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COEPROBK's Biography

COEPROBK is a girl at Camp Caen, one of the four residential female Camp Caen campers of the 2006 Session Two of Camp Caen. COEPROBK was very disappointed in this, since she expected more company in a "male-dominated" field. But anyway. She is 17 at the moment, has no driver's license (yet), is hearing impaired (or "has a cocular transplant" if you're more familiar with that), and has been sorted into Hufflepuff by her peers. COEPROBK's hobbies are writing, surfing the Internet, watching "Firefly" (new!), reading manga in half an hour, watching anime in far more time, and constantly making and/or scrapping websites. We might say that COEPROBK is a procrastinator (mayhaps that's why her Neopets are almost always dying), which is why so many websites have been fated for the "Delete" button.

COEPROBK is also not very good at keeping in touch with friends that she's made, so this is something for Camp Caen people to keep in mind when she gives out her email address at You might want to send an email to first so that your email address will eventually be unblocked from LexieAME OR give COEPROBK your email address ahead of time so you can email LexieAME directly. This latter course of action is recommended.

COEPROBK is in possession of dog called Kate, who is a female (and mostly purebred) Rottweiler. Despite her fearsome breed, she is a scaredy cat that is afraid COEPROBK's mother's stove, overhanging objects, brooms, vacuums, and... well, perhaps you get the point. She hates her veterinarian (Dr. whatever his name is), and COEPROBK hates the veterinarian, too, when Kate needs to be anesthezied for some reason or other. It's very distressing to COEPROBK to see her dog trying to get up but unable to because of medicine. Dratted vets. :(

COEPROBK has a livejournal blog, a Photobucket account, stories at, and a DeviantArt account (see Links), although the Photobucket account is mostly empty, and the DeviantArt account has nothing of value in it. But because COEPROBK believes in giving people a choice (and in filling up website space), she has provided the links.

One more thing about COEPROBK and we're done. As TheShadowPanther on, she likes to believe that she is an online schizophrenic, with three personalities existing only online. However, she is wrong. She is a schizophrenic, if a well-controlled one. If you catch COEPROBK chanting under her breath or making faces, these are her personalities coming out, don't worry. *Waves* The best thing to do when COEPROBK is like this is to leave her alone and pretend you never saw it. She'll come back to "normal" in her own sweet time.

That's it about COEPROBK! I hope you enjoyed this biography and the gems of information you've gleaned about her! *Waves again more vigorously*

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