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About The Site.


   This webpage is quite basically a place for me to post my digital media which may or may not be a hell of a lot because I don't have a digital camera of my own, or any camera for that matter. Please don't expect much out of this site at first, because for a while it won’t be much. I may not even stay with Angelfire, I’m currently reading up on how to set up my own server [ no ads :) ] which will be a hell of a lot better than this. Also with my own HTTP server I'd be able to put up a good forum and guestbook.

   Other than that this site like many is just something to do. Improve on my web designing skills, and just a place to work on when I don't want to do homework or whatever. I hope you like the site and if you don't... To bad either suggest ways to improve it, go away, or send hate mail.

 Any suggestions or hate mail can go to Andrews_world.


  Thanks for visiting.