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The fool 00
The Fool stands by the cliff top, his head held high.  He looks forward, a flower in one hand and a dog by his side.  The mountains from his past experiences are well behind him and he is eager and excited to begin his new journey.  The sun is shining and it is a clear day.  He is full of hope as he gazes skywards, not appearing to notice the drop before him. 
He is travelling light and appears not to have a care in the world.  He has nothing with him other than the bare essentials yet unbeknownst to the fool, there is a long trip ahead of him. 
The fool is the first card of the Tarot and one of the most important.  The image of the Fool standing on the cliff represents the beginning of the Tarot and the beginning of a long journey. 
Divinatory Meaning
The fool is presented in many books as meaning various definitions of the word 'fool' - careless, foolhardy and reckless. As you can see by the description above nothing could be further from the truth. When we see the Fool in a reading we can be sure that a new beginning is in store for the querent and they are about to get what is often referred to as a 'new lease on life'. When you see this card relating to love it can mean a new love relationship or an new start in an existing one and when about work it can show a new career path is on the way. 
The fool can also mean, and very often does mean, a MAJOR choice is to be made by the querent. The person will have to make a major decision about where they are going to be going next in life which will affect their entire existence. Consequently, the person will then be placed on the path like the Fool. With few tools and a long way to go. Yet with an exciting new adventure beginning. 
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