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Like many images in the Tarot, this is an image that has it's origins in the bible.   This is the image of Judgement Day, where the dead rise from their graves and the Angel trumpets the end times. 
This is an interesting image in the deck and although it is an image that appears to be somewhat negative in nature with the rising corpses and such, it is a card that does not have a negative meaning entirely.  The corpses are floating in their coffins on the water and they have their arms up in readiness to hear the call from the Angel.  
The mountains are high in the background and the suggestion here is that things cannot continue as they have been from much longer.  It is very much a depiction of the 'end of the world' as such, or rather, the end of a certain way of life. 

Divinatory Meaning 

I usually read this card very simply when I see it in a reading.  For me it denotes that the situation will be solved regardless of what the person does or doesn't do.  This card suggests to me in a reading to mean 'divine intervention', where the person will be at the mercy of the universe as to how a situation will turn out.  Often this is a good card to see as it means that there will be change, and that the situation will work out for the best.  Either way, to see this card means that it will be fate that comes into play and that the outcome is out of their hands. 
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