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          * * * * *
  || =(*)(*)= |  King Brucefan, banner of THE GOAT
  || THE GOAT |
  ||                     * * * * *
  || ~;@*@;~  |
  || THE RAM  |  Queen Lorrie, banner of THE RAM
  ||                     * * * * *
  ||                  06 October 2001 

The scene....the bride is in her chamber dressing 
and the guests are arriving.... 
Mouse shouts: Are you helping the bride dress, Joan? 
Joan shouts: yes..but she forgot I will be naked 
Mouse shouts: I have a spare thong 
(Brucefan) A presence shouts: "Brucefan looks at Maid of Horror" 
a bit cold Joan??? 
Joan shouts: no will warm me up later...
when lorrie sleeps 
CastleCrier shouts: Castlecrier blinks 
Joan shouts: brb..potty 
CastleCrier shouts: now???? 
CastleCrier shouts: hurry 
Joan shouts: ohh well...I can wait for 15 min 
CastleCrier shouts: gooo 
Mouse shouts: you're gonna have an accident 
Joan shouts: no no...i'll wait 
Mouse shouts: Here's a Depends 
CastleCrier shouts: GOOOOO 
Mouse shouts: Don't be getting my blue thong wet
Joan shouts: thanks have brought eggs ?? 
Mouse shouts: Got 'em right here 
Joan shouts: ok 
Mouse shouts: expiration date.....sept 27 
Joan shouts: be back in a few.. 
Joan shouts: where is the bathroom here ?????? 
CastleCrier shouts: NOT THE MOAT
Mouse shouts: Use the men's room, it's faster 
Brucefan shouts: use the moat 
Joan shouts: ok 
Zeeman shouts: WOOHOO!!! 
Joan shouts: I saw that Mouse !! 
Joan shouts: I can't tell ...secret 
Mouse shouts: Saw what, Joan? I'm on best behavior 
Joan shouts: You kissed my hubby 
Gathering in the Chapel..... 
Zeeman has arrived. 
Zeeman goes 
FinnO has arrived. 
Brucefan has arrived. 
Brucefan chants an ancient spell... Thunder is heard as the sky opens 
and Lodis appears. 
Lodis says: thanks 
Brucefan says: well I couldnt be here without you 
Mouse joined you. 
Mouse says: whew 
Mouse says: bumpy ride 
Brucefan chants an ancient spell... Thunder is heard as the sky opens 
and Starbright appears. 
Lodis collects glasses 
Lodis says: no more drinks now 
Brucefan chants an ancient spell... Thunder is heard as the sky opens 
and Philippe appears. 
Mouse darts up to the front row and parks her bum on top of a chair 
Lodis says: lines them up 
CastleCrier has arrived. 
Brucefan chants an ancient spell... Thunder is heard as the sky opens 
and Kiss appears.
Zeeman shouts: WOOHOO!!! 
Mouse smirks at Crier, I seated myself 
CastleCrier says: we are waiting for the flower girl 
Mouse waves one paw in the air...I could toss peanuts 
Brucefan moves mouse to the chair next to him and not on his lap 
CastleCrier says: Father Finno you look extremely nice in your robes 
Kiss heads off for adventure.. 
FinnO lays a trail of Viagra to the alter 
Mouse blushes 
Lodis notices gum on back of robe 
Mouse thinks . o O ( one last grope before he's hooked ) 
Lodis thinks . o O ( he not need no more of that ) 
Mouse says: yeah, man can't zip up as it is 
Lodis points to glove on odd finger 
Brucefan thinks ah no wonder mouse was sitting on my lap 
Mouse nodsnods 
FinnO asks: lodis looking at my ass? 
Mouse gasps..... 
Lodis says: no way 
Mouse says: no, that would be me, Finno 
Lodis grins 
Mouse smiles sweetly, mighty fine ass too 
FinnO wiggles and moons 
Mouse asks: who is singing? 
Lodis pukes 
Lodis grins 
Mouse stomps her feet...I want music 
CastleCrier asks: too much gin Lodis? 
FinnO grabs a banjo 
Lodis nods but was scotch not gin 
Brucefan faints dead away 
CastleCrier says: sheesh fan the groom 
Lodis fans bf 
CastleCrier says: thankyou 
Lodis says: then goes to get bucket of ice water 
Brucefan comes to 
Lodis returns 
Lodis notices bf is better 
Lodis sits water down 
Brucefan giggles incontrollably. 
Lodis asks: you nervous BF? 
Brucefan asks: incontrollably??? 
Lodis hands BF valiumn 
Starbright comes back from being AFK. 
