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Valder Learning Systems -- Learn Transformation meditation to destress and improve the quality of your life.

Peaceful Living Practice


Your Patients Can Learn Stress Reducing Transformational Living in just 6 weeks...

Not just how to meditate, how to be meditative
A personal, adaptive approach

As a medical professional, I'm sure you already know that new research findings proving the connection between the psychological and physiological well being of patients are being amassed almost daily. I'm very excited about the news, but also a little worried.

People are becoming aware of the physiological benefits they can gain from proper meditation and relaxation practices. Unfortunately, some well-meaning practitioners have not realised the importance of explaining to their students that this should be done in addition to whatever medical treatment they are receiving from their doctors, not instead of medical treatment!

We believe our classes, specifically designed to be simple, efficient and practical for the Western mind, are an important addition to any medical practice; never a replacement for quality, modern medical care. We are most excited about being able to work with medical professionals, not replace them.

We have created an information page for your patients. Just click here, then print the two page information sheet you see. You can print several copies or print one and make your own copies.

Transformation Meditation classes include training in Transformation Meditation and moving meditation, plus breathing, listening and relaxation techniques that are quickly and easily applied to daily life.

We now know stress increases, or even causes, illness, depression and disease. Let us show you how we can help your patients and staff reduce stress, improve health and live better.

You can schedule classes to meet once per week for one and a half hours at your facility or ours. A minimum of four students is required for scheduling at our facilities; a minimum of 6 is required for classes scheduled elsewhere. As always, class materials are included in the affordable tuition.

We work closely with your staff to address the individual needs of your patients, based on a combination of medical and personal needs. Patient focused discussions of life-skills, and contemporary and future issues are introduced in the beginning classes and expanded upon in the intermediate groups.

Some FAQ's of Interest:

How are Transformation Meditation Foundation classes unique?
Our classes are not complex, metaphysical or philosophical theories; we are not out to change anyone's belief structure or way of life. Our classes uniquely address the physical practice of meditation and relaxation, as it most appropriately applies to our contemporary Western culture. Discussion is non-religious, student-oriented and application based. We find most people greatly appreciate the fact that our classes do not intrude on an individual's belief structure. In fact, some find the explanations of theory and technique, as Transformation Meditation Foundation suggests we present them, allow students to appreciate their own existing beliefs more. For many people, the result oriented and personalized approach of this system is simple, efficient and immediate. Most of all, people love the simplicity of our adaptive approach.

Who benefits from these classes?
Everyone benefits. We offer patient classes and staff training classes.

Why should your staff be trained?
Medical professionals today work in a highly stressful environment; I see it every time I visit my physician or a medical facility. A serene presence suggests confidence; that is, in itself, quite comforting to many patients. A medical facility staffed by calm, quietly confident personnel will not only be able to serve their patients better, but be perceived as the high quality facility it is. Transformation Meditation techniques not only give your staff the tools they need to remain calm, but also to calm themselve almost instantly after a bad situation, diffusing the stress before it can spread.

In addition, a medical professional trained in the Transformation Meditation techniques will have several quick, simple relaxation techniques they can introduce to a frightened or upset patient, to implement on the spot. If the patient calms down, the "double calming" effect can take place - the patient becomes more relaxed within, allowing them to see the facility and staff in a more positive perspective. From this view, patients will often be more receptive to necessary treatments. Again, everyone benefits.

Why should your patients attend?
It is common knowledge that some patients respond to treatment better than others; an abundance of research exists to show that patients' attitudes directly affect their physiological responses to treatment. Positive attitude often accompanies positive results, and negative attitudes often accompany poor results. Your patients can not only learn to calm themselves and control negative stress in their lives, but with our classes emphasis is placed on cooperation with the attending medical professionals, potentially making your job easier and their treatment more effective.

What conditions can be improved with these classes? Any patient can benefit from learning to control stress and negative thought patterns. According to Transformation Meditation Foundation, patients suffering from high blood pressure, heart disease, depression, anxiety and other related conditions may directly benefit from our classes.

When can classes be scheduled? A variety of class times are available to address the needs of many individuals: Weekday mornings or evenings, as well as some Weekend class times, are available.

Where can they be held? A minimum of four students is required to schedule a class at our facility in Hillsborough. A minimum of six students is required to schedule a class any where else, including your facility. Any one person may register for one of our open classes, listed on our printable registration form.

How do we structure the classes?
Our beginning and intermediate sessions consist of six classes each. Each class reviews the previous lessons, then allows for personal input from our students. This is followed by an introduction to, and practice of, a new technique. Our low pressure, friendly, sincere environment makes learning and practice fun and, of course, relaxing for all.

Our advanced classes are more of an ongoing meditation practice and focus group for students who have completed the beginning and advanced sessions.

Our students fill out a simple information form. This is a nonintrusive, general "quality of life" form, so we can personalize discussions and example formats to our students' needs. We will NEVER ask for medical records, although we may ask for your opinions as to what type of stress you believe is causing a particular patient the most problems. Again, we will only ask for nonintrusive, general input to help us help your patients.

How do patients benefit?
The Transformation Meditation Foundation Student Manual lists the following physical health benefits (based on recent research):
Improvement for asthma sufferers (I can personally attest to this)
Strengthens the immune system and reduces viruses
Reduces cardiovascular problems
Increases blood flow to the heart and lowers blood pressure
Improvement for diabetics
Increases athletic performance (I have enjoyed helping several young people)
Reduces chronic pain...

How does your facility benefit?
There has been a lot of discussion of how proper meditation can directly and indirectly help businesses of all kinds, including the medical industry. You can read more about this on our page for businesses.

For more information from the ahrq, the links below are quite informative:
Mental Health
Quality of Life
Accepting Alternative Practices
Alternative Treatments for Diabetics
Sleep Disorders

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(919) 644-8440

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