 HomePort S.S. Neptune which was
              first Captained by Hon. Edward White
Journal of Walter Edward White 1903  
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October -  1903

October 4, 1903  Sunday - Wind N.E. - Cold and wet.  Special service held all day in church to commemorate the Bicentenary of Wesley - Mr.(Rev. Charles) Lench preached in morning,  Mr. (Rev. W.T.D.) Dunn in evening. After church went to Mr. Knight's with C. (Charles Robert) Steer, Mr. Scott & Mr. Nichols who gave us some singing.

October 5, 1903  Fine day - shops opened tonight fairly busy all day - special evangelistic service commencing tonight in George Street (Methodist) Church - Paid for overcoat today.

October 7, 1903  Wind W. with rain showers - Mother and Father at farm all day - Received strawberry plants from Hobbies today.  Plants left Dureham(?) Sept 14th and arrived in St. John's Oct 5th - freight $2.55.

October 10, 1903  Fine day - Father & girls at farm cutting off strawberries plants all day - got cra---from ----- this evening & paid same twice.

October 11, 1903  Sunday - Fine day - Rally Day in Sunday school. Went for walk to farm after school.

October 18, 1903  Since last Sunday had very wet weather with N.E. winds - did not go to church today owing to having a boil on neck.

October 19, 1903  Splendid day - Not working today, boil on neck - went to farm all day with Father.

October 24, 1903  Saturday - Wet all day - Not very busy all week, trade dull.

October 25, 1903  Sunday - Weather fine - Promotion day in Sunday School.  Miss Campbell commences superintendent work -- primary this afternoon.

October 26, 1903  Wet all day - Cabinet meeting of (Epworth) League met tonight in class room to consider advisability of closing (Epworth) League during busy season.  Decided not to do son - Paid for Father's overcoat today.

October 28, 1903  Fine day - Fairly busy.  Bought Partridge berries today 29 c. a gallon.  Fire at news office today.

October 31, 1903  Splendid day - Freezes a little in nights - Very busy all the week in shops.

November 1904
 Index for Journal

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