CastleCrier thinks . o O ( groom gonna be a mess ) 
Mouse puts on a lil music of her own 
Lodis thinks . o O ( hmmm maybe give 20 mg instead of 10 ) 
Brucefan says: ah the blue ones 
CastleCrier says: zoombie 
Lodis nods 
FinnO gobbles all the valium and swallows with a shot of vodka 
Brucefan says: beats those yellows 
Lodis hands water 
Mouse grabs a jello shooter and downs it 
CastleCrier asks: is Father Finno nervous? 
Lodis says: okay BF take this u will feel better 
FinnO says: nosh Id not nerbous at allll Iz drunck ;) 
CastleCrier says: rumor is the bride plans to visit the groom in real 
life November 1st 
CastleCrier says: for 3 days I am told 
Mouse smiles 
Lodis asks: and have sex? 
CastleCrier says: they didnt say 
Lodis hmmmmms 
Brucefan says: we have a policy like the US govt 
FinnO says: they will video all interactions 
Mouse murmers... now now, we mustn't ask such personal questions 
Brucefan says: dont ask dont tell 
FinnO says: for sale later 
Mouse thinks . o O ( of course for SEX ) 
MaL joined you. 
Lodis thinks . o O ( okay I will ask ) 
MaL says: mmm 
MaL reads the message board. 
Mouse grooves to the music 
Mouse sings o//~ I wanna be with you everywhere o//~ 
Starbright goes AFK: zzz...ZZ...zzz... 
Brucefan shouts: kiss you going to join us?? 
MaL goes to join Kiss in the Great_Hall. 
Kiss shouts: I'll wait to move the guests 
FinnO says: no Im gonna join you ;) 
CastleCrier says: Father Finno! such talk from a priest 
FinnO says: umm making joining should be called coupling? 
sounds better 
Lodis nodsnods 
Mouse fidgets in her seat 
Brucefan again moves mouse back to her seat 
CastleCrier waits for flower girl for just a few more minutes 
Mouse sighs and scrambles to the top of seat 
Lodis thinks . o O ( again? ) 
Brucefan thinks but it felt good 
Mouse cranks up her peanut machine...just in case 
CastleCrier says: well Brucefan you are net single for 5 more minutes 
CastleCrier says: then the jig is up...giggles 
Mouse smirks 
Brucefan says: depends on which jig I am doing 
Lorrie shouts: I am all dressed and ready 
Lorrie shouts: Zeeman did pinch a few times 
Lodis notices on news all flights canceled from PR to CC! 
Mouse giggles 
Thunder is heard as the sky opens and Winklebum appears. 
Mouse shouts: come on in, Winkle 
FinnO shouts: Hear Ye Hear Ye,It is declared that Brucefan shall be 
groped for next 5 minutes by any lady who wishes 
Mouse pats the seat next to her for Winkle 
Winklebum says: where am i 
Winklebum says: ugh 
Winklebum says: ok 
Winklebum sits 
Joan shouts: WOOHOO!!! 
Winklebum says: jsut saw lots of scroll. heh 
Lorrie shouts: sure grope him good and warm him up for me
Lodis thinks . o O ( do I want gropes??? ) 
Brucefan sits back and wait for the groping 
Mouse shares her peanuts with Winkle
Winklebum says: heh. thanks 
Lodis thinks . o O ( nah I pass ) 
Mouse mutters...the groom needs groped
Lorrie shouts: I wanna see nice package in those tight white breeches 
Zeeman shouts: Pops is waiting here!
Lodis passes her gropes to Mouse 
Mouse gasps...such talk! 
Mouse shouts: well he wants a nice taco 
Brucefan examines his tights 
Mouse smirks to herself 
Lodis notices package is large and reaches knees easily 
Brucefan prepares chastiy belt for the queen
Mouse's eyes widen 
FinnO asks: lodis is on her knees? 
Mouse says: it's all that viagra you fed him 
CastleCrier hopes the priests robe doesnt bulge 
Mouse turns scarlet 
Lodis smacks finno 
FinnO says: nope thats tied to my leg 
Mouse giggles
CastleCrier gasps 
Mouse rolls up her sleeves...want me to bop him for ya, Lodis?
FinnO gives Mouse a big, wet, sloppy lick! 
Mouse gives FinnO a heart throbbing kiss. 
FinnO says: umm FinnO takes mouse away to a privite room ;) 
Winklebum laughs
Mouse bites Finno on the "leg" and runs 
CastleCrier blinks
Philippe laughs
Mouse smiles 
Singer goes to the front of chapel 
Mouse whistles.... music!! 
Singer stands beside Father Finno
-Bruce Springsteen
We said we'd walk together baby come what may
That come the twilight should we lose our way
If as we're walkin a hand should slip free
I'll wait for you
And should I fall behind
Wait for me
FinnO thinks . o O ( who gonna play the organ? ) 
Starbright says: i will 
Mouse thinks . o O ( me, tomorrow afternoon )
Brucefan says: lorr plays the organ 
FinnO asks: who's? 
