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US Flags : America under Attack : International Reaction : Liberties : Home


The recent atrocities that took place in New York City and Washington DC are an attempt to destroy The United States.
It was a deliberate attack at the heart and soul of every American as well as the nerve center for the entire global economy.
This attack was not arbitrary. The locations were chosen for a reason; the Pentagon for obvious security reasons, the White
House for our spirit and the symbol of freedom and democracy. and the World Trade Center towers were chosen for their
impact visually, symbolically and economically and for body count.
The purpose of the attack was to break our spirit and our economic stability. It was meant to cause panic and more importantly,
economic unrest. The initial impact of this barbaric act was only the beginning. It was meant to hurt us, to intimidate us, to make
us run scared. It was meant to get us to destroy ourselves by running to the banks and pulling out our money, by selling all our
stocks and causing the next great stock market crash. The people who masterminded this horrible, cowardly act are right now
sitting back and watching us. They are celebrating our pain and anguish. And they will rejoice at every point the stock market drops.
They will sit back and say look what we did... Today while our government works to eradicate this vile disease from the face of this
Earth, we as American can do something too. We can show these bastards that our spirit CAN NOT be broken. They WANT to
see the market crash on Monday. They want to see our economy and prosperity destroyed. During World War II people chose to
show their support and patriotism by buying war bonds. We now have a very important choice to make--we can panic and sell, or
we can rally. Starting on Monday, if you can afford to buy stock DO IT. Buy a little or buy a lot. But BUY. Buy American.
Buy stock in the U.S. Buy stock in US. DON'T SELL.

Remember that every point we lose they win. Support our markets for as long you can--Monday and beyond.
Let them see that they may have succeeded int killing thousands of Americans, but that is all they did. They have not struck down
their enemy...they awoke a sleeping giant... UNITED WE STAND **Please forward this to as many people as you can-post it,
email it just get it out.

Sent to me by:
Ken Churilla Eureka



It is hard to appreciate the amount of damage done in New York City last Tuesday.
Recently, some overhead views have been shown on television and one can start to
grasp the magnitude of the event. I have located two similar overhead view photos
of the World Trade Center before and after last Tuesday. You may view these
photos on Ken Churilla's site at the following URL:

Former World Trade Center Tenants: A floor-by-floor listing of WTC businesses and their employees.

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US Flags : America under Attack : International Reaction : Liberties : Home

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Thank you for visiting! God Bless us all.