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Major Programs

Speed Reading Mania

Supra Stress Intervention Program

Supra Study Involvement Program

Supra Human Potential Utilization Service

Supra Subliminal Programming

Supra Educational Achievement Program

 Articles *Subliminal Programming *Is stress necessary for survival? *The Complexity of Educational Development *Whose life is it anyway? *Study Involvement among college students *Enhancing learning abilities *The regulation of consciousness in information processing

Speed Reading Mania




 The human brain works faster while processing information. But we tend to slow it down because our previous learning forces us to move our eye muscles slower. We do not remember most of what we read because our reading is too slow.

Let us join the speed-reading mania and win over such conditioning mechanisms. Once you are able to read faster you can overcome memory and concentration problems, too.

Highlights of the Program

Absolutely no theory classes

Total Computer time

Multimedia based Programmed Learning

Learning by Experience

Systematic Improvement in Speed and Accuracy

Knowledge of Results

Higher Goal Achievement

The program SPEED-READING MANIA is designed to equip one and all with the professional skills of reading to understand. Almost all the time we keep reading a lot of material only to forget it. Speed Reading enhances the skill of not only reading faster but also retaining information longer. Consequently, both your time and effort are saved.

Separate batches for students, executives, professionals, CEOs, and others

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Supra Stress Intervention Program

Learning effective ways to overcome stress leads to psychological well being

Objective: To help the person in a timely, effective, and efficient handling of stress

Target Group: Executive, Professionals

Expected Outcomes: Cure stress and related disorders; learn to meditate and relax; change knowledge, attitude, and skills




Nature and type of stress; manifestation of stress into emotional and thought disturbances; neurotic tendencies; psychosomatic symptoms and damage to body; causes of psychopathology


Induce positive change in attitude towards work, enjoyment, entertainment, relaxation, and family life; clarify issues related to opinions, beliefs, bias, prejudices, and stereotypes; reduce cognitive imbalance; develop a hierarchy of needs; aspiration and achievement; time management


Overcome frustration caused by obstacles and inappropriate goals; solve positive and negative conflicts; withstand internal and external pressures; reduce psychosomatic symptoms; progressive muscular relaxation; self-hypnosis; meditation; emotional intelligence; increasing work efficiency


Group counseling; individual counseling; using eustress; alpha simulation learning; biofeedback techniques; task identification; need reallocation

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Supra Study Involvement Program


o        To develop study involvement

o        To ensure overall personality development

o        To nurture the inherent capabilities

o        To equip for effective learning


Study Orientation; Attitude Change; Classroom Behavior; Speed Reading; Emotional Balance; Study Habits; Career Orientation; Library Work; Hobbies and Interests; Memory Improvement

Pedagogical Design:

General Awareness, Knowledge Acquisition, Simulated Training, Task Identification, Need Fulfillment, Feedback, Individual Appraisal, Guidance and Counseling, Remedies for Deficits, and Career Counseling


Lectures, group discussions, interactive exercises, psychological games, and participative learning

Duration: Three Months


Develop interest in studies; overcome hatred for specific subjects; learn effective study habits; have a positive attitude towards education; plan for a productive future; listen to lectures attentively; participate actively in classroom; know how to make use of library facilities; read faster with greater comprehension; show interests in debates, seminars, etc; engage in games and sports; participate in literary activities; identify and cure emotional problems; tackle stress; retain information longer; remember details in all subjects; plan for examinations; solve other educational problems

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Supra Human Potential Utilization Service

The human resource is vital to any organization. Every attempt to use the existing human resource for selection, recruitment, training, delegation, coaching, communication, career planning, promotion, motivation, performance appraisal, and job rotation leaves a void in achieving the management goals.

One way to fill in this void is to obtain a systematic insight into the potential that exists within the organization.

If, for instance, a manager is extremely intelligent, the organization is doing a disservice to itself and to the manager by not fully utilizing his/her potential. Collectively, over a period of time, adding too many under-utilized human resources, the organization is overburdened with several people doing the same job. The manager, too, feels stagnated in the present role, as he/she has no time to apply the potentials.


To bring parity between organizational resources and human potential

Operational Strategy:

Psychometric analysis with standardized test followed by manual and computerized evaluation; General quantitative feedback on 22 positive and 12 negative dimensions; Specific profile analysis to channelize potential, nurture the resources, and overcome inadequacies.


