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Old Updates.



   Sorry for the delay of the gallery, I spent the whole weekend at Colin N's place playing games, watching movies, and pigging out. His parents went out for the weekend it was whicked. So as you can imagine I didn't have a lot of time to update my site. Also I still haven't decided where I am going to put my gallery. I may make a pbase account for now and change it later, I don't know. Amongst the smaller updates, I've changed my URL to because of bandwidth options. Hopefully I'll have that all done soon.



   I finally fixed the java script problems in the site, now the clock (bottom left) updates itself in real time. Also I launched "Digital Crash Pad" on angelfire yesterday (four minutes ago) and plan to make the gallery in about 2 days. Although there's a drawback with the gallery, I wanted to use pbase but apparently its only a 30-day trial otherwise you have to pay. And I don't plan to make a new account every 30 days (or pay), so I may end up making my own gallery. I hope to get it all sorted out by Monday. I any one knows any web based user galleries like pbase please email me.




   Finally... This is basically version 2.0 of Iamunspoken, but with a new name (yay). I only have a couple of the pages done yet hopefully all of them will be done within 2 weeks. Right now I'm debating where to make my gallery, I liked pbase from but I'm not 100 percent sure of anything now. I still have to work out some java script on the site.

   The Gallery is the only page not he site not up yet hopefully it will be up before Monday. I also need to rid my page of those terrible banners... Evil...


I'll try and keep this site updated a lot more than my last one.

 Any suggestions can go to Andrews_world for now.


  Thanks for visiting.