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Shuffle deck well. (6 times at least)
Lay out the cards as illustrated below.
1st Card           2nd Card          3rd Card 
This is a pretty straight forward spread.  The 1st card represents the past, the 2nd card the present and the 3rd the future. 
With smaller spreads such as this if you see that they are all major arcana cards, it is a good indication that a larger spread needs to be done.  This will give you more information on the matter.  This spread is better for quick questions for small matters.  Such as will I have a good time tonight? or whatever.  
I rarely use this spread myself as I find the Celtic Cross is more appropriate for small questions however this spread is particularly good for learning how to read cards in 3's ,which is one of the most important elements of reading.   
Simply remember with this spread and reading all 3 cards are related.  Thus, when asking will I have a good time tonight?  these cards will not mean their literal traditional meaning as such.
For instance, the High Priestess here could indicate having a reading regarding the evening or having a 'vibe' that the evening will not go as well as hoped (taking the 5 of swords into account).   The hope coming from the past where I had a good time at a similar event. (Ace of Cups)
As this is not one of my real readings it is hard to say, however it is a good example of how to read in 3's. 
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