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Consultancy Services

| To Industries and Organizations | To Educational Institutions | To Parents and Others | To Students | To Teachers |

Consultancy Services

Available to

Industries and Organizations from SCAPE

Selection, Recruitment, Placement

Training and Development

Training for Sales People

Job Analysis

Employee Motivation

Developing Executive Skills

Performance Appraisal

Organizational Communications Skill Training

Informal Organizational Development

Curing Absenteeism

Marketing Survey and Research

Organizational Development Programs

Organizational Climate Study and Improvement

HRD Climate Study and Improvement

Studying Industrial Burnout

Survey of Attitudes, Values, and other need-based areas

Profile Analysis

Program for Workers on Alcoholism and Drug Dependency

Individual Guidance, Counseling, and Therapy

Research and Analysis

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Major Programs


+ Speed Reading Mania + Supra Stress Intervention Program + Supra Human Potential Utilization Service + Supra Subliminal Programming +

Click here for an article by Sujendra Prakash, Ph.D. on Subliminal Programming

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Other Programs

+ Supra Diagnostic and Assessment Service + Supra Brain Mapping + Subliminal Therapy + Self-Hypnosis + Speed Reading and Concentration + Memory Enhancement + Human Relations + Creativity + Developing Multidimensional Personality + Developing Supra Intelligence + Developing Emotional Intelligence + Supra Vocational Achievement Program + Interviewing Skills for HR Professionals + Enriching Team Work +

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Consultancy Services

Available to

Educational Institutions from SCAPE


Administrative, Academic, Avocation, Educational, and Vocational Services

Training teachers in Educational Counseling and in Innovative Evaluation Techniques

Orientation Program for Students and Teachers

Memory Development Programs

Testing Services for Aptitudes, General Mental Ability, Study Involvement, Motivation, Values, Personality, etc.

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Major Programs Like

+ Supra Study Involvement Program + Supra Educational Achievement Program + Speed Reading Mania + Special Programs for Failed Students

Other Programs

+ Supra Diagnostic and Assessment Service + Speed Reading and Concentration + Memory Enhancement + Developing Multidimensional Personality + Developing Supra Intelligence + Developing Emotional Intelligence + Study Skills + Mastering Text Book + Attitude Change + Creativity + Communication Skills +

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Administrative Services to Educational Institutions

Presentation of the school/college as a premier institution in the educational field through brochures, handbooks, magazines, newsletters, and strategic plans

Starting of new courses and combinations to cater to the larger student population

Introducing vocational courses leading to direct employment

Conducting major functions and celebrations at national level

Planning towards autonomy and on par with prestigious institutes like IIMs and IITs

Outlining specific guidelines for teachers' development and service

Ensure effective involvement of teachers in educational excellence

Restructure the existing mode of attendance and timetable

Computerized data bank of students

Computerization of all administrative procedures

Academic Services to Educational Institutions

Ensure cent percent results in all classes and combinations

Strive for at least two ranks every year in each terminal examination

Equip library with modern state-of-the-art technology

Redesign laboratory facilities to increase efficient teaching and cut down on costs and overhead

Bring about Study Involvement among students to minimize time and effort and maximize learning

Start associations and clubs in each department to motivate students

Plan for exchange programs internationally involving both students and teachers

Train teachers in educational counseling

Familiarize teachers with teaching technology

Involve teaching and non-teaching staff in the development of school/college

Orientation program for students in the beginning of the academic year

Periodical tests and mock exams for students

Evaluation of teachers' performance

Pedagogical designing of syllabi to facilitate teaching-learning process

Avocation Services to Educational Institutions

Train and encourage students to participate in extracurricular and co-curricular activities

Conduct national level competitions in literary and cultural activities

Help students to represent school/college in national and international competitions

Create opportunities for students to interact with great achievers in all walks of life

Plan and execute educational tours and fieldwork

Educational Services to Educational Institutions

Identify, understand, and solve psychological and emotional problems of students

Coordinate effectively with parents and teachers for the holistic growth of each student

Train students in developing cognitive abilities, intellectual capacity, creativity, personality development, need fulfillment, communication skills, emotional balance, moral and ethical values, and social maturity

Provide professional counseling and preventive guidance to students, parents, and teachers

Help each student to be an independently effective and efficient citizen of the country

Inculcating self-discipline and facilitating social adjustment among students

Vocational Services to Educational Institutions

Train students in facing interviews, group discussions, and competitive exams

Help students in preparing Resume

Measurement of aptitudes, interests, motivation, and employment potential of students

Career counseling

Organizing exhibitions and seminars on career opportunities

Placement of students in major organizations during and after their courses

Liaison with reputed companies for block placement and in-house training and recruitment

Profile analysis of students aspiring to enter the employment market

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