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“Hey Bounce, what’s shakin?” I asked as I punched his stomach on my way back to the bunks. “Hey Curls. Have you seen Javan??” He asked inquisitively as I sighed.

“Last time I saw him he was plastered to the window, I assume gawking at all the girls tryin to get to you guys. Is this what tour life is always like?” I asked as I plopped down next to him

"You got it babe. Fine girls, but damn too many of um, and not one as fine as Janet Jackson.” Justin quipped as I shook my head.

“Great. That’s all I need, more girls around me. When come the hot guys??” I asked as he laughed.

“I think there’s one in this bus actually…………” Justin hinted as I groaned and stood up.

“Not now Justin. I’m not in the mood. A certain INTEREST of yours has been on my case all day about my anklet or some crap like that.” I complained as I continued on into the bunks. As I walked into the bunk area, I contemplated lying down to try to get some sleep, but soon my mind was made up for me. JC came walking into the bunk area, his eyes filled with concern, and I noticed Lizzy wasn’t on his arm. “Jace you all right??” I asked as I touched his arm lightly. His sad blue eyes tore through my own as I looked at him deeply. They seemed to be pleading for answers.

“Lizzy’s really upset with me, she thinks I don’t appreciate her enough and I just took her along so I could have a girlfriend in public.” JC said, close to tears.

I shook my head lightly as I tried to console him and we sat down on a bunk. “JC you and I both know she loves you and you love her. She’’s probably just a little bit homesick. Even I am. This whole tour thing isn’t new to you guys, but it’s gonna be a new experience for us all, there being so many people on the bus, and US being on a bus. She loves you JC, I promise. ”

I smiled as a smile reached his lips and he laid down. “Thanks Brynn.” He mumbled as his eyes closed and I smiled down at him before walking into the bathroom to change into my pajamas.

We were going to have to spend this entire night on the bus, getting to our first destination. By the time I emerged from the bathroom, face washed, teeth brushed, hair up, mostly everybody was snuggled up in their individual bunk, or that of another. I smiled as I looked down at Sara, encompassed in Chris’s sleeping arm but tight embrace. Ashli was in her own bunk, spread out across the entire thing. Justin was across the entire room, which of course wasn’t large, but I was surprised to not see the two in the same bunk. Lance was asleep in his own, as was JC, and Lizzy was asleep in the bunk beneath him. However two members of the crew were still missing. I heard light mumbling coming from the room where the guys normally hung out to grub and watch tv, and I quietly made my way over to where I could hear the voices. I smiled as I heard Faith and Joey talking heatedly and almost screamed when I felt two hands grab my waist from behind.

“Awww it’s my lil spy.” Javan’s voice rang in my ear as I slapped a hand over my heart and turned around before diving at him.

“I cannot believe you! Is your goal in life to torment me??” I whispered hoarsely as Javan stifled a laugh and threw me over his shoulder. I beat his back till he finally put me down. “GO to bed Javan.” I said as I climbed into my own bunk and closed my eyes before peeking out.

Javan was shaking his head as I laughed. “Never go into acting, at least where they require you to pretend you ’re asleep.” Javan mumbled as I kicked him and closed the curtain to my bunk.

I sincerely couldn’t wait till the first show the next night. There were not 5 other guys in the entire world I would be more intrigued with watching perform. If anyone could work a crowd, shoot smile at an any more perfect time, wink in any better general direction than those five, I would absolutely love to meet them because damn, they’d be my soul mate for life. My thoughts drifted over the events of the last two days before I fell off into a dream.

*Before the First Show *
“UUUUUGGGGHHHHHHH!!!” The guys all groaned as JC missed the hacky sack for the third time that night.

“Jace let’s pick it up man.” Joey grumbled as he started the group over and this time they all 5 hit the sack before loosening up and rolling their necks as the concert coordinator walked over to where we all stood.

“Three minutes guys. Follow me.” He yelled loudly to be heard over the screaming even backstage.

The guys jumped up and down a little bit, getting pumped up for their first concert of the 4 month long tour. I myself was psyched so I ran around to each guy, kissing each’s pinkie finger for good luck then smiling as they ran out onto the stage. Faith, Sara, Lizzy, and I ran out onto the floor where we had saved ourselves some seats. Ashli decided to stay behind and listen for this first concert, claiming she could have her own hip action later. I groaned as I heard her but I was still completely intrigued with the guys’ performance. Javan was actually going to start playing the drums for the guys for a few select songs, which the blond boy was completely enthralled with.

The deep bass voice of Lance sounded through the auditorium as JC’s higher voice coursed through the ears of what looked to be 4 million teenyboppers, followed by Justin’s, and Joey’s, and finally Chris’ high-pitched squeal before the guys bounded across the stage, dancing and moving to every beat in synch. I nudged Sara in the arm as I moved to the beat and started doing a dance Justin and I had made up when we were about 6. Ever since then we’d added on to it every time I’d see him, and attempted to teach Sara and Javan. Well Sara’s never been one to take a love of dancing like Justin and I always had, but the girl’s got rhythm so she joined right in with me. Javan was never much of a dancer either, except when it came to clubbin’ and chicks, but he ended up not even trying with our dance. Punk. :O)

“So this is what Justin left us for??” She asked as I smiled and continued dancing as Joey grinned down at us all and blew a kiss to Faith.

“Awesome eh? The boy’s smart.” I squealed as the guys began another song and we laughed, moving along with the new beat and having a great time.

Each guy took one song to dedicate to the fans and people of his choice. Of course JC dedicated to Lizzy, the one he loved, getting a major “AWWW” and a couple “boos” from the audience. “DUMP HER WE WANT YOU JC!!” Girls screamed as Lizzy looked around, almost frightened. Faith smiled at her reassuringly as Joey dedicated his song to Faithers, Chris to Sara, Lance to all his best friends who were here with him, and Justin eventually to Ash (*sigh, let him do what he wants*), Curls, Sare Bear, and his “Homie ova here on da drum”. I am so lucky to have these great friends. Not to mention the envy of every single girl who has ever seen any one of these five guys or heard their delicate voices. Best friends, and music sensations. I was almost amazing even to me. You know when you get one of those sensations where you are SO happy with your life and you feel all warm?? Haha I know, if you haven’t that seems absolutely crazy, but if you have, you know what I felt like at that moment. I felt so loved, there was only one way of love missing, and I could pinch myself for not taking it.

Chapter Five