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中 文 電 算
Chinese Computing

GeoStroke BASICS
A foolproof Chinese Input Method
Ideographic Languages - 3 Asians
China The Graceful
Simplified is merely an ENRICHMENT of traditional Chinese.
WWW Chinese Discussion Boards
Chinese Information Tech Sites
Computing Resources Used by Chinese
Chinese Internal Code
SEARCHING is an extremely important function.

Computing Basics     Chinese Character Inputting

Stroke is Input Code     GeoStroke abc

GBK: a DECIMAL code. (0 1 2 ... 8 9)

GB: a HEXAdecimal code. (0 1 2 ... 8 9 A B C D E F)

GBK code is intrinsically an additional layer of GB basic code.

GBK is a secondary (decimal) INTERNAL CODE

* UNICODE   Chinese UNICODE     GeoStroke as Chinese Internal Code

Peking University Chinese Forum

PKU Discussion Board

GeoStroke solution: Sorting Chinese

To manipulate & compute a huge database efficiently need
simply direct "binary code - MACHINE CODE".

What is "simply direct" ?
To add a number-or-alphabet-only code layer to the binary (machine) code.

GeoStroke code

FRAME code     ID code

GeoStroke code is similar to GBK / UNICODE-code status,
an additional layer of basic code of Big-5 or GB,
except GeoStroke can be used to search Chinese.

To input a Chinese character
just like an English word.

Direct   (based on the "CHARACTER" itself)
Simple   (only 10 strokes to IDENTIFY), and
  (use a 10-key PAD only)

This way, even a 6-year old
child can do it!
Chinese computing will become widely popular
throughout CHINA!
Chinese vast manpower can be used effectively.


For thousands of years, Chinese uses "stroke-counting" method
to find a name from a long, long name list!

It is completely impractical now in computing age.
Here is the GeoStroke Solution.

10-key pad to input Chinese     To input a Chinese character just like an English word

Stroke is the Input Code, you know it when seeing it.

Theory & Method

GeoStroke abc

Internal Codes

What are the differences between
Chinese & English
in computing

Ideographic Languages


GeoStroke Navigator