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Valder Learning Systems -- Learn Transformation meditation to destress and improve the quality of your life.

Welcome To Valder Learning System's

Peaceful Living Practice

For the Workplace

Your Associates Can Learn Stress Reducing Transformational Living in just 6 weeks...

Not just how to meditate, how to be meditative
A personal, adaptive approach.

"Stress Management". It's the business self-help topic of the day, and seminars that promise to help you "take control" of your life and improve your business are popping up everywhere.

I typed "workplace stress management" in a search engine, and got over six million links! Even accounting for multiple links to the same site, that's an amazingly large number.

You've probably already read an article or two about stress in the workplace, so I won't waste your time with the introductory explanations. It is common knowledge that stress is a general term for tension, which always exists in any system. Good stress is motivating; bad stress is debilating.

I cannot count the number of web offerings for stress management seminars and courses. There are some very good ones available. There are also a lot of corporate looking sites that promise all kinds of "new" and "innovative" solutions to the same old problems. It seems to me they've rewritten the old efficiency manuals, and just replaced a few catch words - nothing new except some vocabulary. Most corporate and workplace focused courses are still talking about "getting control" and "time management".

The focus of most stress management courses is the company. I don't care what the literature says, I don't believe that companies have cultures, souls or personalities, unless you are considering the collective souls, and resulting dynamics, of the humans who make up that company.

I often wonder about the logic of a company focused program, when humans do the work, make up the company - and feel the stress. They want to be good employees. Telling them how to be more efficient, or productive, or even happier, for the sake of the company isn't solving a problem. The problem is the stress each and every individual in your company faces every day. Each person has a different amount of stress, from different sources, and for different reasons.

We won't waste your company's money and your time giving the same motivational lectures about being in control (that's stressful). Successful business people already know how to manage their time, use lists and goals. You are management; you already are in charge. Getting control of stress is counterproductive - you have to hang on to control something. That's where a lot of bad stress comes from, so how can learning to do more of it help?

You're a successful business person, who already knows how to be in charge. The problem - for you, your co-managers and associates, is that "bad stress" that is causing so many problems. You don't need a list of possible solutions, you need tools with which to find solutions for yourself.

And that's what makes Peaceful Living Practice unique. A truly innovative, authentic stress reduction course, we don't look or sound like a polished, professional proposal straight out of a corporate board room.

We focus on the people. Our seminars are designed to help you identify your bad stress, eliminate it, and make room for the good that is already in your life.

We don't believe a company is improved by getting good people to be better employees. Good people make good employees; great people make great employees. It follows that focusing on the person will reflect into the company. This isn't based on any fancy philosophical or religious belief, it's just common sense. If you really want to fix a problem, you need to go to the source.

I've also noticed almost every program that offers to improve human relations in a work environment eventually gets around the the topic of dealing with a "bad boss". Now, I've worked in several large companies and I know a lot of people in management positions, and I just haven't seen all these horrible, back stabbing task masters straight out of a horror film. I'm sure there are some people that have to suffer at the hands of a bad boss, but I wonder how often miscommunication, as well as marketing experts' ability to create a need in order to fill it, is causing more problems than actually exist.

Our programs can be individualized to the needs of any group or organization. Our goal is always to provide simple, efficient tools you can use to calm yourself and identify the actual problem. This frequently is all that is necessary for someone to be able to find positive, non-judgemental solutions that will benefit everyone involved - including, of course, the company.
communication is interpersonal and human, whether in the office or at a cocktail party.

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