CastleCrier stands 
Lodis bops BF not that organ! 
Mouse covers her eyes 
CastleCrier says: will the groom and his best manperson please 
stand before the alter to the right 
And thus...the wedding began...

"The Bride and Grooms Wedding Attire"

MESSAGES FROM OUR FRIENDS BEFORE AND AFTER From: bill [ Friday 12 October 2001 at 00:39 ] Congrats to the "old people" on the Marriage, may you find yourself together for years to come. **** From: Joan [ Saturday 6 October 2001 at 14:55 ] Congrats to Lorrie and was a great wedding :):).. **** From: Apl [ Saturday 6 October 2001 at 20:57 ] Congrats King Brucefan and Queen Lorrie :) **** From: Michel [ Monday 8 October 2001 at 12:39 ] Congrats for the newly wed couple ... with love, Michel **** From: Mouse [ Saturday 6 October 2001 at 21:06 ] I wish to extend my heartfelt congratulations to the newlywed couple.....Mr. & Mrs. Brucefan :) May you enjoy many happy years together! **** From: Raccoon [ Sunday 7 October 2001 at 10:54 ]
congrats to Brucefan and Lorrie **** Para Lorrie Deseándoles mucho amor y alegría en su nueva vida juntos. Felicidades!!! TQM - Leginska **** Happy Wedding to you netmom!!!!!!!! Take a good honey moon :) lol slowly :) - Leginska and Hercolobus **** Oh my goodness, I looked at your pictures on your wedding pages and thought right away what a nice looking couple. Just call me a senti- mentalist but I cant help it. Just looking at your faces I see the personna of two people one just knows are compatible. Yes, I know you are only good friends but by golly you two are spiritually one! I swear that's the feeling I get and I think this netwedding of yours will be blessed in ways you can't even imagine. I get good vibes girl. Hugs to you both. I knew you were a nice lady and now I can plainly see his is a nice man. Great Karma! TaTa - Spiritlady (Cheryl) **** I might not make the wedding Lorrie but my thoughts and best wishes are with you, hugs and smoooches. Lefty **** By god Lorrcarr this is unbelievable! Does this mean I can't flirt with you anymore? Now why is it I feel this is the man you go "north" to see? You have a nice wedding and best of luck. I like these netweddings!! They bring romance into an otherwise cold world. Best Wishes to you both. As ever Reno. **** To Lorrie & Brucefan For the new husband and wife two dear friends lucky enough to have found each other. May your good fortunes follow you as the years unfold to fill your cups with all the happiness that they can hold! Congratulations! - Dad **** To Lorrie & Brucefan: I hope you have a very special & enjoyable day, with many happy years to follow. All the best. I hope I remember to go to the wedding....Ive got a head like a sieve with potatoe sized holes atm :o(I think that 1pm EST is 7pm GMT so I'll do my best to get to the church on time, but if I dont, I'll be thinking of you. tada for now. -Steve (Norm) **** Congratulations Lorrie and Brucefan, And thank you I may be the maid of horror..You know it was always my wish to lose the rings...drop the cake, and steal the champagne,and hide with Zeeman in the Honeymoon room. We won't take the chips and dips :).. I know the other guests like to eat something too. Best wishes...and may god bless you both.. Hugs Zeeman and Joan. **** I look forward to attending your wedding. Sniff, my best net buddy is now taken. Sniff ... Best wishes :) Hugs, RKD (Highwayman) **** Dearest Lorrie, Alas you are to marry another man and not me, congratulations and my best wishes to you on the big day. Well, at the moment I am in Belgium on a 6 week world tour of Europe, or at least parts of it. I will try to be there but cant promise as I have no idea what time that would be over here ;) Good luck and lots of love Colin **** You Lorrie? Getting netmarried? LOL okok who is this secret guy? Man, I been chasing your butt for over 6 months and you dont give me the time of day and now I hear you gonna netmarry! In all sincerety Lorrie you're the greatest and he is one helluva lucky guy. My best to you both. -Digger **** Dear Lorrie: You I know, your Brucefan I don't, but I do know if you are netmarrying him, then he has to be a swell guy because you are a swell lady and have been a good friend to me over the past year. Lots of people laugh at these netweddings, but in your case I think its a sweet and wondrous thing because I know all you have been through and all you go through and this bit of joy is meant for you. It's your turn my dear friend. Best wishes to you both. Hugs, Sara J. **** Congratulations along with my hopes you and BruceFan are very happy together! - Blackie **** Wishing you all good things the world has to offer Hoping that the love you share today and the kind blessings being sent your way follow you throughout your years together to ease the struggles and deepen the joys of a lifetime Congratulations! I'm so happy for you both. I wish you lots of happiness! - Margie ****