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Blogging Party of Canada
Immigration Agenda
Immigration Principles
The BPOC supports a welcoming and well-managed immigration system for Canada based on:
i) a fair and transparent process that earns the respect and confidence of Canadians as well as of the international community;
ii) compassionate measures to assist in family reunification;
iii) ensuring that Canada is successful in encouraging skilled immigrants to make Canada their destination of choice;
iv) a clear and workable process for immigrants to obtain equivalency for their international skills, training and experience;
v) addressing the need for adequate long-term funding for settlement services providers; and
vi) upholding Canada’s humanitarian tradition of providing safe haven for refugees.

Settlement Support
The BPOC wants to ensure that immigrants have the best possible opportunity to contribute to Canada’s economic and social well-being. Support from settlement organizations and the broader community plays an important role. A BPOC Government will:
i) work cooperatively with the provinces and municipalities on policy relating to settlement support for immigrants;
ii) address the need for adequate and equitable resources to provide language instruction, encourage community mentoring, build job search skills and offer other settlement services to meet the needs of immigrants, including children, giving immigrants a chance to become Canadian, and fully contribute to Canadian society. And as they do then they open up slots for further immigrants.
iii) work to streamline the funding process to deliver enhanced funding stability and allow long-term planning by service providers; and
iv) examine the feasibility of having federal funds for settlement services follow the movement of newcomers from one region to another.
v)ensure a difinite knowledge of Canadian law, especially those concerning deportation and the events that could possibly lead up to said deportation.
Refugee Determination
A BPOC Government will:
i) streamline the process of validating refugee claims;

ii) where the Immigration and Refugee Board finds claimants do not qualify as genuine refugees, ensure such individuals are escorted from Canada in a timely manner and provided with the information they need to start the proper process of applying for an immigration permit from abroad;
iii) give greater priority to refugees identified pursuant to the United Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees
iii a) Recognise victmes of spousal abuse as legitimate immigrants, provided certain criteria are met with regards to abuse, status of individual and conformation to above policies
iv) implement a fully merit-based process for Immigration and Refugee Board appointments; and
v) develop a refugee appeals process that is fair and timely.
vi) research and set an agenda to identify the difference between immigration and asylum whenever asylum is the claim of the applicant
Applications Process
A BPOC Government will:
i) ensure that Citizenship and Immigration Canada is properly staffed, trained and resourced to improve the processing of people wanting to come to Canada;
ii) reorganize the applications process so that applicants are given accurate information about what to expect, are readily able to obtain information on the status of their files, and are given service in a considerate and professional manner;
iii) reverse the policy of separating married couples while the application of the non-status partner is being processed;
iv) extend automatic Canadian citizenship to children adopted from abroad by Canadian parents once the adoption is final;
v) provide options such as the posting of a bond to allow higher acceptance rates for family visits while protecting the integrity of the system from queue jumping; and
vi) reduce the need for Temporary Resident Permits (TRPs) issued by the Minister by making the applications process more fair and efficient, and make the use of TRVs by the Minister both transparent and accountable through a process of independent review.
Recognition of International Credentials
A BPOC Government will:
i) work with the provinces to develop, in consultation with Canadian professional and trade associations, a process to evaluate standards in countries of origin in order to establish a workable system for assessing and recognizing credentials and experience;
ii) work with the provinces to develop, in consultation with Canadian professional and trade associations, criteria for obtaining equivalent Canadian professional status and transition programs for integration of immigrants into the Canadian workplace;
iii) require the credentials process to be disclosed to applicants by immigration staff overseas and on the Citizenship and Immigration Canada website;
iv) encourage international students graduating from accredited Canadian colleges and universities to remain and work in Canada; and
v) develop a better system to identify Canada’s labour market needs and make the points system more flexible to ensure these needs can be met.