The Call


Ashley ran towards the door. She opened it and found Nick. “Hey!” Lee exclaimed.

“Hey.” He smiled. “Is it okay that I just showed up. You weren’t busy or anything were you?”

“No, come in – oh darn!”

“What?” Nick asked as he walked into her house.

“I told Brittney next time we saw each other she could see Aaron.”

“Tell her it’s my fault,” Nick offered.

“I promised.”

“Oh well, how was school?”

“I had a really great day at school today. Ashley Smith wasn’t there. I think she was sick or something.”

“Ashley smith being sick makes your day?”

“It depends on what she has. I mean if she has like Ebola or something then I might feel a little for her because she would probably die, but if she just has a cold she’ll get over it.”

“Well, aren’t you nice?” Nick questioned laughing.

“Yes, Ashley, could you be any more considerate?” Brittany stood in the doorway looking at them. “You promised.”

“I know!” Lee exclaimed. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t help it. He just came over. I didn’t even know he was coming!!”

“You promised!” She exclaimed running to her room.

Lee got up to follow her, but Nick held her back. “You couldn’t help it, Lee.” He said. “It’s all my fault.”

“I know it’s your fault, I just want to make sure she knows that.”

“Let her figure it out on her own.”

“Nick. Don’t you understand? I have to make sure my little sister is okay!”

“Step-sister,” Nick corrected.

“What ever!”

“Hadn’t you ever thought that you might spoil her and protect her too much?”

“I wish somebody had done the same thing to me.”

“No, you don’t. It really isn’t’ good for people.”

Lee slowly submissively sat back down.

“You were telling me about Ashley Smith.”

“Oh. Yea.” She said unenthusiastically. “I wish she would stay out of school for a very long time.”

“You wouldn’t miss her?” Nick teased.

“No. Why should I miss my enemy?”

“You two should be best buds. I mean, you at least have one thing in common.”

“I have to go check on my sister, Nick.”

“So, you mean that they have seen each other 3 times without us seeing each other?” Aaron asked.

“Yes.” Brittney confirmed. “That’s not the worst part.”

“What’s the worst part?” Aaron asked.

“She promised me,” Brittney was almost crying, “she promised me that the next time she saw Nick I could see you and she broke her promise. She never breaks promises.”

“She just did,” Aaron pointed out.

“You know what I mean!”

“Don’t worry, Brittney. It wasn’t your sister’s fault. It was Nick’s.”

“I know!” Brittney began sobbing. “I think. I think he’s,” sniff sniff, “brainwashed my sister. Normally she would have come in to make sure I’m,” sniff, sniff, “okay after she unintentionally hurting me.”

“There! You said it your self. She didn’t mean to hurt you.”

“I know, but it still hurts. If someone pushes you down accidentally and you break your arm it still hurts. It doesn’t matter whether they meant to or not.”

“Oh, Brittney. It’ll be okay. I just wish I should be there with you so I could hold you in my arms and comfort you.”

“Hopefully we can get together Friday night,” Brittney sniffled.

“Are you mad at my brother?”


“Are you mad at your sister?”

“A little.”

“Well, I’m mad at him for not bringing me today and mad at her for hurting you even though she didn’t mean to, so why don’t we embarrass them?”


“Lee, she will be okay!” Nick exclaimed.

“I have to make sure!” Ashley argued. “If you have a problem with me not wanting to hurt my sister then you can just leave my house.”

“I don’t want you to hurt your step-sister either, but I don’t think you need to comfort her.”

“I want to make sure she’s okay.”

“Fine then!” Nick jumped up. “You go make sure your step-sister is okay and I’ll go see Ashley Smith!”




“Fine! I’m leaving”

“Fine! I’m gonna see about my sister.” She stormed to Brittney’s room and opened the door. “Who are you talking to?” She asked.

“Aaron,” Brittney replied. “Leave.”

“Are you okay?”

“Yes. I’m talking to someone who cares about me.”

“I care about you Brittney.”

“Leave, Ashley. I want to talk to my boyfriend.”

“Fine.” She didn’t’ move.


“Fine!” Ashley turned around and slammed the door. She stepped out in the hallway and felt extremely neglected. She wanted Nick back. But he was mad at her and had left. She ran to the door and watched as his car speed off. She turned around and ran back to her room and started crying.

Let’s get everything clear.

Brittney was mad at Nick.

Brittney was mad at Ashley.

Nick was mad at Brittney for making him have to leave.

Nick was mad at Ashley for caring more about her step-sister than him.

Nick was mad at Aaron for turning everything into a mess.

Aaron was mad at Nick for not talking him with him.

Aaron was mad at Ashley for breaking her promise to his girlfriend.

Lee was mad at Brittney for making her leave.

Lee was mad at Aaron for turning his whole think into a mess.

Lee was mad at Nick for leaving.


Nick went home and sulked while his little brother talked on the phone.


“Do you want to go see Aaron Friday night5?’ Lee asked as they drove to school the next morning.

“Do you want us tagging along?’ Brittney asked sourly.

