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General Game Info

Character Creation

    At the beginning of the game you can create your custom character.  Different options include:  Species, Name, and Face Portrait (You can upload pics on PC version).  You can also choose from four general classes: Soldier, Tech Specialist, Scholar, and Field Medic - each having their own strengths and drawbacks.  Depending on your class, you will receive feats and intelligence modifiers to add to your abilities.

Character Species to choose from (from left to right): Nautolan, Cerean, Iridonian, Human, Twi'lek, and Mirialan

Order of Planets

    You must start on Dantooine, then proceed to Coruscant, after which you can travel to any planet in the order you choose - except Gananth. 

Jedi/Sith Classes

    When you choose to study the Force, whichever side you take, you are allowed to pick a class - you can choose from Jedi Guardian, Jedi Sentinal, and Jedi Counselar.  For the Sith at heart, you can choose from a Sith Scout, Sith Warrior, and Sith Instructor.  Advanced Jedi/Sith classes will be as before.


   As you play through the game, you will gain a reputation - depending on your choices.  For Jedi, you will start as a Padawan, then Jedi Knight, and finially Jedi Master.  The Sith are known as Adept, Sith Apprentice, Sith Lord.  Your reputation will influence dialogs with NPCs and others in the game.  For example, if you are a Sith Adept speaking with someone sypathetic to the Jedi, they will not give much information.  However, a Sith Lord will strike more fear into that particular person, evoking more information.  The same will be for the Jedi.

Force Training

   As with Jedi or Sith, the use of Force powers becomes essential in some cases.  At you advance in rank, you can learn new powers.  However, before any power can be used, you must practice it.  You can practice Force powers throughout the game, either at the Temple, or on your ship.  Some powers, like Mind Dominance, can only be practiced on characters you meet on other worlds.  Force Powers must first be discovered, learned, and then mastered.  For example, if you have only discovered Force Pull, when you use it, it might not affect the target.  If you have mastered Force Pull, the item will surely obey your domination over it.

   Force Powers:

    Battle Precognition, Burst of Speed, Drain Life, Drain Force, Fear, Force Deflection, Force Lightning, Force Pull, Force Push, Force Resistance, Force Sight, Heal, Strangle, Stun

Lightsaber Techniques

   Throughout your journey, you will encounter combat cenarioes in which you must fight.  If you choose to wield a lightsaber, you must first learn how to use one.  After crafting your own blade, you can hone your skills with it as you learn from your Master, be it Sith or Jedi.  Techniques must be learned, applied, and then mastered.  The better your skill with a technique, the better it will work for you.

Skills and Attributes

   As in KOTOR II, your attributes will add modifiers to your skill rank.  The higher rank in a skill,  the easier it will be to accomplish a particular task relating to that skill.  A new Attribute, Stamina, will be added.  Stamina will determine how long you can use a particular feat, such as Power Attack, against an opponent.  Also, certain skills will allow you to create different items at workbenches and lab stations.

Lightsaber creation

   When you have chosen to carry a lightsaber, you must first craft one.  You can do this either the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, or at the Sith Academy on Korriban.  You can create two lightsabers to carry.  You have to choose from two styles of hilts: strait or curved.  After that is done, you can create the blade.  When you have made a fully funtioning blade, you have the option to permanently link the two hilts to form a double bladed weapon (this will combine the two weapons into one, and cannot be undone)  On different planets, you can find parts to upgrade the look of your lightsaber, ranging from blade color, to emitter fixtures, giving you the ability to truly customize your blade!


Curved or Strait?

Single or Double?