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Bono & Steve Tyler

Bono Vox
I'm far too lazy to build a fan site, so I guess you could say this is my little shrine to one of the greatest rock stars on earth. ;)

Lead vocalist of one of the most successful Rock N' Roll bands in music history, Bono has not only practically led the group since their formation, but has proved that being outspoken, politically active and a captivating performer are all the ingredients to being a Bon-a fide rock star.

Bono was born Paul David Hewson on May 10, 1960, in Dublin, Ireland. Before Bono was born, a fortuneteller told Bono's mother, as if by premonition, that she would have a son that would be famous. Famous might have been an understatement.

Religion has always played a role in the music of U2, in the lives of the band members, as well as in Bono's life, ever since he was a young boy. His father Bob was catholic, while mother Iris (who passed away in 1974) was protestant.

Even as a schoolboy Bono was a troublemaker; the class clown of Mount Temple High School. Considered a "cool" kid who had a tendency to do weird things, Bono joined a group of kids known as "The Lypton Village". That is how he received the name "Bono Vox", after a hearing aid sold in a store in Dublin.

Bono hated his nickname at first, but then learned that "Bono Vox" meant "good voice" in Latin. Ironically, he was not given the name because of his singing voice -- which at the time he did not even have -- he was given the name because he was never calm.

In 1976, Larry Mullen Jr. (U2's drummer) placed an ad on a bulletin board at Bono's High School searching for fellow musicians. Of the seven musicians who attended Larry's house to audition, guitarist Dave Evans, bass guitar player Adam Clayton, and Paul (Bono) Hewson stood out the most.

While the others who made it in the band each played a musical instrument, Bono was accepted based on his standout charisma and personality, even though he had no musical talent whatsoever.

Despite the fact that Mullen was the one who initiated the band's formation to begin with, the leadership quickly went to Bono, who immediately took charge. Bono gave Dave Evans the name "The Edge", and started writing songs and learning how to sing, and thus came to be the band known today as U2.

Performing at first under the monikers Feedback and Hype before finally naming the band U2, the group had released 2 albums (Boy and October) before gaining recognition with their third album release, War, in 1983. It took 2 albums before War finally hit the music charts because the band members were confused about their religious identities and their identity as a band. War did not paint the religious imagery that October painted, but it was tinged with political ideas such as the violence in Ireland.

After U2's live album release, Under a Blood Red Sky, Bono and the band hit it big with The Joshua Tree, in 1987. With follow-up albums such as Rattle and Hum, Achtung, Baby and Zooropa, it's no wonder that U2 was one of the three bands in history to be featured on the cover of Time magazine, hailed as "Rock's Hottest Ticket", and played to sold out worldwide venues.

Bono is known not only for his antics on stage while performing -- he used to climb any type of scaffolding on stage, until he once fell and got injured -- but off stage as well. He and band members caused havoc while shooting the video for "Where The Streets Have No Name" on a roof without permission before the police intervened and stop the filming..

Bono has been involved with various side projects, such as his contribution to Band Aid's "Do They Know It's Christmas" single; his duet with Frank Sinatra for Sinatra's Duets album; a performance with U2, Brian Eno, and Luciano Pavarotti for Passengers; and writing a short story and screenplay entitled The Million Dollar Hotel.

Bono and his band members are known not only for their success and talent in contemporary Rock, but for their political and charitable activism.

Band members have banned Bono from drinking coffee; it makes him too hyper. Also known for losing things, Bono lost his laptop this year, which must have contained lyrics to U2's upcoming album, due for release this fall.

Bono is married to Alison Stewart, his wife of 18 years.

Bono may have been given his nickname for never being quiet; now it's evident that he was really given the nickname for its original meaning: good voice.

- Ask-Men

the girl;
Heather. 5'2ish. 80's freak. blonde. brown eyes. music junkie. soccer. basketball. art. writing. drawing. web design. U2. aerosmith. robbie willams. the white stripes. obsessive. all the good soul rock n roll. more?

want it?
Watching : Terminator 3
Listening : Aerosmith, Best Of
Drinking : Apple Juice
Eating : Tofu
Obsessing : Christina Ricci
Googling : Heath Ledger
Quoting :
(do you like anything you do?)
I brush my teeth very well.
- Joaquin Phoenix
This layout, version two of Rocklicious, was made by moi using images of rock stars Steve Tyler and Bono. I found both of the originals online, thanks to google.

Mrs. Macphisto
Evelyn ~ not yet open

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