The Call

Brittney sighed. She was so tired and ready for play practice to be over. She looked around her. Back stage the cast members who weren't on stage at the moment lounged around talking and gossiping.

"Brittney!" Charles exclaimed coming towards her. "Are you ready for the opening tomorrow night?"

"Yea. I guess."

"I am. I've been thinking Brittney. You know since we have to go out or whatever in the play maybe it would be more realistic is we tried some of it our selves."

"What?" Brittney asked appalled.

"Go out with me, Brittney. We would make the perfect couple. We are the co-stars of a romance play. We look good together, which is why we were chosen for the part..."

"That is not why we were chosen for the part. We were chosen for the part because we had talent."

"Well, still, Brittney. Please go out with me."

"I'm sorry, Charles, I'm already...I'm already talking to someone."


"You wouldn't know him," She said turning around.

"I know a lot of people."


"It's not that Aaron Carter sissy is it?"

"How do you know about him?"

"The whole school knows."

"Well, no, it's not." She lied. "I wish." She laughed convincingly.

Just then she heard her cue and she went out to play her part. Charlie soon came out to play her part. Charlie soon followed. They played their parts, but truthfully Brittney was kind of scared and annoyed and in those many parts she played with Charlie she was kinda withdrawn.

"You'll be mine forever," he said as the last line of the play and as he was told he pulled her into his arms. They held their pose for a moment, but she hastily pulled away.

"No!" The director yelled. "Hold that pose a little longer." He motioned for them to come over to him so he could talk to them. "Brittney you need to ask a little more like you like him."

Brittney sighed. "Alright."

"I want you to try this scene again." The director told them. "The one where you are talking about the elephant. After that you can go."

They both went back and took their places.

"Did you meet the elephant?" Charlie asked.

"Yes," Brittney replied flopping down on the couch. "And I wanted you to be there with me. I was so scared." She grabbed his hand and pulled him down next to her.

"I'm sorry I couldn't be there." He replied rubbing her leg.

She rubbed his hand for a second but didn't say anything."Why. Why weren't you there?" She whispered looking closely.

"I had to work. You know my work is my life."

"I know. You're always working." She abruptly rose and walked over to the other side of the stage facing away from him. "You work too much. If you worked less I might not have gone off with..."

"Let's not talk about that," he interrupted jumping up and coming over and putting his arms around her stomach. "If it would make you happy I will stay home with you tomorrow."

"You always say that then you work at home."

"I'll take you back riding on the elephant."

"You will?" She asked excited.


She turned around in his arms and hugged him.

"Cut!" The director yelled. The cameras stopped...I'm just kidding. This is a play. There are no cameras. There were very few people out in the audience. "Better! I suppose that will have to do. What would really be great is you decided to go out in real life. Oh well. You can go."

"See." Charlie whispered to Brittney. "He thinks we should go out too."

"Well I don't."

"Think about it, Brittney. Please I am better than anybody else you could get."

"Are you saying that I can't get guys worth anything?"

"I'm not a guy that's worth nothing and you can get me. That's what I'm saying."

"Well I don't want you!" She exclaimed running out to her sisters car. "Ugh!" She exclaimed as she got in, "he's such a jerk!"

"What?" Ashley asked confused. "Are you going to clue me in about what you're talking about?"

"My co-star in the play."

"Why do you say that?"

"Well, today..."



"Hello?" Lee asked.

"Hello, is Brittney their?" A young male's voice questioned.

"Yes." Lee replied. "Hang on...Brittney!"

Brittney came running and got the phone. "Hello?"

"Hey, this is Aaron."

"Oh. Hey!" She smiled.

"I had a lot of fun Friday night."

"So did I. Even though you did have to make me answer a couple of emberessing questions."

"Well, you made me do a couple of embarrassing dares." He retorted.

"I guess we're even then."

"I suppose. Did you have a good day?"

"It was okay," she wrinkled up her nose.

