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I don’t think Ashli knows how to shut up, not like Javan does either, but I’ve dealt with Javan’s incessant mumbling all my life. When it comes to his useless details, I most likely end up laughing- I’ve been the one Javan and Justin in particular come to when they need advice about girls ever since we’ve been about 12 and those two realized, o ya, girls don’t have cooties. But all through rehearsals I was about ready to kick Ashli in the mouth and leave my foot there. Okay, I can sympathize, she likes Justin a lot. But Sara and I have a collected thought that she really isn’t right for him. Of course we’ll support him no matter what, as we have and always will. But the girl gets to ya.

After the rehearsals, the guys decided we should all go out to dinner, because, of course, the only thing on their minds all day was food. Once we had all settled into a huge booth at the Hard Rock in Lakeland, I looked around at all my friends. Lizzy was snuggled close to JC, as was Faith to Joey. Joey was actually shooting a grimacing glare across the table to Ashli, who was staring right back cold heartedly. I elbowed Justin in the ribs, nodding my head over towards Ashli and Joey before laughing, as did Justin. I looked over to my right, and smiled up at Lance, who playfully punched my arm after I shot a playfully disgusted look over at Sara and Chris, who were enveloped in their own public display of affection. Sara squealed as a piece of bread bounced off her head and Chris jumped in front of her, crushing her against the seat.

“Dude get a room.” Joey said as Faith laughed and Chris threw the bread back at me.

“What the hell did I do??” I asked, looking around as I chucked it at Justin, accidentally hitting Ashli instead.

“Um I think Georgio Armani designed these clothes without bread for a reason.” Ashli said sharply as she shot me a look. I rolled my eyes as Faith looked at me with understanding. I swear, that girl.

Javan laughed at Ashli’s comment before Faith kicked him under the table. “Something FUNNY Javan??” She conspired as Javan’s smile turned up farther, smiling over at Ashli.

I looked up at Lance, realizing he hadn’t said much the whole night. His green eyes were darting from Ashli to Javan in an intrigued manner. In one week exactly, these five guys are gonna be gone for a tour. I guess the thought kinda hit me then. These guys are my best friends, of course aside from Sara and Javan, so losing them for tours, though it’s their job, is hard. Javan and Sara and I have dealt with Justin being gone numerous times, but Justin’s just that kind of guy. The longer he’s gone, the more you miss him, and when he comes back he makes it as though he was never gone. And of course I love the rest of the guys also. Taking a deep breath as the waitress walked up, I brushed off the fact they’d be gone soon and ordered my dinner.

We all enjoyed dinner wholeheartedly and when it was all over, Justin decided he’d take Ashli. Sara shot him a look of thanks for getting her out of my car and I laughed. Javan took a walk down to the ice cream store with Faith as Sara stole Joey away, I presume to talk to him about how Faith was feeling about him being gone. Faith and Joey were truly amazing, I actually was surprised she was trusting in him so much. I love Joey loads, and I know for a fact he would never hurt her, but it takes a lot of gain the trust of Faith. But somehow, someway, Joey did it no questions asked, and Faith gained a great guy without losing her best friend Ashli. JC decided to take Lizzy back himself, and Chris appeared to not be feeling well. Lonnie took him back after he gave Sara a quick kiss goodbye. Poor guy must’ve gotten food poisoning from that damn fish he ate. I warned him- I never thought octopus belonged in the insides of a human, but whatever.

That left Lance and I, so we decided to sit in my car and chat. I love Lance with all my heart, he really is a great guy, and I think that conversation with him that night made him one of the most intriguing people I’ve ever met. But really, Justin does his best to get Lance and I together, and I feel awful cuz I’m always the one down on the idea. There aren’t very many people I can completely trust in this world though……it takes a lot to gain my trust. The last boyfriend I had completely broke my heart by cheating with a friend of mine. In that sense, I’m just completely afraid to buy into the whole relationship deal again.

The car door opened as Faith and Javan hopped inside. Javan lounged back in his seat as he put his feet above my head rest. I pushed his feet off before bitching at him. “Javan you are such a punk ass. Get your nappy feet off my head.” I said, feeling Lance’s eyes on me.

“Don’t make me hoist YOU up on my shoulder too.” Javan quipped as I turned around in my seat.

“Riiiiiight hun. Last time you tried that I kicked you in the ribs and you were bruised for days……” I continued as the other door open and Sara jumped in as Faith rolled down the window, pecking Joey’s lips as Lance stepped out.

“Thanks for accompanying us to dinner everyone!!” Lance said as Joey waved goodbye and the two headed to Lance’s car. Faith’s apparent smile showed her love for Joey as I pulled away and looked in the rear view mirror at everyone. It’d been an eventful day, and as the end neared, all our thoughts had centered on the upcoming tour.

Chapter Three