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A.   Understanding the nature of
the 2 kinds of characters :

Earily Civilizations

Everyone Started With

Ideographical Written Language

See following examples: Sun   Moon   ...   Star

Ideographical Letters -

The developing stages of a Chinese character :


2,000-yr old
Hard Strokes

Alphabetical Letters -

The developing stages of Roman Letters :

Alphabetical Letters

Egyptian, Greek, Latin,
Roman, Arabic, ... etc.

* * *

Started out ideographically,
but, ended up "alphabetically".

Ideographic Letters

* * *

About some 7,000 years ago, Chinese in the EAST
started her "written language" in the same fashion,


But, following the "same route" to develop out
today's Chinese characters.

* * *

Understanding the "simplified Chinese"

One should not say which one is "superior".
In fact, they all started out "ideographically " in the beginning.

I.   Alphabetical Letters

Modern & Ancient
Chinese characters

(Ideographical )


Egptian & Roman characters


Egptian & Roman characters


How "Roman Letters A B C ..." were developed out ?

II.   Ideographic Letters

7,000+ Years' development
Chinese Character
comes from a long long way back in history !

These showed "HOW" :

2,000-yr old
Hard Strokes


China The Graceful

"Letters" of Chinese minorities

Chinese * Japanese * Korean

(Traditional Chinese)

English Version

A 2,000+ years' old

Political & Social

"文字" 是中華民族不斷發皇,
永不墜落的 "關鍵":

Two Origins of Letters