driving cattle overland from Iowa to the Chicago markets. A cowboy of sorts, he contacted cholera while travelling through Lexington Illinois, and had to give up the cattle drive. Recovering quickly he landed another job on a farm in Normal, where he met Henrietta Sutton, a student at Major College. Eventually Henrietta and James married and began farming on their own land within two years in Cooksville, Illinois. Henrietta taught school, and eventually they added 40 acres to their initial 80.

The story of the fourth generation is the story of the children of James and Henrietta a family of seven children four boys and three girls.  The death of James Jr. at age 2 1/2 reduced the family to six, all of whom married. Research on daughters Myrtle who married Robert E. Bird and Emma Henrietta who married Lander Smith, has shown that neither had descendants.

3 James Sterling Scott b. 19 May 1833 d. 1922
    m. Henrietta Sutton m. 23 Aug 1860, Normal, Ill.  b. 04 Aug 1842 Pleasant Plains, Illinois d. cir 1925 Bloomington, Ill.
      4 Dr. John Adams Scott b. 15 Sep 1867 Fletcher, Illinois d. 1947
        m. Matilda Jane "Tillie" Spring d. 20 Sep 1955 Chevy Chase, Mich.
      4 Dr. Walter Dill Scott  b. 01 May 1869 Cooksville, Illinois d. 24 Sep 1955 Evanston, Illinois
        m. Anna Marcy Miller m. 1898 d. 1965
      4 Edsel Winfield Scott  d. 1912
        m. Agnes Simpson 
      4 Louise Scott  b. 1861
        m. Rev. Donald Kennedy Campbell I  b.  Pictou Co. Nova Scotia d. 19 Dec 1942
      4 Emma Henrietta Scott 
        m. Lander Smith
      4 James Scott died age 2
      4 Myrtle Scott  b. Colorado
        m. Robert E. Bird

The story of the Illinois Branch is unique in being documented within published material, because of the national stature of two academics in the fourth generation.  Brothers Walter Dill Scott and John Adams Scott, taught at Northwestern University, and Walter became President of the esteemed institution at the time it was needing the strong leadership he was able to provide. During his tenure over 56 buildings were constructed or renovated and an additional six were under construction.  His publishing record was equally prolific with eight books to his credit and an additional thirteen titles under joint authorship.

Due to his prominence both the history of his family and career life are well documented. Scott of Northwestern a book length biography transcribed for HomePort, includes valuable family history, despite some minor errors.

An illustrated biography published by Northwestern in magazine format, Northwestern's Number One Alumnus, has also been digitized for HomePort.  An introductory biography and a document produced by the Northwestern University Library as a finding aid to the papers of Dr. Walter Dill Scott (1869-1955), in PDF format, provide additional biographical information on his career.

Images of

James Sterling Scott (1833-1922) & Henrietta Sutton (1842-1925)

 Brothers: Walter Dill Scott, John Adams Scott , Edsel Winfield Scott- Illinois- 1880's

A Family From Forfar - Index

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