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Bono & Steve Tyler

officially 14
Wednesday, July 16, 2003
"Way up on the mountain where she died..."
Argh! Sorry I haven't blogged. :( I've been busy, very busy. Well, turns I am getting hosted, by the wonderful Verdict-less Life!! Woohoo! *does a little jig* And guess what else? ACCORDING TO PETA, JOAQUIN PHOENIX IS ONE OF THE SEXIEST VEGETARIANS ALIVE!!!! *takes a deep breath* Sorry about that, I'm just a bit happy. :) I voted for him too! (Larry Mullen Jr. too, mind you.) I couldn't forget my favorite little drummer, now could I? He actually was next to Ashton Kutcher! I'm so glad he's finally getting some attention. Guess what Amy got me for my birthday? Keith Urban! Hehe. She couldn't think of anything I wanted, so she got me Keith Urban's first album. Mentioning that, we're going to co-web The Keith Urban "Keith Urban" Album fanlisting pretty soon. (Boy, that's confusing) I've already got the layout up, it's just the content we need to work on. POTC was great. I love that movie. I saw it twice. Johnny Depp rocks my socks. Go see it.

Lagoon was fun. I won't say much about it, since I'm still tired. But I did get some pictures, so I'll scan those in now that I have my scanner back. :) Also, I added Sarah to my dailies. She rocks, so go check her out. ^^

{ blogged by Heather ~ very happy ~ 10:20 pm ~ }

Sunday, July 13, 2003
"I won't give up, if you don't give up."
Wow, yesterday was fun. I feel like I should've written about it yesterday, you know, but that's just my problem. I like blogging in the middle of the day. Hehe. So anyway, Karla, Dad, and I all went to the VF factory a.k.a. Heart of America Stores yesterday. Karla went looking for some shoes, and she found the oddest pair, I swear to you! *lol* They were bright, neon green tennis shoes. ^^ Neon green! You could spot her a mile away, I'm not kidding you! Well anyway, I got my *early* birthday present at Rue21. Which was very hard, mind you, because I'm very bad at picking out clothes. Not to mention about 95% of the clothes in that store were punk rock/gothic, so I would have had a talking to for wearing something like that. *looks around warily* But to be honest, I do like those clothes. I mean, I'm not gothic, but I love the style of them. O.o Wierd, eh? I also love hanging out with people who are goth, like Sasha. I've known Sasha for about two years now, and I don't think I've ever seen her wear colorful clothing. Which is fine, I'm glad she's expressing herself. I don't know, maybe I am an unannounced goth. I know all the goths out there are rolling there eyes at me. Me, the the clean-cut girl who does everything right. *rolls eyes* O.o Doesn't sound like me at all, I know. But I'm beginning to wonder. Oh yeah, and last night I watched Star Wars : Episode 1. *swoons* Ewan... *coughes* Yeah, anyway... Remember the actor who played Count Dooku (sp?) in that movie? He was also in the 'LOTR' movies. His name is Christopher Lee, and it wasn't until last night that I realized he was Cato in 'The Land Of Faraway'. *pumps fist* I knew it was him! His voice sounded so familiar. So I popped 'TLOF' into the vcr last night to see if I was right, and sure enough, there he was, 20 years younger and all. He's a great actor. It's a shame he gets stereotyped into those roles though. :(

Anywho, look what I got! Thanks to silly-girl.net. She has the most wonderful Marilyn Monroe layout, so go check it out. ^^

{ blogged by Heather ~ happy ~ 10:18 am ~ }

Saturday, July 12, 2003
"You've got to get yourself together. You've got stuck in a moment, and now you can't get out of it."
What is wrong with me? Can someone please explain? I'm having these mood swings...all the time it seems. I guess that's why it sucks to be a teenager. One minute I want to rip somebody's head off, the next I'm crying in the corner of my room. I've thought a lot during these past few weeks, and I've definitely had enough time to. Being stuck in one place for 8 hours alone does that to a person. Dad came home really late last night. He had called me at 6:00 saying that he'd be home in an hour. He wasn't. He came home 4 hours later. Needless to say, I freaked. I called up mom and she asked me if I wanted to go home with her. Fortunately, Dad called right after. He had been out with Karla and lost track of the time. Karla is a really a sweet person, she is. But sometimes I think Dad needs to get his priorities straight. What am I saying? I'm the teenager here. Aren't I supposed to be the one coming home late? Isn't he supposed to be the one worrying? I think my life is screwed up that way. I read the scriptures for the first time in probably 3 years last night. That's how worried I was. I said a prayer too. I miss God. I really do.
{ blogged by Heather ~ tired ~ 1:25 pm ~ }

visitors from upstairs
Friday, July 11, 2003
"If 7-11's are open 24/7, then why do they put locks on the doors?"
Well, I had some visitors today. Both of the girls upstairs came down to meet me. They were really nice, although I really had no idea how to greet them. I usually go to people instead of them coming to me. They're both very dedicated Good Charlotte fans, which was great, because that meant we had something in common. They were both a year younger than me, which I found pretty odd. They looked like they were at least 15! They apologized for the ocean coming into our bathroom. *lol* (The bathroom vent has been leaking water for the past few days.) Apparently there was no damage, but I still have to see what Dad's opinion is. *rolls eyes* Yeah, but I'm glad I met them anyway. Rock gurls, punk girls, I don't care, they're all awesome to me. I also talked to Amy and Ryan today. I talked to Ryan for a total of about 5 minutes before the stupid phone cut out. >( Grr... It's been doing that a lot lately. Amy's trying to convince her parents to take her to Boise to see Keith Urban. (lol) I don't blame her, I'd do the same. ^^ It's a shame he's not coming here. All the good ones seem to skip us. :( The John Mayer / Counting Crows concert was last night. I wanted to go so badly. :( Oh well. I wonder if it was any good... John is such a great guitarist. Well, later.

