Electronic Components ¡@ |
making the main body
making the cyclic control system ¡@ an introduction to electronic components building an airborne video system ¡@ ¡@ |
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The receiver I use is GWS R-4p 4 channel receiver. Originally, it is used with micro crystal. However, I can't find one which fit with my TX's band. So, I give my try to use the large one from my RX. It eventually works great and no problems have occurred up to now. As you can see in the above picture, it's really big when compared with the micro receiver. The receiver is only 3.8g ( extremely light weight ) which is very suitable for indoor helicopter. #Although the receiver has only four channels, it can be modified to a five channel RX. |
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Here you can see the speed controller that is used in my helicopter. It is placed at the bottom of the gyro (see the photo below). Woo!! Really small size with only 0.7g. It is a JMP-7 Esc that I bought from eheli. I really can't buy one from local hobby shops here in Hong Kong. Also, this tiny Esc works great with the gyro. I just simply connect the signal output of the gyro to the signal input of the Esc. |
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This perfect micro-gyro is made by GWS. It is temporarily the lightest gyro that I can find in the world. Unlike the previous GWS gyro that I used in my gas helicopter, it is very stable and the center point is very accurate. If you plan to buy a micro gyro, it would certainly be a good choice for you! |
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The motors in the above photo are 5v DC motor, micro DC 4.5-0.6, and micro DC 1.3-0.02 ( from left to right ) In my first attempt, the micro4.6-0.6 is used. The motor burns out quickly ( or I should say that the plastic component in the motor melts) as the power demand of the tail rotor is much larger than that I expected. At the moment, the 5v motor is being used in my helicopter which is still in very good condition. The current tail motor is a 16g GWS motor which provide much more power. For more information, please go to the page "flybarless CP modification II" ¡@ |
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The first photo shown above is a Jeti 050 5A brushed electronic speed controller. It was used to control the speed 300 motor in my helicopter before. As the speed 300 motor is now replaced by a CD-Rom brushless motor, the Jeti 050 had been replaced by a Castle Creation Phoenix 10 brushless ESC. |
The following diagram shows how the components are connected to each other. The connections at the receiver is not in order. The GWS R-4p is originally a 4-channel Rx. It is modified in order to provide an extra channel for the pitch servo.
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Copyright © 2002 to 2003 Ben Hui - web master 2003 |