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Lunar Bard's Scrolls

'As you enter the room, you become aware of the light coming from a mirror. Slowly a picture of a girl appears. Long silver hair done in a half bun flows down her head. Silver eyes in a white face looks out at you. Suddenly you notice the marking on her forehead. That of a silver cresent moon with a pentacle lies upon it. Then she begins to speak, "Welcome my visiter. You will find many scrolls of many stories from many different worlds. They have all been written by me, so if you truely like it, leave me a note." Slowly the picture disappears form the mirror and you are alone with many scrolls to read.

In The Beginning


See You Soon

Worlds Outside Our Own

Who Is She?

Outer Senshi

Inner Senshi

Land of Illusion

Melody of the Soul


Only Chance


My Memories, My Thoughts



That Place: Make-Believe


Annual Generals Convention

The Changing Of Lives

The End of an Old Life


Starting the Journey

The Journey Continues


I have semi-discontinued this series until someone says they want to read more of it.

Nephrite & Jedite Saga: Together

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

As of now, I have discontinued my saga of Neph and Jed. If at anytime, someone wants the rest of the story just mail me and i'll start it back up.

Lunar Bard


Nymph Pool

Princess Serenity's Scrolls

UPDATED. . .7-26-00