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Cabinet Design - Stock
Wall Cabinet - Modeling In AutoCAD
Wall Cabinet - Anatomy
Wall Cabinet - Cut Sheet & Layout
Wall Cabinet - Exploded View
Wall Cabinet - Sizes - CAD Models

Wall Cabinet - 3018 Standard

Cabinet Design - Custom
Part I Basics
Part II Construction
24" Wide Inlay Base Cabinets

Michael's Project Photos

Cabinet Hardware - Stock

Cabinet Hardware - Custom

42" Wide Screen TV Entertainment Ctr
  AutoCAD Bitmap
  AutoCAD Three View 2D Drawing

  AutoCAD Solid Model

  Millwork For The Home
  Millwork Shops
  Millwork Projects
    Cheval Mirror
    Fireplace Surround & Mantle
    Ice Box Cabinet

    Six Panel Door - Pre-hung

  Inlay Design


  Conversions, Charts, & Symbols

  Gage to Decimal Conversion

  Tap & Drill Chart

  Fraction to Decimal Conversion

  Fastener Specifications

  Metals Symbols

 Engineering Standards
  Engineering Drawing Standards
  Engineering Terms
 Computer Aided Design Software
  Autodesk's AutoCAD 2004
  Autodesk's Inventor 6
  PTC's Pro Engineer Widlfire
 Consumer Product Design

  Cabinets, Computer Rack

  Carts, Metal


  Medical Devices

  Refrigeration and Chillers


  Trays, Food Service

 Manufacturing Processes

  Metals Manufacturing Processes

  Plastics Manufacturing Processes


  Choosing An Architect
  Design Enhancements

  Heating, Ventilation, & AC

  Building Codes

  Lumber Specifications

  Residential Design Plans - Free

    1800 S.F. Open Plan Ranch

  Home Restoration

  Countertop Options
  Kitchen Design Rules

  Kitchen - L Shaped CAD Model


  Bathroom Design Rules

  Furniture Frame Wood Choice & Joinery

  Upholstery Shops

  Engineered Wood
  Woodworking Joinery
  Woodworking Machinery
  Wood Species
  Woodworking Tools
  Decorations - Yard

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Menu Counter Installed February 12, 2003

I am in the process of updating this website to make it easier to navigate and for you to find exactly what you are looking for so please bear with me. I apologize for any inconvenience that this causes you!

About Michael

Specialties &


Design Philosophy

Mechanical Design

Management Team Building

Intentions and Promises

Updates & Additions

Customer Commitment

Employer Commitment



About Michael

By now I'm knocking on the over the hill door and though age doesn't bother me in the least, the experience and knowledge that I have gained over the years in mechanical, cabinet, furniture, millwork, and residential design make me realize everyday how fortunate I am to have so many different talents.


While I certainly love building cabinets, furniture, and other wood products, my priority is in the design of consumer products for without great designs, a great product could never be built!


Regardless of what you are designing whether its a piece of furniture, a new appliance, a new medical device, or a new enclosure, there is always more than one way to design something. The emphasis here on my design site is to show my designs in the hope that I will inspire you to go off and create your own unique designs. In the design world, more often times than not, the more people involved in taking an idea and creating a design (s), the better. Two or more heads are most definitely better than one!


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My Specialties & Expertise


My expertise lies in Four main areas of consumer products and management


Computer Aided Design (2D, 3D, Solids, & Parametrics) - AutoCAD, CADDS, Inventor, and Pro Engineer. While there are certainly other great CAD software packages available, I specialize in the above. I have been using AutoCAD since version 9 and currently am running 2000. I have four years experience using Pro E, and two years experience using Inventor. 


Mechanical Design and Engineering - Anything to do with metals and plastics


Residential Design - Custom upscale homes


Wood Products Design and Building - Cabinetry, Furniture, and Millwork.


Management - It is my belief that to expect employees to give their best each and every day, that I too, must give my best to those employees regarding any issues that they have whether those issues directly relate to their employment or their personal lives. Empathizing with employees is key!


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Design Philosophy

In my world, my ideas, my designs are driven by many factors. They are driven first and foremost by my intense drive to design the best products possible whether those products are mass-produced or handcrafted unique pieces of furniture!


My designs are also driven by my love of computers and computer aided design software both of which has enabled me to design many new products!

My designs are driven by my love of woodworking, the history, the craftsmanship, and the tools used to build flawlessly executed works of furniture!

My designs are driven by those who say it can't be done because it's never been done before!


My residential designs are all dedicated to my mom who had a vision that I might someday have a means to present my residential design talents to the public, despite her having visions of new residential design ideas and never having the capability or the support of others to realize her dream!


My mechanical designs are simply a result of turning a thought or idea from within me or from someone else and carrying that thought or idea into a feasible design!


My wood designs are in the form of furniture and cabinetry. Most are for the high end discriminating buyer, for those people who demand and can afford to pay for unique cabinet and furniture designs!


It pleases me greatly to know that when I leave this world, I have contributed greatly by designing new residential plans, mechanical products, furniture and cabinetry that has made people's lives easier!


I have made this website totally free. It costs you nothing to look, to review, or to study up on any of the topics on this website. For those of you interested in any of my design skills or woodworking knowledge or experience building unique pieces of furniture or one of a kind inlay cabinets, please send me an email.


