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Though everyone has memory and concentration problems, no one makes an effort to overcome them. Just like headache is a symptom forgetting, too, is a symptom of an underlying emotional, neurological, or learning disorder. One need not wait till amnesia sets in. It is imperative that faster these disorders are set right the better for the individual in increasing his or her efficiency.

At MEMORY CLINIC we handle day-to-day problems of memory and concentration. We deal with each case systematically and determine the cause of forgetting. Remedial measures are advocated on the basis of diagnosis.

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Find out how many of these problems are affecting you today and reply to us as soon as possible.

  1. Do you feel tired early in the morning?
  2. Whenever you try to study do you feel your mind wandering?
  3. Is it difficult to understand what you study?
  4. Even if you have understood do have difficulty in remembering?
  5. Do you study the same subject matter over and again?
  6. Do you always feel lazy and lethargic?
  7. Do you have difficulty in getting sleep?
  8. Are you slow in reading?
  9. Do you have difficulty in writing?
  10. Do you have hatred for studies?
  11. Do you have hatred for specific subjects, like mathematics?
  12. Do you have problems in concentration?
  13. Do you think you have memory problems only when it comes to textbooks?
  14. Does it hurt you when your parents compare you with someone?
  15. Do you play or watch TV too much?
  16. Do you feel studying is difficult?
  17. Do you get angry for small reasons especially at home?
  18. Do you thing that others are always criticizing you?
  19. Have you ever failed in any subject?
  20. Are you afraid to ask questions in the class?
  21. Do you feel nervous during examination?
  22. Do you get confused during exams?
  23. Do you have difficulty in reading?
  24. Do you have difficulty in writing?
  25. Do you have difficulty in Arithmetic?
  26. Do you hate to go to school/College?
  27. Do you hate to return home?
  28. Do the friends tease you?
  29. Do you think others misunderstand you?
  30. Are you unable to take on responsibilities?


If you say yes to at least five of the above questions, you need help in overcoming your problems.

Please select the numbers that applies to you and e-mail the same to us at

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Find out the capacity of your brain to process, store, and retrieve information




Find answers to day-to-day problems and make changes in your lifestyle




Improve your memory, concentration, speed-reading, and comprehension




Bring total changes to your life and boost your career on to a different level with higher efficiency and productivity




“Learning to Learn”.  Use scientific methods to understand and remember.  Learn effective study habits.  Make studying an interesting activity

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Memory Problems


symptoms of an underlying

o        Learning Disorder

o        Emotional Disorder

o        Neurological Disorder

Kinds of Remembering

Characteristics of Attention

Postural Response

Clearness in Consciousness

Orienting Reflex (set for action)

Physiological Correlates


Dilation of blood vessels in the head

Constriction of peripheral blood vessels

Changes in EEG, Heart Rate, Respiration, etc.

Developing Memory and Concentration

Primary Importance

1. Develop Emotional Intelligence

2. Reduce Stress

3. Subconscious Tuning

4. Learning to Learn

5. Associative Learning

6. Active Involvement

 Secondary Importance

1. Postural Adjustments

2. Increasing Awareness

3. Reduce Conscious Capture

4. Develop Imagery

 Tertiary Importance

1. Preparation

2. General Layout

3. Meaning

4. Working Memory

5. Parallel Processing

6. Reorganization

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Dos and Don’ts for



Make Postural Adjustments

Move your eyeballs from succade to another

Ignore small words

Search for keywords

Scan rather than read

Develop Eidetic Imagery


Read loud

Subvocalize when reading

Use finger or pencil

Move your head

Read every letter

Bother remembering every detail

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