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Welcome! the Light Side, that is.....

On the advice of some of the members at, I have decided to revamp my story.  Please keep in mind, this is a work in progress, and I am always open to suggestions.  Thanks everyone, and I hope you enjoy!  (For story purposes, I have named my main character Kilaan Turroth.)


    This story begins ten years after the fall of Darth Traya, a manipulative dark lord of the Sith.  For the past several years you have been on Dantooine, a planet torn and ravaged by war, working to help in the rebuilding effort there.  During your time you have made a few friends with the Jedi there.  While the Restored Jedi Order is small in comparison to its predecessor, it is recovering with the help of you and other volunteers.

    Ashaa K'Olle, a Jedi Master at the reconstructed Jedi Enclave on Dantooine, offered to let you live inside the Enclave, since most of the housing projects were overcrowded.  During your stay at the Enclave you've learned a little about the Jedi and their beliefs.  Some things interest you - others do not.  For the past several weeks,  you have been unable to sleep - you have horrific nightmares that shake your very soul.  Images of battles you have never been in appear every time you close your eyes.  You can hear the screams of soldiers in your head, and feel the environment in your dreams.  Usually, you will go to the Enclave courtyard to calm yourself - center your thoughts.  After yet another nightmare, you've gone to the courtyard as usual, but discover Master K'Olle there as well.  He seems to be meditating, so you decide not to disturb him. 

    As you leave to go back to your room, he says "Another nightmare, young Turroth?"  You are amazed!  "How did you know that," you ask.  Master K'Olle replies with his usually smug response to almost any question you ask, "The Force works in many ways."  He asks you about the dreams, and you tell him the gruesome details.  Master K'Olle pauses for a moment, thinks, and says, "Those dreams of yours are no dreams at all - they are premenisions.  Only those strong in the Force are capable of such things."  The very thought grips you.  You have always had strange abilities others do not posess, like being able to sense the emotions of some of the people you have met.  "I think it is time you learn about your past, Kilaan.  It is no coincedence you have found yourself here, on Dantooine, helping innocents reclaim some structure to their lives.   What would you say if I told you the Force runs strong in you - it is in your blood?"  Master K'Olle takes out a lightsaber and ignites the blade.  "It was your brother's.  He carried it from the time he completed his trials, up to when he fell on Dxun.  I knew him well.  He would have wanted you to have it."  Master K'Olle says you should get some rest and you will discuss this matter the next day.  You go back to your room where you fall asleep. 

   The next morning you are greeted by Master K'Olle.  "Time is running short, young Turroth.  It is no longer safe for you to be here - you must come with me."  As you follow the Jedi Master through the temple, you notice others running about as if to prepare for battle.  Just as you make your way to the Enclave courtyard, you find the body of a Dantooine Maltia-man.  "We are too late," Master K'Olle says.  You serch the body and find a blaster - it shows signs the guard was killed with a lightsaber.  After you serch the body, a mysterious figure appears - it is a Sith Lord.  He asks you to come with him.  "These Jedi seek to harm you.  Do not succomb to thier foolish beliefs.  Come with me, and I will show you alife greater than you have ever known."  At this point, Master K'Olle tells you to stand aside so he can protect you from this threat.  You now have an option - to either comply with the wishes of the man who has taken you in, or go with a stranger you have just met.  Who will you side with?

Will you follow the orders of Master K'Olle, and stay with the Jedi?


Or will you forsake them, casting aside their foolish beliefs, and join the ranks of the Sith? 

Which side will you choose?


    The members at filefront and I have been working on this project for about two months now.  While it is a work in progress, I fell you will enjoy what we have come up with so far!


I will have more in a few!  Thanks again, for all the support!

Email Ki-Adi-Mundi


I want to thank for introducing me to this universe. 

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Last updated: 07/03/06