“Oh, Brittney, don’t be mad at me. I’m sorry. It wasn’t my fault.”

“I know it wasn’t. I’m more mad at Nick than I am you.”

“Don’t be mad at him either,” Lee pleaded. “He didn’t know I had made that promise to you.”

“I know. Let’s drop the subject okay!” Brittney snapped. “I’m already not in a good mood.”

“Why not?” Lee asked caringly.

“I’m just not!” Brittney cried.

“Okay…okay…okay! Do you want to go?’

“Yes.” She rolled her eyes as Lee stopped the car. “Bye!’ She hopped out of the car and stormed into the school. Her face demonstrated clearly how mad she was.

Charlie saw her and came over to her. “What’s wrong, Brittney?” He tried to put his hand on her shoulder.

She flinched away. “I’m just not having a good morning.”

“Is you famous little boy-friend not treating you well? That Aaron Carter guy?’ Charlie sneered.

“He’s not my boyfriend!” Brittney snapped.

“You know if you went out with me then you would never be so unhappy.”

“I wish you would leave me alone, Charlie. I have just had a bad morning and you are not making me any happier.”


“Can’t you forgive me?” Ashley pleaded as they rode over to Nick’s house that Friday night.

“I have forgiven you, I…” Brittney defended.

“Then why aren’t you acting like it?”

“Maybe I don’t want to.”

“Okay. Fine. When we get to Nick’s you and Aaron go off and do your own little thing.”


They were silent for several minutes.

“Brittney!” Ashley whinnied. “Please. I’m so sorry!”

“I’ll think about it.”


“I’m thinking.”

They were silent again until they got to Nick’s. They finally got there. Both guys came out and escorted their girlfriend into the house.

“Are you ready?” Aaron whispered to Brittney.

She smiled. “Yea. I’m probably going to forgive Lee soon, though.”

“As long as you haven’t forgiven her yet.”

“I haven’t.”

“Nick threatened to make me go home since I was mad at him and because I have messed up his relationship with your sister.”

“They headed up the stairs to get the cards (to play poker).

“Where are you going?” Nick demanded.

“To my room to…” Aaron started.

“You are too young to take your girlfriend up to your room,” Nick protested.

“We’re going to get the cards!” Aaron cried.

“What have I told you about that?” Nick questioned.

“Nick!” Aaron exclaimed annoyed.

“I’m ashamed of you!” Lee cried catching on.

“I’m not…”

“Aaron! That’s just wrong!” Nick chided.

“Shut-up!” Aaron exclaimed as he grabbed Brittney’s hand and they ran up the stairs.

“I just had to get him back.” Nick laughed. “I’ve been threatening to send him home.”

“That would be mean!” Lee exclaimed.

“That’s why I didn’t do it,” Nick replied as they sat down on the coach.

Aaron shut the door to his room. “Okay. You know what to do.”

“Yes!” Brittney giggled.

“Oh, the cards,” Aaron said looking for the cards. “Sorry about the mess. I didn’t have time to clean it.”

“That’s okay,” Brittney replied. “I thought all guys had really messy rooms.”

“Some don’t. Ha!” Aaron exclaimed as he found the cards.

Brittney laughed at him. “I hope this embarrasses them.”

“It should,” He said as he opened the door.

They walked out of the room together. Slowly Aaron took Brittney’s hand. They walked a little further towards the steps. Nick and Ashley paused their conversation for a second. “Do you know what I heard Nick say?” Aaron asked. “He said that your sister has some nice big boobs.”

“Well,” Brittney replied as they walked down the stairs with the older couple’s attention, “Ashley said that she thought Nick has a really cute butt.”

“I can’t believe she would look at that!” Aaron exclaimed.

“I can’t believe your brother would look at Lee’s boobs!” Brittney exclaimed as they escaped outside. They stood on the porch laughing in the darkness when Nick came bursting out the door.

“Aaron Carter!” Nick bellowed. “I’m going to kill you right now!”

Aaron grabbed Brittney’s hand (for the third time that night) and they took off running. They ran over around the house, but Nick was following them. After a good long chase Nick yelled: “Fine then! I’ll get back at you later!” They heard him run into the house and slam the door. They heard him start talking to Lee. Aaron and Brittney stood out in the yard gasping for breath.

Aaron finally said something. “I think it did embarrass them.”

“Oh yea!” Brittney laughed.

“I hope he doesn’t do anything too bad to me.”

“As long as he doesn’t make you leave.” Brittney said seriously.

“That would be awful,” Aaron replied taking a step closer.

“I don’t know how I could stand it with Nick and Lee getting together all the time and me not being able to see you,” she breathed.

“I would hate being in LA always thinking of how far from you I was.” Aaron whispered moving even closer. His heart was pounding and his hands were getting clammy as he looked at her eyes. His mouth was going dry but he wished the moment would go on forever. He felt sure she could hear his heart it was pounding so loudly. He hopped she felt the same way about him at the moment that he felt about her.

Chapter Twelve

Kerry Stories
