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US Flags : America under Attack : United we Stand! : International Reaction : Home

Subject: Will the U.S. sacrifice some liberties? asked these questions. The answers are my own replies.
If you care to give yours, I'll listen. (Replies may be posted here.)


You can reply to any or all of these questions.


1. Would you support restrictions on our civil liberties to combat terrorism in this country?


NO! Don't let the terrorist win!


(I don't feel we should give up the freedoms that make this country what it is.

To give up our freedom and our way of life is giving terrorist what they want.

I do agree that we need stronger security, but there has to be a better way

to achieve that goal without destoying our way of life.)


   1b. And how far would you be willing to go?


2. Would you support intrusive searches at airports -- for example,

everyone having their bags and personal belongings searched by hand?


No. Although, I would support allowing fewer carry ons.


3. Would you support a law requiring everyone to carry a national

identification card?


No, I carry a state ID. Why do I need a national one?


4. Would you support new laws to allow monitoring of telephone calls and



No, No, No!!! I would not support my privacy being invaded.



5. Would you support legislation allowing law enforcement to monitor credit

card purchases?


 No, No, No!!!

What I put on my charge card is on no ones business but mine.


6. Would you support internment camps for foreigners from hostile nations?



Do we really want to do this again?

(We can't look down at any group of people because of race or religion.
Every citizen in this country has a right to our basic freedoms, to justice and to equality.

How can we take away from others the same rights that we want for ourselves?)





7. Should federal law enforcement be allowed to arrest and deport suspected

terrorists without a court hearing?


No! ( same as above)


The Story

Question of sacrificing liberties haunts Hoosiers

By Mary Beth Schneider


 Fight for Freedom!


US Flags : America under Attack : United we Stand! : International Reaction : Home