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This is my new index for Star Trek: New Beginnings. There is simply too much information to put on the Trek index to still have room for my other stories. Here you will find a description of the crew, the ship, and various recurring characters, as well as the stories. Enjoy!


Pilot Story
Merely a Mirror

Tallau Jarok
Noonien Soong

Admiral Drake
General Dazakh
Agent Delta

Primary Hull
Engineering Hull



The Pilot Story(working title)
USS Enterprise is launched with an unusual command situation. Her first mission seems to be a First Contact situation, but there are those who say that it's actually a second-contact situation. Introducing the Neswincarnians, the Warnkans, Admiral Drake, and the Omega Corps

Merely a Mirror
While on an away mission, a shuttle enters the Mirror universe. The Omega Corps returns.
More to come.


Tallau Jarok
Commanding Officer. A member of the Romulan Exploratory Corps, she is assigned command of Enterprise through the provisions of the Officer Exchange Program. Her family is moderately influential in Romulan politics, and is supportive of the Unificationist movement.

Noonien Soong
Executive Officer. An android created by a team of Federation cyberneticists, using the work of Doctor Soong as a basis. Acts human enough that the only clues to his artificial nature are his speed, strength, and calculation abilities. Just before his assignment to Enterprise, Soong taught a philosophy class at the Academy.

Chief Medical Officer. A Starfleet veteran of fifty years, she quickly learned that most patients prefer a caring demeanor from their physician, and thus assigns standard checkups to her staff. She is one of the finest surgeons in the fleet, and had designed an emergency counter-measure to assimilation when the crew of her previous assignment encountered a wayward Borg Sphere on a deep-space exploration mission.

Chief Engineer. Human, first records show him enlisting in Starfleet as a crewman, then moved up the ranks to Senior Chief Petty Officer before signing up for the Officer's Training Corps. A highly innovative engineer, prefers to spend off-duty time in isolation.

Chief Science Officer, also serves as a Counselor. When her mother, an Ocampan, went through the Elogium, she was stranded on an isolated planet with an El Aurian transport captain. Estimates on her lifespan range between thirty and three hundred years. She went through adolescence at the age of nine, and enrolled in Starfleet Academy's fast-track program at the age of eleven. Receiving her commission as Ensign at age thirteen, she received her current assignment at age seventeen.

Sandra Garretson
Chief of Operations, Flight Controller. Cassandra Lynn Garretson, ne้ Daugherty, was born and raised on Alpha Centauri. While in the Academy, she met and married Daniel Isaac Garretson. She was part of the Academy's Vocal Ensemble, and met an unusual individual while on a performance tour that combined the Vocal Ensemble with the Instrumental Ensemble.

Chief Tactical Officer. Zordauch was born to the royal family on his planet, and is currently serving in Starfleet to expand his horizons. While in his youth, he was betrothed to a woman in another noble family, and will marry her at the age of thirty. When his father dies, he will be expected to take the throne of his planet, part of an interstellar empire. On his off-duty time, he enjoys strategy games and hand-to-hand combat exercises.

Spencer Marcus
Chief of Security. Spencer Dustin Marcus was raised as a Starfleet brat, his father serving as crewman on different ships before retiring when Spencer was twelve. While in the Academy, Marcus played french horn with the Instrumental Ensemble, performing second-chair when the Instrumental Ensemble went on performance tour with the Vocal Ensemble. While at a special Security Training seminar at the Academy, he met Nessat Delarn, to whom he was engaged before she disappeared. He holds the only record of her existence, and hand-written note that she placed on his nightstand. Unlike most humans, he believes deeply in his religion, and has received permission to be free from duty every seven days.


Admiral Drake
Vice-Admiral Judith Drake is Commanding Officer of Starbase 582, with jurisdiction over all of Starfleet's activities in the Delta Quadrant. Starbase 582 is equipped with a Gateway based on Iconian designs which connects with Gateways at Starbase 274 at Iconia and Deep Space nine at Bajor.

General Dazakh
Corps General Dazakh is the Commander-in-Chief of the Neswincarnian armed forces, and is extremely belligerent. He has previously encountered and battled Zordauch, suffering heavy losses each time. He believes that Zordauch's presence on a Starfleet vessel is proof that Starfleet and the Federation cannot be trusted.

Agent Delta
Delta, a Bajoran female, is an agent of the Omega Corps, a division of Section 31 originally created to combat the threat of the Omega Molecule. By the time Delta joined the Omega Corps, they had expanded to become the Federation's own Men in Black. Their existince is denied by most agents of Section 31, and they frequently rewrite records and alter memories to ensure that no evidence is left of their work. Delta is the team leader of Division Seven. Her associates are Gamma, a human male, and Zeta, a Vulcan male.


The USS Enterprise is a Ranger-class deep-space science vessel, the second of her class and the ninth Starfleet vessel to bear the name.
The primary hull, from bridge to captain's yacht, is twenty decks deep, with connection ports to the engineering hull on deck twelve. In case of emergency separation, the primary hull is equipped with a small warp core capable of the energy output required for Warp 5 and extendable struts in the event of a planetary landing. Should the separated primary hull come under hostile contact, it is prepared for defense with two phaser banks in strip form, one quantum torpedo bay just below the bridge, and two photon torpedo bays on deck nine. The Captain's yacht is a two-deck vessel, with the bottom deck extending below the main hull of the ship. The primary hull houses science labs, shuttlebays, sickbay, main brig, primary impulse drive, primary computer core, crew quarters, primary mess, scholastic facilities for children of assigned crew, several holodecks, and a gymnasium.
The engineering hull is thirty-six decks deep, from the auxiliary control center on deck twelve to the lowermost deck, deck fourty-seven. The warp core extends from deck thirty-one to deck thirty-five, with Engineering stationed on decks thirty-two and thirty-three. In addition to conventional Warp drive, Enterprise is also equipped with Coaxial warp drive, first used by a shuttlecraft assigned to USS Voyager on stardate 51775, and Quantum Slipstream drive, first tested by Delta Flyer and Voyager on stardate 52143. Defenses include two quantum torpedo bays, two photon torpedo bays, and two phaser banks. The engineering hull houses primary engineering, tractor beams, Astrometrics and Stellar Cartography (ASC), primary shuttlebay, cargo holds, auxiliary computer core, and holographic testing facilities.