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The Global Guardians PBEM Universe
Home Page
House Rules
Player Characters
Various Other Stuff

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Admin List
Chat List

Contact the Staff

Campaign Director
Art Director
NPC Director
Player Liason
Senior Auditor
Website Updates

06/07/2004: The website updates are:

  • Balboa was added to the Player Character Directory, audit ongoing.

  • The Church of the Crocodile team sheet was added to the Non-Player Character Directory.

  • Karen Levry was added to the Non-Player Character Directory.

  • Rebel Yell was added to the Non-Player Character Directory.

  • Surfrider was added to the Non-Player Character Directory.

  • The Magic House Rules page was added.

  • The Xorn species template was added to the Species Template page.

06/02/2004: The website updates are:

  • Chill was added to the Player Character Directory, audit ongoing.

  • GForce was added to the Player Character Directory, audit ongoing.

  • The entry for Caterpillars has been added to the Guardians Encyclopedia.

  • The entry for Code Thirteen Seventy-Seven Charlie Alpha Papa Echo Sierra has been added to the Guardians Encyclopedia.

06/01/2004: The website updates are:

  • Aim was added to the Player Character Directory, audit completed.

  • Changeling was added to the Player Character Directory, audit completed.

  • Zulu was added to the Player Character Directory, audit ongoing.

05/29/2004: The website updates are:

  • The Hero City campaign lineup was added.

  • The Solo campaign lineup was added.

  • The entry for the Damocles Directive was added to the Guardians Encyclopedia.

  • The entry for the K'kriki'i Hegemony was added to the Guardians Encyclopedia.

  • A picture of Seth Robbins was added to the Player Gallery.  Thank you, Seth.

  • A picture of Edgar Torres was added to the Player Gallery.  Thank you, Edgar.

05/27/2004: The website updates are:

  • The house rules regarding Experience Points were expanded to cover character fiction and journal entries.

  • The house rules regarding Martial Arts were added to the House Rules.

  • Artwork for Bandit was added.

05/25/2004: The website updates are:

  • Meg Bowman was added to the Non-Player Character Directory.

  • Mike Bowman was added to the Non-Player Character Directory.

  • Henri Simian was added to the Non-Player Character Directory.

  • The species templates, formerly on the Packages house rules page, were separated onto their own page.

  • The entry for the Delethai was added to the Guardians Encyclopedia.

  • The Delethai species template was added to the Species Template house rules page.

  • The Pelkon species template was added to the Species Template house rules page.

05/23/2004: The website updates are:

  • Le Fantome was added to the Player Character Directory, audit completed.

  • The Magesight power was added to Myrddin's Variable Power Pool list.

  • A new Perquisite, Advanced Technology, was added to the Perquisite section of the House Rules.

  • The rules regarding Talents from Fantasy Hero was added to the Talents section of the House Rules.

  • The language of the Rounding Rule was clarified.

  • A picture of Luis Garavello was added to the Player Gallery page.  Thank you Luis.

05/22/2004: The website updates are:

  • Gryphon was added to the Player Character Directory, audit completed.

  • Kitty was added to the Player Character Directory, audit completed.

  • Le Fantome was added to the Player Character Directory, audit ongoing.

  • The house rule banning the purchase of Dexterity and Speed through technology has been removed.

05/17/2004: The website updates are:

  • Lawgiver was added to the Player Character Directory, audit completed.

  • Player-requested additions were added to Myrddin's Variable Point Power Pool list.

  • The entry for the Hsax was added to the Guardians Encyclopedia.

  • The entry for the Qliq was added to the Guardians Encyclopedia.

  • The entry for the Xorn was added to the Guardians Encyclopedia.

  • The entry for Xorn on Earth was added to the Guardians Encyclopedia.

  • The entry for Xorn Philosophy was added to the Guardians Encyclopedia.

  • The entry for the Z'on-Ren was added to the Guardians Encyclopedia.

  • Logos for Concerned Citizens for Public Safety and the Red Brigade were added.

  • Psychological Limitation: Afraid of (Power) was added to the Master List of Limitations.

  • Social Limitation: Bad Fashion Sense was added to the Master List of Limitations.

  • The Hero Designer prefab of the standard Everyman skill list was added to the House Rules Index page for download by players.

  • The Hero Designer prefab of the Hero City Package was added to the Packages house rules page for download by players.

  • The Hero Designer prefab of the Street Detective Package was added to the Packages house rules page for download by players.

  • The Hero Designer prefab of the Texas Wranglers Package was added to the Packages house rules page for download by players.

  • The Hero Designer prefab of the Xorn Slave Package was added to the Packages house rules page for download by the players.

05/15/2004: The website updates are:

  • Rhapsody was added to the Player Character Directory, audit completed.

  • Hardcore was added to the Player Character Directory, audit ongoing.

  • Lady Sphinx was added to the Player Character Directory, audit ongoing.

  • The Hero Designer prefab of the 4Men Package was added to the Packages house rules page for download by players.

  • The Hero Designer prefab of the Attorney Package was added to the Packages house rules page for download by players.

  • The Hero Designer prefab of the Doctor Package was added to the Packages house rules page for download by players.

  • The Hero Designer prefab of the Z Optima Package was added to the Packages house rules page for download by players.

  • The Hero Designer prefab of the Ape Template was added to the Packages house rules page for download by players.

  • The Hero Designer prefab of the Atlantean Template was added to the Packages house rules page for download by players.

  • The Hero Designer prefab of the Tautiq Template was added to the Packages house rules page for download by players.

The Global Guardians PBEM Universe is copyrighted to Jack and Rebecca Butler, and is their solely owned property.  The Global Guardians PBEM Universe, and all of the campaigns therein, are works of collaborative fiction.  All the characters and events portrayed here are either products of the authors' imagination or are used fictitiously.  Except where otherwise specifically noted, the Global Guardians PBEM Universe, all Global Guardians characters, and all stories included therein are Copyright 1999, 2000, 2001, and 2002 by Jack and Rebecca Butler with all rights reserved under International Copyright Convention.  Submitting material (such as but not limited to character submissions, background information, and artwork) for inclusion in the Global Guardians grants Jack and Rebecca Butler the right to use that material as they wish, in perpetuity, within the confines of the Global Guardians Universe. The submitter does not give up the right to use the material in ways unconnected to the Global Guardians Universe.  This website was designed by Jack Butler, and is maintained by Jack Butler. Unless otherwise and specifically noted and with the exception of player characters which are the creations of their respective players, all material on this site is the creation of Jack and Rebecca Butler.  No material on this site may be posted or published elsewhere without the express written permission of Jack and Rebecca Butler.  Champions and the Hero System are registered trademarks of and are copyrighted by Hero Games, Inc.  No challenge to any trademark or copyright is made or implied by this site.