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The Vernon Advocate

"Over 2 Decades of Award Winning Excellence in Marketing, Public Relations, Freelance News Reporting and Photojournalism"


Domain Name Purchasing

Businesses interested in establishing a presence on the Internet using a web site will find it advantageous to purchase the rights to a domain name which consumers can use to reach the company web site and which will identify the company to Internet based search engines.  The domain name is based on a protocal that includes the select domain name followed by a dot (.) followed an extension (e.g.;;

Domain names can be purchased from a wide variety of Internet based domain name service providers at varying prices.  The domain name can be purchased for either one year or for longer periods of time depending on the needs of the business.  Care needs to be taken that the domain name is purchased from a reliable source that will provide the necessary support services at the best possible price.

The Vernon Advocate will assist clients in selecting a domain name that will be recognizable and easy for consumers to remember and use, that will provide business name recongnition and can be conveniently used to support an e-mail system using the same domain name.  The Vernon Advocate will help identify a quality domain name service provider and guide the client through the domain name registraton process and the integration of the domain name into the web site and e-mail service protocols.  If it becomes desireable to sell a domain name that is no longer of value to the company, the Vernon Advocate can assist in selling the domain name at the best market price..

    Those interested in learning more about the Vernon Advocate service can review the information on this web site, contact the founder and/or complete an Information form by clicking HERE.


Background photo:  "Hole #1 Wild Turkey Golf Club at Crystal Springs" taken by Dr. John T. Whiting

Web site created by Dr. John T. Whiting

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2000 (c) Dr. John T. Whiting
All Rights Reserved
Last revised: February 16, 2020.