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Mechanical Product Design Engineering


Almost every year, someone or some group comes along with a new term for product design engineering. Lately, we have been introduced to Design for Assembly, Design For Manufacture and now Six Sigma. While I certainly am not going to minimize the effects that these "new" procedures can have on any design, the fact is that good design engineering skills come from only one thing . . . . . . experience. The experience of knowing when to do something and why we do it. These "new" engineering procedures aren't really new. Actually, any good design must be proven regardless of how we got to that design. What these procedures help to do is to take "ordinary" design engineers and lay out a very detailed process that allows them to get from a design concept to a successful manufacture of a product in the most efficient way and most economical way possible. Okay? Enough about that!


Whenever I am presented with a new design challenge, the first thing I do is sketch several possible designs, some are strictly from a cost standpoint, some are from a manufacturing standpoint, some are from a tooling standpoint, some are from a utility standpoint, and still others are from a esthetics standpoint. In this way, I am able to take all five issues to ask, and combine them into an effective final design. Remember though that any viable consumer product must first be a safe product.


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MANAGEMENT - Team Building & Successful Design Teams


We all know that any company worth it's weight will promote a team employee environment but what exactly is team building and why do they want you to be a member? The definition of a team is a group of people. When companies say that they have a team environment, it really means that the company expects everyone to get along. Where teams differ from successful design teams is in their respect for one another. I learned a long time ago that when I respected someone regardless of their title, that those persons would first be very grateful and secondly that they would do whatever I asked of them . . . . gladly!


For anyone who has ever watched a NASCAR race, you know all too well the difference between a team and a successful team. Just because you bring a group of people together and tell them to all just get along does not make for or guarantee you a successful team. The difference is in the respect and admiration that successful team members have for each other.   


If one is to be successful and admired as a manager who leads people to successful product launches, then managers must lead by example, we must listen with empathy to our employees just as we listen with empathy to our customers, we must always praise employees publicly and always correct in private, and we must always do these things while staying committed and true to the company by which we are given these opportunities . . our employer!  


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Intentions are Everything & Nothing . .but now a promise . . . .

A promise is a promise in my world. Without someone's word, what do we have if we are conditioned to believe that promises are lame, that they aren't worth the words used to formulate them? My integrity, my word, is everything, for without it I cease to exist.


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Updates and Additions

It is my desire, my quest, to keep this site updated. If you would like for me to feature something specific, contact me and if I am able, I will.

As far as content goes, anything and everything that pertains to design products will be posted here. Especially wood related items like cabinets and furniture.

At some point I will make all of my cad drawings, models, and solids profiles available here as I believe in sharing my files with all of you. All of my CAD files whether they are 2d, 3d wire frame, or solids are all modeled in full scale entities. It just makes sense that if you are going to design something, anything, you may as well do it right. The benefits of modeling in full scale come from being able to fit or test fit any one item with one or more additional items.


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Customer Commitment

For anyone involved with clients it is crucial that you be completely committed to your clients at all times for without them, we would not have the opportunity to design great cabinets, furniture, or any product. I have found in the past that clients tend to demand anonymity so don't be surprised when they tell you that. It just seems to be the nature of truly custom design services. For those people that are discriminating buyers, I have and always will honor any commitment (including total privacy) that I make to anyone whether that person is an individual, a business, or an employer. You will see that I have omitted any use of client personal information on this site. Once you've created a design for someone and you have stated that you will not sell that design to anyone else, you need to honor that commitment. Never, release a client's name or other information without your client's express permission (preferably in writing).


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Employer Commitment


If a potential employer contacts you and solicits you for a particular position, if you don't do anything else, then by gosh, be honest. There are enough bogus resumes floating around on the Internet where the author hasn't just embellished the truth a bit, they have out and out lied. Personally, I am outraged by this behavior. Part of the reason for creating this site in the first place was to give potential employers the opportunity to see not only what I have already done, but what my potential is.


The fact is that most resumes never get into the hands of an engineering manager. While you and I both know that the majority of engineering ads are written by Human Resources folks that have absolutely no idea what a CAD system is or the difference between a mechanical engineer and a process engineer is, the fact is that H.R. folks write ads. Its up to us as engineering professionals to write effective cover letters that will get past the H.R. department and into the hands of a hiring engineering manager.


On any given day, even in a weak economy, there are thousands of engineering positions open. Openings with huge corporations or openings with small mom and pop engineering firms. Don't be fooled by those that would have you believe that engineering jobs are scarce. I've been at this for 20 years and I have never experienced a slowdown in the demand for great product design people.


In all cases, you have the responsibility to be committed to and loyal to your employer and to your employer's customers!


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Employment Availability

For those of you who are interested in my talent, I would urge you to contact me and discuss your needs with me.


I am extremely dependable, a dedicated worker, designer, and manager. I have great client skills. I know what questions to ask and when to ask them. I read customers and employees well and always talk to them on their level. I have the ability to present technical issues as they relate to product design and manufacturing to those without that knowledge in a way in which most anyone can understand.


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My warmest thanks and undying gratitude go out to for hosting this site and allowing me to present my designs to the public without ever having to charge a fee to visitors or individuals wishing to incorporate my designs into their individual lifestyles!

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Mission Statement

Michael's design was created to educate consumers about the factors which should be considered in any design, to provide design ideas, computer aided design files, renderings, and other information related to the design of cabinets, furniture, mechanical products, millwork, and residential and commercial buildings. 

Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 1988 through 2003 by Michael's Design
Last modified: 04/01/03