Two Days {Twelve Hours}

Potentials Measured:

Abilities: Abstract Reasoning, Logical Reasoning, and Comprehension

Adaptability: Time Consciousness, Occupational Adjustment, Openness to Experience, Job Involvement, and Psychological Health

Application: Frustration Tolerance, Locus of Control, Self-concept, and Need Identification

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Towards Optimum Productivity in I T Industry

In its explosion towards catering to the need of the clientele I T industries have been booming with considerable speed. Projects abound and the requirement of personnel has increased tremendously. Despite improvement in design and analysis very little has been done to ensure the efficiency of the software engineer.

The productive capability of I T companies depends largely on the ease and efficiency with which each programmer executes the assigned job. Traditional systems of programming have become obsolete thanks to the following reasons:

o        ergonomic user requirements

o        bulk of complicated documentation

o        complexity of designing

o        speed of coding

o        specificity in testing, and

o        reduction in maintenance

Unfortunately, the pedagogical systems have not changed correspondingly. Neither college curriculum nor computer education has been capable of nurturing specific skills in the individual. As a result the software engineer remains disoriented and disillusioned.

Considerable innovations have occurred in the programming arena. We expect to change our systems and processes from a functional approach to object-oriented methods. However, very few changes are seen in the programmer who has to be analytical in his/her design and analysis. The understanding and application of models and metamodels require finite skills like comprehension, logical reasoning, abstract reasoning, and organization of ideas.

We conducted a preliminary analysis in order to determine the job content and job specifications of programmers. Our observations based on the analysis reveal certain characteristics in the programmer that are detrimental to the company’s goal. The following characteristics lead to a colossal waste of company’s time and resources.

Professional Characteristics

Lack of understanding of User Requirement

Slow Reading of Documents

Rereading of Documents

Lack of Analytical Ability

Problems of Retention

Lack of Concentration

Seeking Help documents too many times

Improper testing methods

Improper Documentation

Lack of Creativity at work

Personal Characteristics

Employee Turnover

Stress at work

Inefficient Human Relations

Unrealistic Levels of Aspiration

Personal Problems


Lack of Emotional Intelligence

Any company cannot afford to be complacent toward these characteristics as they contribute to the loss of productivity. Each individual’s inefficiency and error proneness snowballs into a major handicap for the welfare of the company. It is necessary that these problems are tackled at individual level in a systematic manner.


Supra Centre for the Advancement of Psychology and Education [SCAPE] offers scientific solutions to the problems faced by software professionals. Our modules are based on a thorough scientific research and analysis borrowing mainly from the most recent advances in the areas of Psychology.

Stress at work, Family pressures,

Personal Inadequacy, Inefficiency

Efficient Person


Holistic Development





Science has always answered difficult questions and has reduced our time and effort. Though technological growth in computer hardware and software has been accepted by the corporate world, similar development in psychology has largely been ignored.

Modern research in Psychophysiology, Neuropsychology, and Psychopharmacology indicates that the brain’s functional capacity can be increased through specific and vigorous training. Experimental studies in Health Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, and Parapsychology throws light on the potential capability of the human mind. It is imperative that we try and benefit from the scientific knowledge.

Models of Supra Subliminal Programming [SSP] have been developed on the basis of information available from the following fields of study: Hypnosis, Blind Sight, Subliminal Perception, Metamemory Techniques, Altered States of Consciousness, Sensory Deprivation and Enrichment, Plasticity of Perception, Extrasensory Perception, Biofeedback Techniques.



To impart skills training in subconscious regulation

To increase professional competence

To deal effectively with stress


Four Days {twenty-four Hours}









Subliminal Perception

testing, exercises, self-hypnosis, progressive muscular relaxation, meditation

Reduce "Conscious Capture"; "Tuning" Subconscious; Increase Concentration, Alertness, and Speed-Reading; Mental Imagery.



Information Processing

simulation exercises, metamemory techniques

"Synchronize" Left and Right brain activities; Reduce cognitive imbalance; Emotional Intelligence; Memory Enhancement; Creativity.




lecture, interaction, group discussion, role play

Overcome frustration, conflicts, and pressures; Reduce psychosomatic symptoms; Human relations; Analytical Ability.



Optimum Efficiency

interview, alpha simulation, individual counseling

Task identification; Time management; Develop hierarchy of needs; Increase work efficiency; Self-regulatory behavior.


Click here for a complete article on Subliminal Programming


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Supra Educational Achievement Program

A one-year program for those with learning disability, serious emotional disturbances, and other educational problems.

Click here for an article on The Complexity of Educational Development

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