Blonde Jokes!

101. Q: How do you amuse a blonde for hours?

A: Write 'Please turn over' on both sides of a piece of paper.

102. Q: Why do blondes have legs?

A1: So they don't get stuck to the ground.

A2: To get between the bedroom and the kitchen.

A3: So they don't leave trails, like little snails.

103. Q: How do you describe a blonde, surrounded by drooling idiots?

A: Flattered.

104. Q: Why do blondes always die before help arrives?

A: They always forget the "11" in "9-1-1".

105. Q: What did the blonde say when asked if she'd ever been picked-up by "the fuzz"?

A: "No. But I've been swung around by the tits."

106. Q: What do you call a swimming pool full of blondes?

A: Frosted Flakes.

107. Q: What do you call 20 blondes in a freezer?

A: Frosted Flakes.

108. Q: How does a blonde interpret 6.9?

A: A 69 interrupted by a period.

109. Q: What's the difference between a blonde having her period and a terrorist?

A: You can negotiate with a terrorist.

110. Q: What did the blonde say when she looked into a box of Cheerios?

A: "Oh look! Donut seeds!"

111. Q: Why don't blondes breast feed?

A: Because they always burn their nipples.

112. Q: Did you hear about the blonde lesbian?

A: She kept having affairs with men!

113. Q: Why do blondes put their hair in ponytails?

A: To cover up the valve stem.

114. Q: What did the blonde name her pet zebra?

A: Spot.

115. Q: What do you call a fly buzzing inside a blonde's head?

A: A Space Invader.

116. Q: What's a blondes' favourite rock group?

A: Air Supply.

117. Q: What do you see when you look into a blonde's eyes?

A: The back of her head.

118. Q: Why do blondes drive VW's?

A: Because they can't spell PORSCHE!

119. Q: How do you make a blonde laugh on Monday mornings?

A: Tell her a joke on Friday night!

120. Q: Why did God create blondes?

A: Because sheep can't bring beer from the fridge.

121. Q: Why did God create brunettes?

A: Neither could the blondes.

122 Q: What do you call a blonde in a tree with a brief case?

A: Branch Manager.

123. Q: How did the dumb blonde break her leg raking leaves?

A: She fell out of the tree.

124. Q: Why do blondes have see-through lunch box lids?

A1: So they know if it is morning or afternoon.

A2: So that when they're on the train they can tell if they're going to work or coming home.

125. Q: Whats black and fuzzy and hangs from the ceiling?

A: A blonde electrician.

126. Q: Why are dumb blonde jokes so short?

A1: So brunettes can remember them.

A2: Because blondes are so SHALLOW a long joke wouldn't fit.

A3: So men can understand them.

127. Q: Why wasn't the Virgin Mary a blonde?

A: She wouldn't have been old enough to bear children!

128. Q: What do you call a smart blonde?

A1: A golden retriever.

A2: A labrador.

A3: An indicator of a really bad hangover.

129. Q: Why are blondes hurt by people's words?

A: Because people keep hitting them with dictionaries.

130. Q: Why do blondes have periods?

A: They deserve them.

131. Q: Why did the blonde smile when she walked the marriage aisle?

A: She realized she gave her last blowjob.

132. Q: What did the blonde do when she got her period?

A: Looked around for the bastard that must have shot her?

133. Q: Why did they call the blonde "twinkie"?

A: She liked to be filled with cream.

134. Q: What did the blonde say to the physicist?

A: "Why, I just _love_ nuclear fission! What do you use for bait?"

135. Q: Why are blondes like cornflakes?

A: Because they're simple, easy and they taste good.

136. Q: How does a blonde hold her liquor?

A: By the ears.

137. Q: How do you know when a blonde has been making chocolate chip cookies?

A: You find M&M shells all over the kitchen floor.

138. Q: How do you drive a blonde crazy?

A: Give her a bag of M&Ms and tell her to alphabetise them.

139. Q: What job function does a blonde have in an M&M factory?

A: Proofreading.

140. Q: Do you know why the blonde got fired from the M&M factory?

A: For throwing out the W's.

141. Q: Why did the blonde try to steal a police car?

A: She saw "911" and thought it was a Porsche.

142. Q: What do you call a blonde skeleton in the closet?

A: Last year's hide and seek champ.

143. Q: How do you get a blonde pregnant?

A: Come in her shoes and let the flies do the rest.

144. Q: What's the difference between a blonde track team and a tribe of sly pygmies?

A: One's a bunch a cunning runts.

145. Q: What's the difference between a blonde and the Suez/Panama Canal?

A: One's a busy ditch.

146. Q: What is the difference between a blonde and a toilet?

A: A toilet won't follow you around after you use it.

147. Q: What's the difference between a blonde and a rooster?

A: In the morning a rooster says, "Cock'll-doodl-doooo", while a blonde says, "Any-cock'll-doooo."

