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   To save time and bandwidth I wont bother to describe myself physically, I’m sure you’ll see pictures of me in the gallery soon.

   First off my name's Andrew, I'm 14 years old and, am going into grade nine at Astral Junior High. The greatest thing in the world is just chilling out with your friends. Talking about all the inside jokes you have, remembering all the "good times" and doing stupid things to make more good times. Apart from that, I rock-climb which is amazing, I started about 1 year ago, and haven't stopped since. I still take some lesson from the gurus at Ground Zero but I'm pretty good. I also love to swim, I'm almost a lifeguard, I just have to pass nationals. But like I said hanging out with friends is the greatest thing to do.

   Music wise, I like a lot, my play lists have music from Rammstein (German metal) to Nirvana. So I don't think there's really one type to describe my tastes.

 I'll add to this site periodically, but my main focus is finishing some of the java script. So there may be delay in updating this site. Any suggestions can go to Andrews_world.


  Thanks for visiting.