"What was wrong with it?"

"This guy wants me to go out with him. We're co-stars of the play, so he thinks we would look really cute together."

"But you're not going out with him are you?" Aaron asked alarmed.


"Good, because, the reason I called was...I wanted to know if you'd be my girlfriend." "Ye-"

"Wait. Before you give me an answer I have to warn you that you can't tell anybody. I"m suppost to be this cute little singer and I'm not suppost to have a girlfriend.

"Can I tell Ashley?"

"Yea. You can tell her and if you have a best friend you could absolutely trust..."

"Not really."

"Then just tell your sister."

"Alright. That means we would have to get together in secret too, doesn't it?"

"Well, not out in public."

"Okay. That's fine."

"Okay. So we're settled. Now what about this play you're in?"

"It opens tomorrow night and I'm one of the stars."

"So you can act."

"Yea, we got me an agent last summer, but I haven't really done anything with it, but I'm hoping to this summer."

"That's great Brittney! I can sing, you can act, we're just on the ball! Hey can you sing too?"

"Compared to you? No. Compared to most people, I do okay. I'm not gonna be singing in any movies, but I have done a musical at school."

"Why hadn't you done anything with your ability yet? There's nothing wrong with starting young. Like me."

"Really we're waiting until Lee graduates, then I think we're gong to move somewhere to look for someplace for me to display my talents."

"That's so cool."

"What have you been up to today?"

"Well, I went down to the studio this morning for a little while. I did some school work, but mostly I've been practicing some songs..."


Brittney hung up the phone smiling. She had never been so happy in her whole life. She danced across the hall into Lee's room. Lee was sitting at her desk studying.

"Guess what," She exclaimed hopping onto the bed.

"What?" Lee asked drearily.

"I'm going out with Aaron."

"What?" Ashley exclaimed turning around abruptly.

"Aaron asked me to be his girlfriend, but of course we can't tell anybody. I only get to tell you."

"You and Aaron are going out before me and Nick are."

"You said yourself, when people are my age they go out faster."

"Well, that's true." Ashley sighed.


"Would you like to some home soon, Aaron?" his mother asked over the phone.

"I like it here with Nick." Aaron replied.

"That's good, but I'd like to see you sometime."

"I know. I want to see you too, Mom, but really I want to stay here for a little while."

"I think, maybe, living with Nick is giving you too much freedom. I really would like you to come home soon."

"He's strict! I am not getting too much freedom!"

"Well, let me talk to him sweetie."

"Okay mom."

"I love you honey."

"Love you too" He covered the receiver with his hand. "Nick!" when nick came he begged "I want to stay here, please. I'll be an angle, just convince her to let me stay here."

Nick took the phone. "Hey mom."

"Hey Nick," their mom said "I think Aaron ought to come home, but he doesn't seem to want to."

"He doesn't need to come home, Mom. He's just fine here." Nick pleaded for him.

"I'm just worried about what living with his older brother is doing to him."

"I'm rasing him fine. If he wasn't here I might get lonely and have to invite some girl to stay here with me instead."

"Give me sometime to think about it and discuss it with your father."

"Alright mom." He gave Aaron a thumbs up sign.


"Dear journal," Brittney wrote," I'm so happy to be going out with Aaron. When Lee and Nick start going out we will be such a cute set of couples. They seem so perfect together and he makes her so happy. I know that Aaron and I couldn't be together forever, but they could be. I'm not really serious about Aaron. He's just a fling. I really like him, but still people my age aren't serious and don't know when they truly love somebody, so they don't usually fo out with people they love and almost never go out with people they wind up marrying.

"Tonight was the play's opening nigh. I had some problems doing some of those scenes with Charles, but our director said we did much better than we did yesterday. Charles did mention it to me once, but he didn't bug me about it. Luckly he didn't mention that it was Aaron Carter I was talking to again...."

Chapter Eight

Kerry's Stories