148. Q: What's the difference between a blonde and a supermarket trolley?

A: The supermarket trolley has a mind of its own.

149. Q: What's the difference between a blonde and your job?

A: Your job still sucks after 6 months.

150. Q: What's the difference between a blonde and a trampoline?

A: You take off your shoes before using a trampoline.

151. Q: What's the difference between a prostitute, a nymphomaniac, and a blonde?

A: The prostitute says, "Aren't you done yet?"   The nympho says, "Are you done already?"   The blonde says, "Beige...I think I'll paint the ceiling beige."

152. Q: How do you get a blonde to marry you?

A: Tell her she's pregnant.

153. Q: What will she ask you?

A: "Is it mine?"

154. Q: What do you call a dumb blonde behind a steering wheel?

A: An air bag.

155. Q: What does a blonde say when you ask her if her blinker is on?

A: It's on. It's off. It's on. It's off. It's on. It's off.

156. Q: Why did the blonde drive into the ditch?

A: To turn the blinker off.


A: A blonde going through a flashing red light.

158. Q: What is happening when you hear varoom...screech, varoom...screech, varoom...screech.....?

A: A blonde trying to drive through an intersection with a flashing red light.

159. Q: Why did the blonde tattoo her zip code on her stomach?

A: So her male would get delivered to the right box.

160. Q: Did you hear about the blonde couple that were found frozen to death in their car at a drive-in movie theater?

A: They went to see "Closed for the Winter".

161. Q: How can you tell when a blonde is dating?

A: By the buckle print on her forehead.

162. Q: How can you tell who is a blonde's boyfriend?

A: He's the one with the belt buckle the matches the impression in her forehead.

163. Q: What is the blonde's chronic speech impediment?

A: She can't say "No".

164. Q: What did they name the offspring of a blonde and a Puerto Rican?

A: Retardo.

165. Q: What do you call a blonde in an institution of higher learning?

A: A visitor.

166. Q: Why did the blonde wear condoms on her ears?

A: So she wouldn't get Hearing Aides.

167. Q: How can you tell if a blonde works in an office?

A: A bed in the stockroom and huge smiles on all the bosses' faces.

168. Q: Why can't blondes put in light bulbs?

A: They keep breaking them with the hammers.

169. Q: What is a cool refreshing drink for a blonde?

A: Perri-air.

170. Q: Did you hear about the blonde coyote?

A: Got stuck in a trap, chewed off three legs and was still stuck.

171. Q: Why did the blonde take her typewriter to the doctor?

A: She thought it was pregnant because missed a period.

172. Q: When is it legal to shoot a blonde in the head?

A: When you have a tire pump to reinflate it!

173. Q: What is a blonde's favorite part of a gas station?

A: The Air Pump!

174. Q: How do you measure a blonde's intelligence?

A: Stick a tire pressure gauge in her ear!

175. Q: Why was the blonde upset when she got her Driver's License?

A: Because she got an F in sex.

176. Q: What do you call two nuns and a blonde?

A: Two tight ends and a wide receiver.

177. Q: Why did the blonde cross the road?

A1: Forget the road, what was she doing out of the bedroom!?

A2: I don't know.

178. Q: Did you here about the blonde who shot an arrow into the air?

A: She missed.

179. Did you here about the blonde that stayed up all night to see where the sun went ? It finally dawned on her.

180. A blonde was driving down the highway to Disneyland when she saw a sign that said "DISNEYLAND LEFT". After thinking for a minute, she said to herself "oh well !" and turned around an drove home.On her way home the same blonde drove past another sign that said "CLEAN RESTROOMS 8 MILES". By the time she drove eight miles, she had cleaned 43 restrooms.

181. How about the suicide blonde, she dyed by her own hand.

182. A brunette and a blonde are walking along in a park. The brunette says suddenly, "Awww, look at the dead birdie." The blonde stops, looks up, and says, "Where?"

183. A policeman pulled a blonde over after he/she'd been driving the wrong way on a one-way street.

Cop: Do you know where you were going?

Blonde: No, but where ever it is, it must be bad 'cause all the people were leaving.

184. A blonde and a brunette were discussing their boyfriends:

Brunette: Last night I had *three* orgasms in a row!

Blonde: That's nothing; last night I had over a hundred.

Brunette: My god! I had no idea he was that good.

Blonde: ( looking shocked ) Oh, you mean with one guy.

185. Three blondes are attempting to change a light bulb. One of them decides to call 911:

Blonde: We need help. We're three blondes changing  a light bulb.

Operator: Hmmmmm. You put in a fresh bulb?

Blonde: Yes.

Operator: The power in the house in on?

Blonde: Of course.

Operator: And the switch is on?

Blonde: Yes, yes.

Operator: And the bulb still won't light up?

Blonde: No, it's working fine.

Operator: Then what's the problem?

Blonde: We got dizzy spinning the ladder around and we all fell and hurt ourselves.

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