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The Blogging Party of Canada
Policy on
Fiscal Structure and
Freezing EI premium rates at current levels, a measure that will especially help small businesses, which employ more than half of all Canadians.
Canceling all tax treaties with tax havens like Barbados. Canadian corporations should not be permitted to establish shell companies in tax havens and then bring profits home tax-free like Paul Martin did with his Canada Steamship Lines.
Implementing annual balanced budgets
exempting years of extreme revenue shortfalls and disasters and acts of God
and reducing the debt-to-GDP ratio by maximizing the benefits of a growing economy and strong borrowing and debt management measures.
Allowing a debate over what should be done with any unforeseen surplus instead of retroactively applying all of it against the national debt.
Encouraging the Bank of Canada to promote a lower interest rate, which results in amore stable economy, a lower dollar and a better environment for key export industries and tourism
Bringing some of Canada’s national debt under the control of the Bank of Canada, as it used to be, and paying the interest to ourselves as opposed to chartered banks.
Reversing corporate tax reductions, recognizing that Canadian corporate taxes are now well below US corporate tax levels.
Imposing hefty fines for polluters that match the clean-up costs (the polluter-pay principle).
Ending the practice of letting corporations deduct fines for environmental infractions or unsafe workplaces from their taxes.
Closing corporate and very high income tax loopholes
like the one that let a prominent Canadian family move $2 billion out of Canada through trust accounts and never pay a cent of income tax on the transaction.
Increasing corporate taxes slightly, but creating a tax benefit for all money spent on charitable organizations, and environmental training and responsibility. For example, if a company shows it has taken steps to improve its environmental responsibility by implementing a training program in proper handling of dangerous chemicals, then any money spent on that should be included for a sizeable tax exemption.
Implementing an inheritance tax on inheritances of more than $1 million, exempting in-family transfers of small businesses and family farms.
small businesses.
Not lowering, but abolishing personal income tax, instead implementing a 20% GST on non essential items. Also, adding to the list of essential items things such as cars under $50,000, clothes under $100 per item, feminine hygiene products, educational supplies, fossil fuels (excluding premium grade gasoline), household appliances
Making personal private capitol gains from the sale of property tax exempt. Corporate capital gains will still be taxable.