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The Blogging Party of Canada
Trade Agenda

The BPOC will concentrate on the areas of "finished" products as well as raw materials. In areas such as cattle, we will focus on setting up a Canadian base of independently owned, government controlled processing plants. Government controlled to ensure against "price gouging" and monopoly.

The BPOC will ensure a link is obtained between trade and foreign aide, to ensure funds allocated to aid and funds received from trade go to the areas needed most. With enforcement in accordance with the WTO and the UN, duties and tariffs will be set to further assist the injection of funds into foreign aid to the specific region, with tariffs and taxes being reduced as the economy of a country develops.

The BPOC will insist that a standard is met in regards to wages of countries interested in trade with Canada. This will help promote Democracy in developing countries and ensure well being within the working class of our trade partners. Taxes and tariffs will be reduced if favorable levels of employment standards are shown and sustained.

The BPOC supports the elimination of all inter-provincial tariffs and taxes. We believe this will aid inter-provincial trade and the well being of Canadians.

The BPOC will bring more security to existing trade related jobs. To create new employment opportunities, our trade agenda will focus on diversifying both the products we sell abroad and the markets into which we sell those products.

The BPOC will strive to maximize the benefits we have as a free trading nation, emphasizing the need to establish trading relationships beyond North America.

The BPOC will Continue to work with the WTO in respect to the Doha Agenda,(an agenda set by the WTO in regards to the ethics and standards set for trade members, it deals with almost all aspects of international trade, it can be found HERE) to ensure fairness of trading amongst WTO members.

The BPOC will continue to uphold it's NAFTA bargain in all respects. Proving to the world that we are the best alternative when it comes to honest negotiating.

The BPOC will also talk with Mexico in regards to the recent dealings of the US to see if a future trade taxation levy would be pertinent in US dealings to ensure regaining lost funds, or collectively we should investigate other avenues. We feel the backing of other NAFTA members would strengthen our position in the world market, showing Canada to be honest, fair, and firm.