Only 4 days left till my b-day!
{ blogged by Heather ~ tired ~ 8:09 pm ~ }

yw camp
Thursday, July 10, 2003
"I never said it would be easy. I only said it would be worth it."
I just got back from camp. Needless to say, I plunked dwon on my bed and immediatly fell asleep, so there wasn't really any time for blogging. I woke up at about 5:45 and drove all thw way up to Timberlane with Amy, Anna, Jackie, and Michelle. Denny was there too. Geez, I haven't seen her in a while. Apparently she's part of the Park ward, so that's why I haven't seen her. I sat with her at the morning ceremony and we talked a little bit, mostly about camp. This year the theme was military/serving God, so my ward ended up as the Navy. *.0 (yeah, yeah, I know you're giggling) Cathy was really crafty and made us some hats and some dog tags with our names on them. We were pretty unique, actually. Our camp came up with the idea to give each other nicknames. (boy nicknames, I might add. O.o Hehe.) Amy was 'Billy/Bondgirl', I was Nick, Crystal was 'Skippers', (yeah, don't ask.), and Michelle was 'Bob'. *lol* We're an odd bunch.

I totally changed my mind about Michelle. She wasn't as snobby and prissy as she used to be to me. I wonder why... Anyway, she was actually quite nice, and she even signed my camp 'thumb-signature' book. It's funny how people change, eh?

We left right before the evening ceremony, and Jackie and I talked all the 150 miles back home. It didn't even feel like that long. She was absolutely hilarious, and acted like such a sweetheart. We talked about music, books, A Beautiful Mind, movies, religion, etc. It was soooo refreshing for me. I wish I could do that more often. Anywho, here's a pic of Mio. Not the greatest one, unfortunately.


Wha?? You looking at me?

{ blogged by Heather ~ excited ~ 3:09 pm ~ }

woohoo lagoon!
Tuesday, July 8, 2003
"To be united is a great thing. But to respect differences is even greater."
Well, only 7 more days till my b-day. I can't wait! I'm going to go to Lagoon with Amy. I made her promise to go on all of the rollercoasters with me. Mehehe. We wanted to go on the Spider, but considering how long the line is, I'll probably just wait unitl next year. I don't think I've been to Lagoon twice in one summer before. :/ Guess I'm just lucky. I just listened to 'AM Radio' by Everclear. I've been meaning to check out that band. They put out some good stuff.

Look at this :
{ blogged by Heather ~ happy ~ 8:11 pm ~ }

new layout
Tuesday, July 7, 2003
"Mock the Devil, and he shall flee from thee."
New layout up! Steve Tyler from Aerosmith and Bono from U2. I think that fits me. :) Oh, I forgot to mention in the design section that the original image for the splash pic came from elevate-me.org. I'm going to camp tomorrow, but only for a day. I'm not even sleeping over! How cheap is that? Oh well, I guess it's my fault. I should have told Jackie. But anywho, it'll be fun driving up with Jackie. She's British and has the most wonderful accent in the world. I love it! I could listen to her all day!
{ blogged by Heather ~ restless ~ 4:17 pm ~ }

wonder if i should leave it all behind
Monday, June 30, 2003
"Now, you're stuck in a moment, and you can't get out of it."
Well, I'm at my Dad's house. Finally. *sighes* I needed this.Mom and I need to get away from each other, other wise we're going to chew each other's heads off. I feel like I'm living in a whole at that house. We practically are, considering we live in the basement apartment! I'm going to go back this Friday though, for the 4th. Hopefully, things will have cleared up by then...but I don't know. She likes to hold grudges. Well, on the brighter side, we might be going camping with Karla. ;) I really miss camping! Not to mention my birthday's coming up! ^^
{ blogged by Heather ~ content ~ 2:55 pm ~ }

children of the revolution
Sunday, June 22, 2003
"No, no baby you won't fool the
children of the revolution."
I'm listening to 'Children Of The Revolution' off of the Moulin Rouge soundtrack right now. I really like it. It's like there's two different sides to it. It can be very holy and very dark at the same time. That's what I like about Bono's voice, he can express so many moods at one time. Anyway, I made a new cd last night. ;) I put Alanis, Coldplay, Robbie Williams, U2, etc. on it. I really like it. It's probably one of the "better" ones I've made. (lol)

Speaking of Coldplay, I've been seeing a lot of blog layouts featuring them lately. They're really an awesome group, it's just... Well, the radio's played 'Clocks' so much that I'm actually starting to hate that song. The stations just suck all the life out of good songs nowdays. It's like American Idol. Now they're coming out with a movie for Heaven's sakes. A movie! Like I really want to see that. *roll eyes* (lol) I heard that they had to reshoot the whole thing because it was so bad. Don't get me wrong, I do like some of Kelly's work...but not that much. Well, good luck to them I guess. *.*
{ blogged by Heather ~ unsatisfied ~ 2:45 pm ~ }

the girl;
Heather. 5'2ish. 80's freak. blonde. brown eyes. music junkie. soccer. basketball. art. writing. drawing. web design. U2. aerosmith. robbie willams. the white stripes. obsessive. all the good soul rock n roll. more?

want it?
Watching : Terminator 3
Listening : Aerosmith, Best Of
Drinking : Apple Juice
Eating : Tofu
Obsessing : Christina Ricci
Googling : Heath Ledger
Quoting :
(do you like anything you do?)
I brush my teeth very well.
- Joaquin Phoenix
This layout, version two of Rocklicious, was made by moi using images of rock stars Steve Tyler and Bono. I found both of the originals online, thanks to google.
Mrs. Macphisto
Evelyn ~ not yet open
Bono Online
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