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Policy Statement

Welcome to the Blogging Party of Canada.  We are a party of a different sort, as we are made up of people from varying political strips.  It was our opinion that the only way to bridge the differences between people, was to actually start building.  We set upon ourselves to view the policies of the different political parties in Canada, and debate sections of these agendas one at a time.  We would compare the points of each, adding and omitting as we deemed necessary until we had a product we felt best put forth the ideals of Canadians.  The key to any disagreement, we felt, is debate.  Mud slinging accomplishes nothing, the only way to solve problems is to first identify them.

  On many issues you would be surprised to find there is a meeting of idealisms, where the gap between different sides is close enough to walk across, where as others require some jumping.  The following is not our policy, it is YOUR policy, one we feel the majority of Canadians would agree with.  When we say majority, we do not mean like the 38% - 40% required in parliament, but rather the over 50% kind of majority.  If there is anything in this policy you do not agree with, be patient.  Remember that when two sides clash, a mid ground must be found, it?s all part of the process.  In a country such as Canada, with its varying views, compromises had to be made, a little give and take was required from all sides in order to continue.  It was this ability that became easier and easier to do the more we debated.  More and more we realized that you must give, in order to take.  Keep this in mind as you read this policy, as it is the key to the whole idea.

  That being said, continue on to YOUR policy statement, built for Canadians, by Canadians.