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Scenic Marine Tours

Experience the natural beauty of the Bay of Fundy!
St. George - New Brunswick - Canada

The Bay of Fundy

The Bay of Fundy is one of the richest and most diverse eco-systems in the world!

On the surface, you can find porpoises, seals, and several species of whales, including the endangered North Atlantic Right whale, huge Finback, playful Humpback - and more.

In the sky you can see gulls, bald eagles, osprey and many more species.

Underwater, if you are a certified diver, you can see sponges and sea anenomes that rival the colours of Caribbean undersea life.

The "Bay" is probably most famous for having the highest tides in the world.

During a tour you will notice a big change in the tide - it is common for the depth of the water to change by almost 25 feet, between high and low tide, in our tour area.

The tides in the Bay of Fundy are "semi-diurnal" which means that there are two low and two high tides every day.

In 2 or 3 hours, there is a significant change in the water depth that is best observed around wharfs, rocky shores and beaches.

We chose the West Isles area of the Bay of Fundy for our Tours. We have travelled the waters of this magnificant Bay for many years and, in our opinion, this area is the most beautiful part of the entire Bay. We're sure that you will like it too!

E-Mail us at:

Scenic Marine Tours
17 Frink St.,
St. John, NB, E2K 2Z1
Tel: 506 646-8985
Fax: 506-634-3318
#1 Main St.,
St. George NB, E0G 2Y0
Tel: 506-755-6819
Fax: 506-634-3318
Toll-free: (888)-549-TOUR (8687)

Page revised May 23d 1999

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