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The Vernon Advocate

"Over 2 Decades of Award Winning Excellence in Marketing, Public Relations, Freelance News Reporting and Photojournalism"


The Goals of The Vernon Advocate

    The success of all businesses are based on having a business plan that is based on well defined business goals.  Those goals bust be based on the two simple principles of business decison making:

1. business decisions must be made based on an understanding of the return that will be generated by the investment being made in business needs and resources (ROI);

2. business decisions must be made based on Management by Objective (MBO) criteria which specifically targets the allocaton of business resources at operationally defined business improvement objectives.

It is the goal of Vernon Advocate services to apply business decision making discipline toward the achievment of the following goals:

1. Maximizing profits by optimizing the return on investment.

2. Maximizing business performance efficiency by controlling costs and allocating resources based on MBO criteria.

3. Maximizing sales by developing and implementing a market penetration strategy that is based on valid and reliable market research data, competition analysis, a comprehensive marketing plan, a sales strategy to implent the elements of the marketing plan and by leveraging today's marketing, public relations and Internet based resources to gain maximum market awareness and generate new sales.

    Interested parities can provide information about their business needs by completing a Personal Information Form on this web site, consulting with Dr. Whiting to engage in the goal setting, strategic planning and action plan development process required to achieve the client's goals.


Background photo:  "Hole #1 Wild Turkey Golf Club at Crystal Springs" taken by Dr. John T. Whiting

2000 (c) Dr. John T. Whiting
All Rights Reserved
Last revised: February 16, 2020.