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The magician stands by his desk, the tools of the Tarot layed upon them. In his hand is a wand and above his head the symbol of eternity. The flowers are in bloom around him and he stands face forward, ready to begin his magic. 
The magician has placed before him the tools of the Tarot - these being the Wand or stave, the Pentacle, the sword and the cup. These are the 4 elements of the Tarot and represent Fire, Earth, Air and Water. It is from these elements that the Magician can create all that he needs to and as they lay on the table before him, they indicate that he is aware of their powers. 
Divinatory Meaning

The Magician is the 2nd card of the Tarot and one which represents knowledge in many ways.  When you see this card in a reading, you can be sure that the person will have the skills to 'pull it off' or will somehow have some 'magical' help on the way.  
Generally, in a divination sense, this card means that the tools to accomplish will be placed before them - however what they do with those tools is another matter.  Simply because the tools are there it doesn't nessesarily mean that the person will put them to good use.  Rest assured however that knowing that the tools are there is often enough encouragement for the person to use them.  
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